Provide stone therapy treatments
This standard is about the skills involved in providing hot and cold stone therapy treatments. It covers both massage and the placing of stones on the head, face and body. The ability to adapt stone therapy treatments to suit an individual client's needs is a crucial requirement.
To carry out this standard you will need to maintain effective health, safety and hygiene throughout your work. You will also need to maintain your personal appearance and demonstrate effective communication and consultation skills.
The main outcomes of this standard are:
1. maintain safe and effective methods of working when providing stone therapy treatments
2. consult, plan and prepare for stone therapy treatments
3. perform stone therapy treatments
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
Maintain safe and effective methods of working when providing stone therapy treatments
1. maintain your responsibilities for health and safety throughout the treatment
2. prepare your client and yourself to meet legal and organisational requirements
3. maintain your client's modesty and privacy at all times
4. position your client to meet the needs of the treatment
5. ensure your own posture and working methods minimise fatigue and the risk of injury to yourself and others
- provide support and cushioning to the required areas of the body during the treatment
7. ensure environmental conditions are suitable for the client and the treatment
use working methods that minimise the risk of cross-infection
ensure the use of clean equipment and materials
promote environmental and sustainable working practices
follow workplace and suppliers' or manufacturers' instructions for the safe use of equipment, materials and products
dispose of waste materials to meet legal requirements
complete the treatment within a commercially viable time
Consult, plan and prepare for stone therapy treatments
use consultation techniques to determine the client's treatment plan
ensure that informed and signed parental or guardian consent is obtained for minors prior to any treatment
ensure that a parent or guardian is present throughout the treatment for minors under the age of 16
recognise any contra-indications and take the necessary action
carry out a skin sensitivity test and thermal test patch on relevant skin areas
agree the treatment objectives and outcomes with the client that meet their needs
obtain signed, informed consent from the client prior to carrying out the treatment
assess the client's physical characteristics and select treatment stones to meet the treatment objectives
check the water is at the required temperature prior to stone placement
Perform stone therapy treatments
provide information about the sensation created by the treatment stones to the client, at each stage of the process
protect the client's skin against extremes of temperature during front and back stone placement
place treatment stones on the chakra points, to meet the agreed treatment objectives
place treatment stones under the body, ensuring client comfort
select and apply a treatment oil to meet the treatment objectives
manage treatment techniques to prevent overexposure of heat to the skin
adapt your stone therapy techniques and sequence to meet the client's physical characteristics, treatment area(s) and treatment objectives
vary the depth, rhythm and pressure of treatment techniques to meet treatment objectives and client's physical characteristics and preferences
take remedial action if contra-actions or discomfort occur during the course of treatment
check the client's wellbeing throughout the treatments and allow the client sufficient post-treatment recovery time
ensure the finished result is to the client's satisfaction and meets the agreed treatment objectives
give your client advice and recommendations on the treatment provided
ensure your client's records are completed and signed by you and the client
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
Maintain safe and effective methods of working when providing stone therapy treatments
1. your responsibilities for health and safety as defined by any specific legislation covering your job role
2. the legal and organisational requirements for client protection and preparation
- the legal and organisational requirements for your own personal hygiene, protection and appearance
4. your responsibilities under local authority licensing regulations for yourself and your premises
the reasons for maintaining the client's modesty and privacy during the treatment
safe positioning techniques for yourself and your client and why using these are important
the areas of the body that may require support and cushioning during the treatment and how to provide it
8. the necessary environmental conditions for services such as heating and ventilation and why these are important
methods of cleaning, disinfection and sterilisation
the methods used to disinfect treatment stones after each treatment
methods of working safely and hygienically to avoid cross-infection
the hazards and risks which exist in your workplace and the safe working practices which you must follow
the different types of working methods that promote environmental and sustainable working practices
suppliers' and manufacturers' instructions for the safe use of equipment, materials and products which you must follow
the legal requirements for waste disposal
the reasons for completing the service in a commercially viable time
Consult, plan and prepare for stone therapy treatments
why it is important to communicate with clients in a professional manner
how to complete a consultation taking into account the client's diverse needs
the legal requirements for providing treatment to minors under 16 years of age
the age at which an individual is classed as a minor and how that differs nationally
the importance of agreeing with the client the treatment that meets their needs
the legal significance of gaining signed, informed client consent to carry out the treatment
the legislative requirements for storing and protecting client data
how to recognise contra-indications that would prevent or restrict the treatment
the contra-indications **requiring medical referral and why
the necessary action to take in relation to specific contra-indications when referring clients
the reasons for not naming specific contra-indications when referring clients
how to visually assess different clients' physical characteristics
the procedures for carrying out a skin sensitivity test prior to use of pre-blended aromatherapy oils and a thermal test patch
the reasons for carrying out tests prior to stone therapy treatments and recording the results
how to prepare the treatment area and client for stone therapy treatments
the importance of checking water temperature prior to treatment
Perform stone therapy treatments
the types of materials used to protect the client's skin against extremes of temperature
stone selection techniques, including correct size, type, shape and quality
how to select the correct massage medium to suit the client's needs
how to introduce and place the treatment stones to maximise their benefits and ensure client comfort
the importance of temperature management of the stones during treatment and how to carry this out
safe handling techniques to avoid excessive noise and disturbance
the benefits of selecting and placing specific stones to the seven major chakras
how to adapt and vary your treatment techniques and sequence to meet the client's physical characteristics and treatment area(s)
the benefits and effects of using hot and cold stones, either in isolation or combining the two temperatures during a treatment
the five elements of stone therapy
the basic principles and characteristics of the seven major chakras and their significance to the practice of stone therapy treatment
methods of cooling stones
the storage requirements of different types of stone
the remedial action to take if contra-actions or discomfort occur during with course of the treatment
how to adapt stone therapy techniques to prevent work related injuries
the anatomy and physiology of the body
the physical and psychological effects of hot and cold stone therapy treatments
why it is important to check the client's wellbeing throughout the treatment and allow sufficient post-treatment recovery time
the methods used to evaluate the effectiveness of stone therapy treatments
the advice and recommendations on products and service to the client
Scope Performance
Consultation techniques
* *
1. questioning
2. listening
3. visual
4. manual
5. written
Necessary action
* *
1. encouraging the client to seek medical advice
2. explaining why the treatment cannot be carried out
3. modification of treatment
* *
Treatment objectives
* *
1. relaxing
2. uplifting
3. sense of wellbeing
4. relief from muscular tension
Physical characteristics
* *
1. body type
2. posture
3. muscle tone
4. age
5. health
6. skin conditions
Treatment stones
* *
1. basalt
2. marble
3. semi-precious stones
Treatment techniques
1. effleurage
2. petrissage
3. friction
4. tapping
5. tucking
6. placement
7. trigger point
Stone therapy techniques
* *
1. rotation of stones
2. alternation of hot and cold stones
3. use of hot stones only
4. use of cold stones only
5. combination of stone types and sizes
Treatment areas
* *
1. face
2. head
3. neck, chest and shoulders
4. arms and hands
5. abdomen
6. back
- legs and feet
Advice and recommendations
1. suitable aftercare products and their uses
2. avoidance of activities which may cause contra-actions
3. present and future products and treatments
- post-treatment advice
Scope Knowledge
Health and safety
1. Health and Safety at Work Act
2. The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR)
3. The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations
4. The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order
5. The Manual Handling Operations Regulations
6. The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH)
7. The Electricity at Work Regulations
8. The Environmental Protection Act
9. The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations
- The Health and Safety (Information for Employees) Regulations
Environmental and sustainable working practices
1. reducing waste and managing waste (recycle, reuse, safe disposal)
2. reducing energy usage (energy efficient equipment, low energy lighting, utilising solar panels)
3. reducing water usage and other resources
4. preventing pollution
5. using disposable items
6. using recycled eco-friendly furniture
7. using low chemical paint
8. using organic and allergy free products
9. using environmentally friendly product packaging
choosing responsible domestic products (Fairtrade tea and coffee)
encouraging carbon reducing journeys to work
Diverse needs
1. cultural
2. religious
3. age
4. disability
5. gender
Contra-indications which prevent
contagious skin diseases
dysfunction of the nervous system
recent scar tissue
undiagnosed lumps and swellings
Contra-indications which restrict
undergoing medical treatment
uncontrolled diabetes
high/low blood pressure
history of thrombosis or embolism
varicose veins
metal pins or plates
cuts and abrasions
during cancer treatment.
allergic reaction to products
Work related injuries
1. back injury
2. carpal tunnel syndrome
3. neck strain
- repetitive strain injury (RSI)
**Anatomy and physiology
1. the structure and function of cells and tissues
2. the structure, function and different types of muscles
3. the positions and actions of the main muscle groups identified within the treatment areas of the body
4. the position and function of the primary bones and joints of the skeleton
5. how to recognise postural faults and conditions
- the structure and function of the circulatory system
7. the structure and function of the lymphatic system
the basic principles of the central nervous system and autonomic system
the basic principles of the endocrine, respiratory, digestive and excretory systems
the structure and function of skin
the structure and location of the adipose tissue
Physical and psychological* *
Physical effects
- relaxes muscles
2. stimulates circulatory/lymphatic systems
3. calms or stimulates nerve fibres
Psychological effects
- stress and tension relief
2. improved general well-being
3. calming and relaxing
* *
* *
Advice and recommendations
additional treatments
additional products
the lifestyle factors and changes that may be required to improve the effectiveness of the treatment such as diet, exercise, stress and sleep
post-treatment restrictions and future treatment needs
5. post-treatment advice to include drinking plenty of water and relaxation
- time intervals between treatments
The following key values underpin the delivery of services in the beauty, nails and spa sectors
a willingness to learn
a flexible working attitude
a team worker
a positive attitude
personal and professional ethics
The following behaviours underpin the delivery of services in the beauty, nails and spa sectors. These behaviours ensure that clients receive a positive impression of both the organisation and the individual
meeting the organisation's standards of behaviour
greeting the client respectfully and in a friendly manner
communicating with the client in a way that makes them feel valued and respected
treating the client courteously and helpfully at all times
adapting behaviour to respond effectively to different client behaviour
checking with the client that you have fully understood their expectations
responding promptly and positively to the client's questions and comments
recognising information that the client might find complicated and checking whether they fully understood
meeting both organisational and industry standards of appearance.
The following key skills underpin the delivery of services in the beauty, nails and spa sectors
the ability to self-manage
excellent verbal and non-verbal communication
using the most appropriate ways of communicating with a client
responding promptly to a client seeking assistance
quickly locating information that will help the client
providing the client with information they need about services and products offered by the organisation
Body types
The ectomorph is often below average weight for their height and will have a lean appearance. Ectomorphs tend to have a very high metabolism and often complain of relentless eating with little to no weight gain.
The endomorphic body type is the complete opposite of an ectomorph. This individual will usually be larger in appearance with heavier fat accumulation and little muscle definition. They find it hard to lose weight, even when they diet and exercise.
The mesomorph has a more muscular and lean physique and is between the ectomorph and the endomorph so displays qualities from both. They may have a larger frame than the endomorph, but a lower body fat percentage than the ectomorph. This is often the body type that everybody wants.
Five elements of stone therapy
Generally thought to be earth, fire, wood, metal and water. It is thought that stone therapy provides balance in the body by encompassing all the five elements into the service.
Semi-precious stones
These can be incorporated within stone therapy placement to enhance the benefits of the treatment, such as for clearing and balancing chakras.
Skin sensitivity tests
This is a test to determine if the client is allergic to the product being applied.
This technique requires the therapist to hold a stone against the body whilst rhythmically tapping with another to create a vibrational effect.
The positioning of a warm stone underneath an area of the body after it has been used for treatment such as the knees, legs and shoulders.
Placing a stone in a specific position on or underneath the body.
Trigger Point
Deep continuous pressure with a stone on an isolated area to achieve relief of muscular tension.
Thermal test patch
* *This is to check that the temperature of the hot stones is comfortable for the client before continuing with the treatment.