Survey sites to prepare specifications for electronic security systems

Business Sectors (Suites): Electronic Security Systems
Developed by: Skills for Security
Approved on: 2018


This NOS sets out the skills, knowledge and understanding for you to collect and record information for the design and specification of electronic security systems and their installation. Electronic security systems is a generic term that includes: intruder, fire, cctv, access, remote monitoring systems and other types of protective installations. It also encompasses the integration of existing and new systems.

These standards are aimed at people who work with electronic security systems, this includes roles such as: surveyor, technical sales, system designer, installer, maintenance engineer, service engineer, commissioning engineer.

You must know and comply with the legislation, regulations, standards and codes of practice that are relevant to the systems for which you carry out surveys and produce designs and specifications.

This NOS covers the following activities:

  1. Survey sites to collect information for the design, installation and maintenance of electronic security systems
  2. Produce designs and specifications for electronic security systems and their installation

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

Survey sites to collect information for the design, installation and maintenance of electronic security systems

P1  confirm you have all necessary and correct details of customer requirements to carry out site survey

P2  use survey methods that are appropriate to the type of system, and customer requirements, including risk assessments and any specific health and safety requirements

P3  recognise and record accurate and relevant factors that could impact on designs, specifications and installation

P4  record relevant accurate details on which designs and specifications can be produced and installations can be carried out

P5  complete surveys within agreed timescales

P6  carry out site surveys that include, where appropriate, the integration of electronic security systems in line with relevant codes of practice

P7  carry out site surveys based on risk, customer and insurers' requirements

P8  maintain the confidentiality of information, sites and systems in line with relevant legislation, codes of practice

Produce designs and specifications for electronic security systems and their installation

P9  confirm that you have sufficient correct information and have had relevant consultations to design and specify systems that meet customers' requirements

P10  design systems that meet required performance using data and information provided through surveys

P11  produce system designs and specifications that optimise costs and that are appropriate to installation sites

P12  provide designs and specifications which enable successful and safe installation and operation of systems

P13  produce designs and specifications for systems that meet the requirements of relevant legislation, regulations, standards and codes of practice

P14  provide designs and specifications in agreed formats, within required timescales and to the appropriate person

P15  maintain the confidentiality of information, sites and systems in line with relevant regulations, legislation and codes of practice

P16  identify specialised contractors where required

P17  obtain or produce approvals and certification required for systems

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

Legal and Organisational requirements

K1  current relevant legislation, regulations, standards and codes of practice relating to the system to be installed

K2  how to identify and control risks to health and safety during survey and installation activities

Survey sites to collect information for the design, installation and maintenance of electronic security systems

K3  the details you need for preparing system designs and specifications, and from where to get these details

K4  why you must have accurate and up to date details of systems, sites and customer requirements

K5  when you might need to liaise with other people to survey sites

K6  how to carry out surveys, take appropriate measurements and record relevant details of surveys based on risk, customer and insurers' requirements

K7  how to read and interpret architectural and similar drawings

K8  how to recognise factors that could affect system installation, integration, transmission, storage or operation (including, where appropriate, the application of cloud based systems) and how to record the details fully and accurately

K9  how to communicate and work with other people

Produce designs and specifications for electronic security systems and their installation

K10  why it is important to have and use sufficient valid, accurate and up to date information from surveys

K11  the limits, constraints and capabilities of organisations involved in the installation and operation of systems

K12  the performance, limitations, cost, and availability of systems, equipment and components that you could specify in your designs

K13  formats of and information required for designs and specifications K14 typical timescales and activities involved in the installation of systems, including manpower requirements


Competency must be demonstrated in two of the seven areas including at least one of the core areas:

Core areas

  • Intruder
  • Fire Alarm
  • CCTV
  • Access Control

Other areas
* Nurse Call
* EAS Systems
* Cloud Based System

Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





In these National Occupational Standards;

Electronic security systems: a generic term that includes: intruder, fire, cctv, access, remote monitoring systems and other types of protective installations. It also encompasses the integration of existing and new systems.

factors: local conditions of the site that could affect or influence the design or installation. For example (but not exhaustive) environmental; use; occupancy; access; structure

integration: the linking of new or existing systems with new or existing IT and other systems and networks

site characteristics: physical layout, dimensions, structure and use

sites: premises of installations. For example (but not exhaustive) commercial; industrial; retail; domestic; governmental

specification: the specific detail containing design, installation, commissioning or maintenance requirements

storage: this includes cloud based systems

systems: a set of components working together as an interconnecting network. For example (but not exhaustive) new installations; extensions; modifications

transmission: the means by which system components communicate. This includes, for example: wired, wireless, Bluetooth, networking

Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation

Skills For Security

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Security and Emergency Comms System Installation Installer and Engineer, Security Managers

SOC Code



survey; system; site; design; performance; information; installation; maintenance; electronic; security; transmission, integration, communication