This standard describes the competence required to work with clients in the outdoor sector to agree goals for outdoor programmes and activities.
The unit is recommended for managers and senior practitioners in the outdoor sector.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
1. establish an effective means of liaising with the client
2. establish and maintain working relationships with the client that are conducive to discussion and negotiation
3. collect all relevant information
4. analyse client information to inform appropriate goal setting
5. ensure the client has an accurate understanding about own organisation and services
6. ensure the client is aware of the sustainable outdoor environment, its value and benefits to the clients needs
7. enable the client to articulate possible goals appropriate to needs, ability and potential
8. work with the client to refine expectations so that they are realistic for the participants, the duration of the programme and the services own organisation can offer
9. identify and agree:
9.1 levels of emotional and physical risk taking
9.2 learning styles and strategies
9.3 learning transfer strategies where appropriate
9.4 evaluation
9.5 any need for follow-up
10. record the outcomes of the negotiations and the agreed goals for the programme
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and
1. why it is important to research and negotiate clear goals for outdoor programmes
2. different methods of liaising with clients and their relative strengths and weaknesses
3. how to establish and maintain a relationship with the client that is conducive to negotiation and joint working
4. how to analyse information gathered from the client
5. the importance of mutual understanding concerning own and client organisation
6. the importance of sustainable delivery and environment and why the client needs to understand this
7. the impact and benefits the outdoors can have on clients wellbeing
8. the types of information that are necessary to have in order to develop goals with the client
9. the importance of validating information from the client and how his can be done.
10. the different methods to organise, analyse and make use of information relevant to identifying and defining goals for outdoor programmes
11. the main processes and skills involved in negotiating goals for outdoor programmes
12. the importance of establishing: levels of emotional and physical risk taking; learning styles and strategies; learning transfer strategies where appropriate; evaluation; any need for follow-up
13. why it is important to have agreement with relevant clients and colleagues
14. why it is important to record the outcomes of negotiations
15. the different types of clients with whom outdoor providers work in own sector
the range of typical goals that clients may have when approaching organisations in own sector
the typical needs, levels of ability and potential of participants for whom outdoor programmes are developed in own sector
the range of potential approaches available to meet client goals
the main sources and types of information that can be used to identify additional requirements for outdoor programmes
the legal and regulatory requirements that affect programmes in own sector and their main implications for programme feasibility
the policies and procedures of own organisation in relation to client relationships and negotiation processes
the extent of own responsibilities for researching and negotiating goals for outdoor programmes
how your role relates to the roles of others in your organisation in relation to agreeing goals and developing programmes
Scope Performance
client's organisation
available resources
participants needs, abilities and potential
5. other factors that may affect programme goals
Links To Other NOS
This standard links to SKAODP6
outdoor; programmes; activities; goals; needs; clients