Implement works to meet installation requirements
This NOS sets out the skills, knowledge and understanding for you to prepare the site and prepare and control work to implement installation work.
This NOS covers the following activities:
1. Co-ordinate site preparation
2. Co-ordinate work control
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
Co-ordinate site preparations
P1 identify any special considerations, record them and pass them on to people who may be affected
P2 identify any factors which might compromise the proposed works, describe and summarise them accurately, and pass on the information to the appropriate authorities
P3 make arrangements for adequate site safety and security before work starts, and whilst working on the site
P4 plan the site layout for operational purposes and pass on information about the plans to the people who will be working on the site
P5 plan the storage and use of materials and components so that materials handling and movement is efficient and wastage is minimised
Co-ordinate work control
P6 assemble and review relevant information which was used in the preparation of the project plan, clarify any information which is not clear and update it for production planning purposes
P7 give adequate notice to relevant parties when the work will commence, the duration and confirm all dates
P8 agree a programme of works with relevant parties
P9 identify, record and obtain information requirements before work starts
P10 organise attendance for subcontractors in accordance with contractual agreements
P11 plan and obtain sufficient resources of the appropriate type which will meet the specification
P12 organise and control the site and resources so that conditions are safe, the site is tidy and creates a favourable image of the organisation, its products and its services and the project
P13 develop plans to meet special requirements and contingencies which are sufficient to minimise disruption to those likely to be affected by the works programme
P14 identify, communicate and monitor necessary consequent actions and responsibilities for implementation
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
Legal and Organisational requirements
K1 current relevant legislation, regulations, standards and codes of practice relating to installation requirements
Co-ordinate site preparation
K2 what to identify as special considerations
K3 how to record special considerations and pass them on to people who might be affected
K4 what to identify and describe as factors which might compromise the proposed works
K5 how to summarise and pass on information about any factors which might compromise the proposed works to the appropriate authorities
K6 how to make arrangements for adequate site safety
K7 how to place and maintain notices
K8 how to pass on information about the site layout plans to the people working on the site
K9 how to plan the site layout for operational purposes
K10 how to plan the storage and use of materials and components
Co-ordinate work control
K11 what you identify as information requirements before work starts
K12 how to assemble relevant information which was used in the preparation of the project plan, and clarify and update any information which is not clear
K13 how to give adequate notice to relevant parties when the work will commence, the duration and confirm all dates
K14 how to record and obtain information requirements before work starts
K15 how to review relevant information which was used in the preparation of the project plan
K16 how to obtain sufficient resources
K17 how to control the site and resources so that conditions are safe, the site is tidy and creates a favourable image of the organisation, its products and its services and the project
K18 how to organise attendance for subcontractors in accordance with contractual agreements
K19 how to plan resources
K20 how to organise the site and resources so that conditions are safe, the site is tidy and creates a favourable image of the organisation, its products and its services and the project
K21 how to agree a programme of works with the relevant parties
K22 what you identify as necessary consequent actions and responsibilities for implementation
K23 how to communicate necessary consequent actions and responsibilities for implementation
K24 how to monitor necessary consequent actions and responsibilities for implementation
K25 how to develop plans to meet special requirements and contingencies
K26 how to communicate and work with other people
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
In these National Occupational Standards;
Electronic security systems: a generic term that includes: intruder, fire, cctv, access, remote monitoring systems and other types of protective installations. It also encompasses the integration of existing and new systems.
sites: premises of installations. For example (but not exhaustive) commercial; industrial; retail; domestic; governmental
specification: the specific detail containing design, installation, commissioning or maintenance requirements