Support participants with disabilities to take part in activities

Business Sectors (Suites): Outdoor Programmes,Sports Coaching,Exercise and fitness
Developed by: SkillsActive
Approved on: 2021


This standard is about enabling participants with physical disabilities, learning difficulties or sensory impairments take part in activities. This will usually take place in a health and fitness, sport or outdoor environment context. This standard focuses on the competences required for working with disabled participants.

This standard covers three main outcomes. These are:

  1. identify the needs of disabled participants for the activity

  2. adapt activities to the needs of disabled participants

  3. meet the needs of disabled participants

This standard is intended for staff who work with disabled participants in either a health and fitness, sport and outdoor environment context. You must be trained and experienced in the activities you are leading and in working with disabled participants.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

​Identify the needs of disabled participants for the activity 

  1. collect accurate information on the participant’s needs 

  2. seek assistance from others to help interpret the information, where necessary 

  3. make an assessment of the participant’s ability in regard to the activity  

  4. record the information in accordance with organisational procedures

  5. identify the modifications to the activity and the support which the participant may need 


    Adapt activities to the needs of disabled participants 

  6. make sure the planned goals for the activity are safe and realistic for the participant, whilst still providing opportunities for challenge and development 

  7. structure and prepare for the activity so that it meets the participant’s needs, taking into account organisational regulations and procedures 

  8. brief colleagues and others fully as to the nature of the activity and its goals 

  9. make sure the participant can safely access the environment and equipment in which the activity will take place 

  10. make sure that any support for the participant’s personal, medical and communications needs is available 

    11. seek help when problems beyond your level of competence arise 

    *Meet the needs of disabled participants * 

  11. communicate with the participant in a way which meets their needs 

  12. check the participant’s level of understanding at all key points during the activity 

  13. provide direct help during the activity only with the participant’s agreement 

  14. provide a level of supervision throughout the activity which meets the participant’s safety, welfare and medical requirements

  15. review with the participant and others how well the activity and arrangements have met their needs 

  16. work safely at all times and in accordance with all relevant legislation, guidelines, policies, procedures and protocols

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

*​Identify the needs of disabled participants for the activity *

  1. the importance of identifying what information you might need to collect on the participant’s needs 

  2. how to collect information sensitively taking into account the needs of the participant 

  3. the sources of help in interpreting information on disabilities 

  4. how to make an assessment of the participant’s ability taking into account the inclusion model. 

  5. procedures for recording the information for future use 

  6. the most common types of disability which you may come across and the implications of these for the activity 

  7. how to identify the modifications to the activity, the support which the participant may need and procedures for checking these modifications with others 

*Adapt activities to the needs of disabled participants *

  1. how to make sure the planned goals for the activity are safe and realistic for the participant, whilst still providing opportunities for development and challenge 

  2. the value of sport, recreation and/or leisure activities to disabled participants and the importance of involving them to the best of their ability 

  3. how to structure and prepare for the activity whilst following organisational regulations and procedures 

  4. why it is important to brief colleagues and others fully as to the nature of the activity and its goals 

  5. how to make sure the participant can safely access the environment and equipment in which the activity will take place 

  6. why it is important to seek help when problems beyond your level of competence arise

*Meet the needs of disabled participants * 

  1. how to communicate with the participant in a way which meets their needs 

15. why it is important to check the participant’s level of understanding at all key points during the activity and how to do this 

  1. why it is important to gain the participant’s agreement when providing direct help during the activity 

  2. how to provide a level of supervision throughout the activity which meets the participants’ safety and medical requirements 

  3. why it is important to review with the participant and others how well the activity and arrangements has met their needs and how to do this 

  4. the current legislation, guidelines, policies, procedures and protocols which are relevant to your work practice and to which you must adhere


Scope Performance


  1. nature of the disability

  2. what the participant can do

  3. requirements for access

  4. special equipment used

  5. preferred communication methods

  6. safety requirements

  7. welfare requirements

  8. medical requirements

9. previous history of participation

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

​This standard links to SKAODP7 and SKAODP8

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Coach / Instructor

SOC Code



disability; activities; support; exercise; physical activity