Negotiate sales of electronic security systems

Business Sectors (Suites): Electronic Security Systems
Developed by: Skills for Security
Approved on: 2018


​This NOS sets out the skills, knowledge and understanding for you to negotiate sales of electronic security systems, from preparation to agreeing terms of sales.

This NOS covers the following activities:

1.  Prepare to negotiate sales

2.  Prepare sales proposals

3.  Negotiate and agree terms of sales

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

Prepare to negotiate sales

P1  confirm the roles and levels of responsibility of customers representatives with whom you will negotiate sales

P2  confirm you have sufficient and correct customer information to enable you to prepare and negotiate proposals that have the potential to result in sales

P3   make sure the objectives for the outcomes of your sales negotiations are clear and comply with your organisation's requirements

P4  decide the negotiating areas where concessions could be made to encourage your customers to purchase

P5  confirm the availability of resources that you need for negotiating sales, including backups and alternatives

P6  decide on negotiating strategies that are definite and have the potential for successful sales

P7  comply with legal, regulatory and your organisation's requirements for advance proposals made to customers

P8  confirm that you have sufficient and correct system information specific to the project you are to negotiate

Prepare sales proposals

P9  prepare proposals that meet your customers' requirements for systems and also support your organisation's sales objectives

P10  get agreement for concessions where necessary before negotiating sales

P11  provide full and accurate details of how your proposals will meet your customers' stated requirements

P12  anticipate and prepare for any negotiating areas where concessions could be made to encourage your customers to purchase

P13  anticipate and prepare for any areas where your proposals do not match your customers' requirements, or where there might be customer resistance

P14  make sure that your proposals meet current relevant legislation and regulatory requirements and comply with the relevant codes of practice

P15 prepare sales proposals in formats that are appropriate for their purpose

Negotiate and agree terms of sales

P16  have all the relevant information that you need to negotiate sales of systems

P17  carry out sales negotiations in a manner that enhances the image of your organisation and promotes goodwill with customers

P18  provide sales information to customers clearly, accurately and fully

P19  respond to customers' queries, resistance or objections positively and in a manner that helps customers to understand your proposals 

P20  recognise situations where customers' stated requirements have changed and respond in a manner that does not compromise your organisation

P21  use negotiating strategies that are definite and have the potential for meeting your sales objectives

P22  reach agreements on the supply of systems or services to the mutual satisfaction of your customers and your organisation

P23  record the outcomes of your negotiations accurately, fully and in line with your organisation's requirements, particularly relating to confidentiality

P24  pass on the details of sales negotiations to the relevant person and within required timescales

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

Legal and Organisational requirements

K1  current relevant legislation, regulations, standards and codes of practice relating to advance proposals to customers, as well as those of your organisation

K2  your organisation's procedures and policies for making sales proposals, including levels of authority for concessions and related negotiating factors

K3  current relevant legislation, regulations, standards and codes of practice relating to the installation and operation of systems

K4  your organisation's procedures and policies for negotiating sales, including levels of authority for concessions and related negotiating factors

K5  current relevant legislation, regulations, standards and codes of practice relating to negotiating the sale of systems and their maintenance

Prepare to negotiate sales

K6  how to confirm the roles and responsibilities of those with whom you negotiate sales, and why this is important

K7  how to identify your customers' main requirements

K8  why it is helpful to have additional information about your customers, particularly their negotiating position, where to get this information and how to use it in your negotiations

K9  how to evaluate the potential of sales and develop strategies to support successful negotiations

K10  the limits of your authorities in deciding what concessions you can make, and where you get other authorisation when necessary

K11  how to decide what resources you could use in your negotiations and how to arrange their availability

Prepare sales proposals

K12  the performance, costs, limitations and availability of systems, equipment and components that you could specify in your proposals

K13  how to prepare sales proposals that contribute to successful sales of systems or services

K14  why it is important to be prepared and able to deal effectively with customers' potential queries, resistance or objections during sales negotiations

K15  how to communicate and work with other people

Negotiate and agree terms of sales

K16  the negotiating skills required to sell

K17  how to encourage customers to commit to making purchases

K18  how to create conditions for successful sales, particularly in satisfying the needs of your customers and your organisation

K19  how to recognise and resolve potential barriers to completing successful sales

K20  what details of negotiations you must record, how they should be recorded and on to whom they should be passed


Competency must be demonstrated in two of the seven areas including at least one of the core areas:

Core areas

  • Intruder
  • Fire Alarm
  • CCTV
  • Access Control

Other areas
* Nurse Call
* EAS Systems
* Cloud Based System

Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





In these National Occupational Standards;

Electronic security systems: a generic term that includes: intruder, fire, cctv, access, remote monitoring systems and other types of protective installations. It also encompasses the integration of existing and new systems.

negotiating areas: system specification; price; delivery; terms of payment; after sales service

resources: audio-visual aids; handouts; product samples; colleagues sales information related to: system specification; price; delivery; terms of payment; after sales service

systems: a set of components working together as an interconnecting network. For example (but not exhaustive) new installations; extensions; modifications

Links To Other NOS

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Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation

Skills for Security

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Elementary Occupations, Elementary Security Occupations

SOC Code



electronic; security; system; negotiate; sales; proposals; terms; negotiate