Plan, implement and evaluate promotional activities
This standard coexists alongside, SKAHDBRBNST1** Implement and maintain safe, hygienic and effective working practices. This standard is about planning, implementing and evaluating promotional activities. Promotional activities can include presentations, exhibitions, digital technologies and social media platforms. The ability to competently present information and interact with the public whilst demonstrating skills is a particularly important aspect of this standard. Users of this standard will need to ensure that their practices reflect up-to-date information, policies, procedures and best practice guidance.
The main outcomes are:
- plan a promotional activity
- implement a promotional activity
- evaluation the effectiveness of the promotional activity
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
Health and Safety
1. maintain your responsibilities for health and safety
Plan for promotional activities
2. identify the unique selling point(s) of the product(s) and/or service(s) you plan to promote, to include:
2.1 explore a range of suitable promotional activities
3. calculate and forecast the immediate output from promoting your product(s) and/or service(s) at the promotional event, to include:
3.1 the input for a range of promotional activities
3.2 market research
3.3 economy
4. present your findings to the relevant person(s) within your organisation and agree the promotional activity and forecasted output
5. produce a detailed plan in accordance with the promotional activity and business objectives, to include:
5.1 a contingency plan and adaptations to address prospective change in circumstances
6. facilitate an initial meeting with other(s) to discuss the promotional activity, to include:
6.1 plan
6.2 how health and safety working practices will be implemented and maintained
7. agree commitment of other(s), to include:
7.1 setting specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely targets in accordance with the promotional activity and business objectives
7.2 communication strategy
7.3 facilitation of resources within the scheduled timescale
Prepare for the promotional activity
8. prepare the work environment, yourself and model (if required) in accordance with the plan, legislative requirements and organisational policies and procedures, to include:
8.1 working with others if and/or when required
8.2 implement the contingency plan in the event of changed circumstances
9. ensure the working environment provide a clear vision of the demonstration and/or products promoted
Promotional activity
10. communicate the unique selling points, features and benefits of products and services to the audience, to include:
10.1 use methods of communication that are suitable for promotional activity and audience
11. demonstrate the products and/or service clearly in logical steps, to include:
11.1 work in a way that minimises the risk of injury to you and others
11.2 encourage the audience to ask questions about the products and services promoted
11.3 respond to questions and queries accurately
12. actively encourage the audience to trial the products and/or service if participating in person
13. monitor the model's health, wellbeing and skin reaction if a model is used
14. implement the correct course of action in the event of an adverse reaction
15. tidy and clean the products and equipment at the end of the promotional activity, **when necessary in accordance with the organisational policies and procedures
16. conclude the promotional activity in accordance with the plan and organisational policies and procedures
17. ensure your model's appearance is to their satisfaction post the promotional activity, and provide further advice
18. use social media in a way that further promotes the promotional eventParticipate in the evaluation of promotional activities
19. use the reflective practice and evaluation methods agreed in your promotional activity plan to gain feedback from the relevant sources
20. collate and record your evaluation to inform future promotions
Evaluate the results against the plan and business objectives
21. reflect on immediate gained outputs, to include:
21.1 how this will inform future financial forecasts
22. make recommendations for improvements to any future promotional activities
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
1. the health and safety responsibilities in line with legislation requirements
2. the contractual requirements when using an external venue for a promotional activity, to include:
2.1 legal implications
2.2 health and safety risk assessment requirements
2.3 adaptations required to demonstrate products and/or services effectively
3. how to recognise and determine unique selling points of products and services, in relation to:
3.1 economic climate
3.2 market
3.3 socioeconomic
3.4 media influences
3.5 quality
3.6 versatility
4. how the audience can influence the choice of promotional activity
5. how the products and/or service influence the choice of promotional activity
6. the purpose and value of detailed and accurate planning
7. why it is important to consider methods of evaluation at the planning stage
8. the importance of developing a plan that will have a high probability of financial return, to include:
8.1 the estimated input required
9. the importance of working within budget
10. the prospective change in circumstances and how to respond to include:
10.1 contingency plan and adaptations
11. the roles and responsibilities of others and how they impact on the effectiveness and success of the promotional activity, to include:
11.1 the importance of gaining commitment of others to undertake a role within in the promotional activity
12. the methods in which plans can be communicated and presented
13. the tools, products and equipment used in promotional activities to include:
13.1 inventory, packing and transportation if working in a venue
14. how to prepare the work environment, yourself and model in accordance with organisational policies and procedures
14.1 how to use equipment and products in accordance with legislative requirements and organisational policies and procedures
14.2 work in a way that minimises the risk of injury to you and others
15. how to apply the appropriate techniques to promote the product and/or service to include:
15.1 how to adapt techniques in response to the audience engagement
15.2 how and when to make openings to encourage others to ask questions
16. the importance of monitoring the model’s health and wellbeing
17. the legislative, insurance and organisational requirements for taking and storing visual media
18. how to carry out evaluative and reflective practices
19. how peers and the audience can inform reflective practice
20. the purpose of reflective practice and evaluation and how the outcome informs future promotional activities
21. the importance of receiving feedback in a constructive way that improves your personal development
22. suitable ways of formatting and producing an evaluation report
23. why it’s important to ensure your model’s appearance is to their satisfaction post the promotional activity if a model is used to include:
23.1 provide instructions and advice
- sales
- financial income minus the inputs
- increased business
- improved reputation
- increased customer base
- resources
- expenses
- insurance
- staffing if required
- venue if required
Promotional activity
- demonstrations
- visual merchandising
- marketing campaigns
- customer loyalty and incentives
- social media campaign
- seasonal push campaign
- product launch campaign
- brand/rebranding awareness campaign
- digital media (podcasts, webinars, live streams)
- contest marketing campaign
- email marketing campaign
- collaborations
- scope
- cost
- schedule
- milestones
- define roles and responsibilities
- quality
- contingency plan
- evaluation methodologies
Change in circumstances
- cancellation
- environmental
- illness
- models
- tools and equipment
- start time delays
- environmental conditions
- budget constraints
- travel
- poor time management
- pop up stores
- exhibitions
- temporary site
- commercial units
- educational environments
- presentation
- communication
- digital media
- practical demonstrations could include, hairdressing, barbering, makeup artistry, lash artistry, beauty therapy or nail artistry