Assist with facial skin care treatments

Business Sectors (Suites): Beauty Aesthetics,Spa Therapy
Developed by: SkillsActive
Approved on: 2015


This standard is about assisting a senior member of staff and carrying out a supervised mini facial treatment. You will need to be able to prepare for treatments by setting up the work area, using consultation techniques, performing a skin analysis and preparing the client. You will also need to be able to assist with facial treatments, including cleansing, removing eye make-up, toning and moisturising. The treatment will also involve checking the finished effect is to the satisfaction of the senior member of staff and the client.

To carry out this standard you will need to maintain effective health, safety and hygiene throughout your work. You will also need to maintain your personal appearance and demonstrate good communication and consultation skills.

The main outcomes of this standard are:


  1. maintain safe and effective methods of working when assisting with facial treatments

  2. consult, plan and prepare for facial treatments

  3. carry out facial treatments

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

**Maintain safe and effective methods of working when assisting with facial treatments


  1.  maintain your responsibilities for health and safety throughout the facial treatment

  2.  follow the senior member of staff's instructions throughout the treatment and seek assistance when necessary

3.  set up the work area to meet organisational procedures

4.  check the environmental conditions are suitable for the client and the treatment

5.  ensure your personal hygiene, protection and appearance meets accepted industry and organisational requirements 

6.  clean all tools and equipment following organisational requirements

7.  disinfect your hands prior to carrying out the facial

8.  position equipment and materials for ease and safety of use

9.  ensure your own posture and working methods minimise fatigue and the risk of injury to yourself and others

  1. dispose of waste materials following salon requirements

  2. carry out the treatment within a commercially viable time

  3. leave the work area in a condition suitable for further treatments

Consult, plan and prepare for facial treatments


  1. use consultation techniques to determine the client's requirements within the limits of your responsibility

  2. ensure signed parent or guardian consent before treating a minor prior to any treatment

  3. ensure that a parent or guardian is present throughout the treatment for minors under the age of 16

  4. ask your client questions to identify if they have any contra-indications and record your client's responses

  5. position and prepare the client to meet the needs of the agreed facial treatment

  6. cleanse the client's skin and carry out a skin analysis on the client and record the skin type

  7. select and prepare facial products for the client's skin type based on the results of the skin analysis

Carry out facial treatments

  1. use facial products following manufacturers' and senior member of staff's instructions

  2. use techniques to deep cleanse the clients skin

  3. leave the skin clean and toned and moisturised

  4. ensure that the finished result is to the client's and senior member of staff's satisfaction

  5. give your client advice and recommendations on the treatment provided

  6. ensure the client's records are completed and signed off by the client and senior member of staff

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

Maintain safe and effective methods of working when assisting with facial treatments


1.  your responsibilities for health and safety as defined by any specific legislation covering your job role

2.  why it is important to follow a senior member of staff's instructions and the consequences of not doing so

3.  the necessary environmental conditions for treatments and why these are important

4.  your responsibilities and reasons for maintaining your own personal hygiene, protection and appearance according to accepted industry and organisational requirements

5.  how to disinfect and sterilise tools and equipment for facial treatments

6.  methods of cleaning, disinfection and sterilisation

7.  the importance of and reasons for disinfecting hands

8.  why it is important to maintain standards of hygiene and the principles of avoiding cross-infection

9.  how to prepare and position the client for the facial skin care treatment

  1. how to avoid potential discomfort and injury to yourself and the risks of poor positioning of clients

  2. how to dispose of waste from facial treatments

  3. the reasons for completing the treatment in a commercially viable time

13. the condition in which the work area should be left and why this is important


Consult, plan and prepare for facial treatments


  1. how to use different consultation techniques to establish the client's needs

  2. the questioning and listening skills you need in order to find out information

  3. the reasons why a parent or guardian must be present throughout the service and provide written consent when treating minors under 16 years of age

  4. why it is important to question clients to establish any contra-indications to facial skin care treatments and record their responses

  5. how to prepare the skin and carry out a skin analysis

  6. the types of skin disorders that may contra-indicate or restrict the treatment and how to recognise them

  7. how to select different facial products to suit the client's skin type and skin condition


Carry out facial treatments

  1. the different types of facial products, tools and equipment and how to use them

  2. the different cleansing techniques used within facial treatments and how to carry them out

  3. the reasons and benefits for cleansing, toning and moisturising the skin

  4. the contra-actions that could occur and what actions to take

  5. the basic structure and functions of the skin

  6. the advice and recommendations on products and services

  7. the completion of client records to meet legal and organisational requirements


Scope Performance

Consultation techniques


  1. questioning

  2. listening

  3. visual

  4. manual

  5. written

Prepare the client

  1. covering of the client

  2. removal of accessories

  3. protection of hair

  4. removal of appropriate clothing

Skin type


  1. oily

  2. dry

  3. combination

Facial products


  1. cleanser

  2. toner

  3. eye make-up remover

  4. moisturiser


Advice and recommendations


  1. suitable aftercare products and their uses

  2. avoidance of activities which may cause contra-actions

  3. present and future products and treatments

Scope Knowledge

**Health and safety


  1.  Health and Safety at Work Act

  2.  The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR)

  3.  The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations

  4.  The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order

  5.  The Manual Handling Operations Regulations

  6.  The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH)

  7.  The Electricity at Work Regulations

  8.  The Environmental Protection Act

  9.  The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations

  10. The Health and Safety (Information for Employees) Regulations


Contra-indicate or restrict


  1.  viral – herpes simplex

  2.  conjunctivitis

  3.  open cuts and abrasions

  4.  swelling

  5.  skin irritation

  6.  recent scar tissue

  7.  eczema

  8.  hyperkeratosis

  9.  skin allergies

  10. bruising

  11. watery eyes

  12. healed eczema and psoriasis

  13. redness


Skin type

  1.  oily

  2.  dry

  3.  combination

4.  normal


**Skin condition


  1.  sensitive

2.  comedone

  1.  milia

4.  dehydrated

5.  broken capillaries

6.  pustules

7.  papules



  1.  excessive perspiration

2.  adverse skin reactions

3.  watery eyes

4.  excessive erythema

Advice and recommendations

  1.  additional services

2.  additional products

3.  why it is important to provide a basic home care routine

4.  products for home use that will benefit the client and those to avoid and why

5.  the contra-actions that may occur after facial treatments and what advice to give to clients

  1.  the recommended time intervals for facial treatment


The following key values underpin the delivery of services in the beauty, nails and spa sectors

  1. a willingness to learn

  2. a flexible working attitude

  3. a team worker

  4. a positive attitude

  5. personal and professional ethics


The following behaviours underpin the delivery of services in the beauty, nails and spa sectors. These behaviours ensure that clients receive a positive impression of both the organisation and the individual

  1. meeting the organisation's standards of behaviour

  2. greeting the client respectfully and in a friendly manner

  3. communicating with the client in a way that makes them feel valued and respected

  4. treating the client courteously and helpfully at all times

  5. adapting behaviour to respond effectively to different client behaviour

  6. checking with the client that you have fully understood their expectations

  7. responding promptly and positively to the client's questions and comments 

  8. recognising information that the client might find complicated and checking whether they fully understood

  9. meeting both organisational and industry standards of appearance.


The following key skills underpin the delivery of services in the beauty, nails and spa sectors

  1. the ability to self-manage

  2. excellent verbal and non-verbal communication

  3. using the most appropriate ways of communicating with a client

  4. responding promptly to a client seeking assistance

  5. quickly locating information that will help the client

  6. providing the client with information they need about services and products offered by the organisation



Negative reactions from the treatment or products such as excessive erythema or allergic reactions.



Conditions or restrictions which indicate a particular service should not be carried out.



The transfer of microorganisms through poor hygiene practices by direct contact with another person or indirect contact by infected tools and equipment.



Inhibits the growth of disease causing microorganisms (except spores) using chemical agents.


Disinfecting hands

The cleansing or washing of the hands to an antiseptic level so as to inhibit the growth of bacteria.


Environmental conditions

These include heating, lighting and ventilation to ensure the correct setting and ambiance for the treatment.


Legal Requirements

This refers to laws affecting the way businesses are operated, how the salon or workplace is set up and maintained, people in employment and the systems of working which must be maintained. Examples include the COSHH regulations, the Electricity at Work Regulations and the Cosmetic Products (Safety) Regulations.


Manufacturers' instructions

Guidance issued by manufacturers' or suppliers' of products or equipment concerning their safe and efficient use.


Personal presentation

This includes personal hygiene; use of personal protective equipment; clothing and accessories suitable to the particular workplace.


Salon requirements

Any salon procedures or work rules issued by salon management.


Cleaning methods used for total destruction of microorganisms.

Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Beauty Therapy, Spa Therapist, Facial Skin Care Specialist

SOC Code


facial treatments; facials; facial skin care