Establish client requirements for mechanical fire protection systems
This standard is for those who install mechanical fire protection systems, and sets out the skills, knowledge and understanding for you to respond to clients who require a mechanical fire protection system. In doing this, you will respond to client requests for systems. This will involve collecting and recording information for the design, supply, installation and maintenance of the systems.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
*P1. *respond to client requirements using appropriate methods of communication and following your organisation's procedures
P2.* confirm that the individual that you are liaising with is the designated responsible person for making any decisions you may require to be made *
P3.* establish that you have sufficient information from which to produce mechanical fire protection system proposals *
P4.* *confirm the clients' understanding of any information that you provide and of the scope and limitations of the actions that you and your organisation can take
P5.* *record details of clients' requirements for a mechanical fire protection system following your organisation's procedures, taking account of risks associated with the components or the operating environment
P6.* clarify with relevant third parties any identified gaps in information in order to respond to the client's request *
P7.* * maintain the security and confidentiality of client information and their mechanical fire protection system requirements
P8.* * confirm that you have all the necessary and correct details of client requirements in order to carry out site surveys
P9.* * liaise with the client to ensure access to the site and relevant personnel is available **
P10.* * use survey methods that are appropriate to the type of site, and the clients' requirements
P11. *record risks and site characteristics that could impact on mechanical fire protection systems and installation *
*P12. *establish the suitability of existing site utilities and services that may form an integral part of the required system
*P13. *carry out surveys within agreed timescales and in line with current and relevant legislation and regulations, industry standard guidelines, your organisation's quality management procedures and health and safety codes of practice * *
*P14. *maintain the confidentiality of information, sites and systems in line with current and relevant legislation and regulations; industry standard guidelines; your organisation's quality management procedures and health and safety codes of practice
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
*K1. *communication methods and why it is important to communicate with clients effectively and promptly
*K2. *how, why and when to use different communication methods
*K3. *the scope and limitation of the services that your organisation can provide and of actions that you can take
K4.* * the reasons why you must confirm the person you are liaising with is deemed to be the designated responsible person with the authority to make necessary decisions
K5.* * when, where and how to obtain specialist assistance
K6.* * how to correctly interpret information from clients to determine mechanical fire protection requirements
K7.* * how and why you should maintain security and confidentiality of the client's information **
K8.* * where and how to access sufficient, relevant and accurate information from other sources if needed
K9.* * typical risks associated with the client's requirements and operating environment
* K10. * the legal and organisational requirements regarding data protection
K11.* * the information that you need to prepare accurate mechanical fire protection systems design
K12.* * why and when you might need to liaise with other people to survey sites **
K13.* * how to recognise factors that could affect system installation, and how to record such details fully and accurately
K14.* * elementary aspects of building construction, utilities and services
K15.* * what utilities and services may be needed to form an integral part of the system, and how to ensure that they are suitable
K16.* * how to capture information by producing drawings, sketches, photographs, measurements
K17.* * current relevant legislation and regulations industry standard guidelines; your organisation's quality management procedures and health and safety codes of practice
K18.* * the relationship between types of fire and appropriate extinguishing mediums
*K19. *characteristics of different environments to which the mechanical fire protection system is being provided
*K20. *the requirements of different stakeholders
*K21. *relevant quality management procedures and processes that relate to mechanical fire protection systems
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
mechanical fire protection system: a non-electrical device used for fire protection such as, sprinklers; gas systems; water mist and powder; foam and chemical systems; dry and wet risers; fire mains.
site characteristics: the buildings intended physical usage characteristics that may impact on the integrity of the mechanical fire protection system e.g. the addition of ceiling high cupboards, the storing of flammable materials, building structures (such as beams) are significant for considering sprinklers or items that may affect the fire protection system
designated responsible person: could include, but not limited to, duty holder; building management; fire marshal/warden; maintenance engineer
survey methods: the collection of data and information pertaining to the correct installation of the mechanical fire protection system. These methods may include using tools such as drones
stakeholders: could include: ** local fire authority; water undertaker; building control; insurers; government departments; environmental agencies; third party certification bodies