Design sports coaching programmes
This standard is about you designing sports coaching programmes. This involves working towards an established goal in relation to competition and the training cycle over a set period or seasonal session.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
meet with the participants at an appropriate time and place
establish a rapport and engage the participants using appropriate techniques
explain yours and the participants role and responsibilities in the sports coaching process
effectively communicate with the participants that encourages them to engage openly and honestly
implement a process of informed consent for the collection of information
identify appropriate methods of collecting relevant participants information and data
collect and record information and data from participants
collate sources of information that can help you to design a sports coaching programme
identify the demands of the sport to inform the programme design
review your analysis of the participants' **level of development, actual and potential performance to inform goal setting and overall aim
address any possible barriers to participants' development including reasonable adaptations to programme design, delivery methods and coaching styles
design the programme in relation to recreation or competition and the training cycles
identify and agree programme goals with participants and others
plan and organise the resources required for the sports coaching programme
plan the focus and priority of each stage of the sports coaching programme
discuss and agree with others their roles and responsibilities
17. develop methods for evaluating performance that are safe, valid and reliable
plan a schedule for the evaluation of the programme and share with participants and others
refer or signpost any participants whose needs you cannot meet to a competent person
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
the current legislation, guidelines, policies, procedures and protocols which are relevant to your work practice and to which you must adhere
the importance of meeting the participants at the correct time and place to provide a professional setting
how to build rapport with different participants
the importance of establishing roles and responsibilities at the start to ensure the best outcome
how a sports coaches' communication skills can influence the quality of information, the commitment and motivation to the achievement of the sports coaching programme
how non-verbal communication can influence the information gathered from the participants
when and how to gather informed consent appropriate for the participants' information
how to identify appropriate methods for gathering information and data from participants
the types and sources of information that need to be collated to support the design of the programme
the importance of identifying the demands of the sport and how this can be used to inform the design of the programme
the importance of reviewing your analysis of the participants' level of development, motivation, actual and potential performance to inform goal setting
how to recognise and address any possible barriers to participant development and when to complete reasonable adaptations to programme design, delivery methods and coaching styles
how to plan the programme in relation to recreation or competition and the training cycles
the principles and processes involved in planning and periodisation
the importance of identifying and agreeing programme goals with participants and others
16. how to plan the resources required for the sports coaching programme
- the importance of planning the focus and priority of each stage of the sports coaching programme
18. the importance of explaining to others their roles and responsibilities
how to develop methods for evaluating performance that are safe, valid and reliable
how to plan a schedule for the evaluation of the programme and the importance of sharing the schedule with participants and others
the importance of recording and sharing the programme content in a format that will help you and others to implement the programme
where to refer or signpost any participants whose needs and potential you cannot meet to a competent person
Scope Performance
participants stage of development
particular needs of participants and others
medical conditions of participants and others
aims of the series of the coaching sessions
learning styles
evaluations and action plans from other sessions
planned venue for the sessions
**1. improve physical ability
improve physical literacy
improve mental ability
improve skills and techniques
improve tactical ability
improve lifestyle
7. provide fun and enjoyment
Scope Knowledge
Physical Literacy
Physical literacy is the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding to value and take responsibility for engagement in physical activities for life
Links To Other NOS
This standard links to SKASPC3 and SKASPC4