Make presentations to sell electronic security systems
This NOS sets out the skills, knowledge and understanding for you to prepare and give presentations to sell electronic security systems.
This NOS covers the following activities:
1. Prepare to make sales presentation
2. Give sales presentations
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
Prepare to make sales presentations
P1 confirm and clarify your customers' particular needs and interests in products and services, to help prepare effective presentations
P2 use presentation variables effectively when preparing presentations
P3 make sure that the objectives of your presentations are clear and address the needs of your customers
P4 prepare presentations that meet the requirements and expectations of your customers, and conform to your organisation's style
P5 use structures, methods and materials that are appropriate to your presentations, and maximise the impact of the information that you provide
P6 confirm the availability of resources that you need for presentations, including backups and alternatives
P7 make sure that your presentations contain information, suggestions and ideas to help customers make purchase decisions
P8 make effective preparations to deal with potential variations and divergences from planned presentations
Give sales presentations
P9 present information clearly and in a style and manner that are appropriate to your customers and inspires their confidence
P10 make sure the length, structure and content of your presentations conform to your plans
P11 use appropriate methods and resources that enhance your presentations
P12 encourage and respond to customers' questions and comments in a manner that promotes purchase decisions
P13 provide or arrange for further information to be supplied to customers when this is appropriate
P14 take opportunities where possible to gain commitments to purchase, or progress sales
P15 evaluate your presentations against your objectives and plan to improve your future presentations
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
Prepare to make sales presentations
K1 how to identify the objectives of sales presentations
K2 how to prepare and structure sales presentations
K3 the differences between formal and informal presentations
K4 the differences between presenting to existing and potential customers
K5 the variables that apply to presentations and how to use them effectively
K6 the different resources that you could and should use for effective presentations
K7 your organisation's products and services
K8 how to communicate and work with other people
Give sales presentations
K9 how to gain the confidence of your customers through your manner, appearance, knowledge and skills
K10 the products and services that are the subject of your sales presentations
K11 how to use presentation aids effectively and confidently
K12 how to anticipate and respond to customers' questions and comments
K13 how to recognise and deal effectively with customers' objections and issues that could prevent them making purchases
K14 how to recognise and make use of selling opportunities
K15 how to evaluate your presentations against their objectives and identify areas that could be improved
Competency must be demonstrated in two of the seven areas including at least one of the core areas:
Core areas
- Intruder
- Fire Alarm
- Access Control
Other areas
* Nurse Call
- EAS Systems
- Cloud Based System
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
In these National Occupational Standards;
Electronic security systems: a generic term that includes: intruder, fire, cctv, access, remote monitoring systems and other types of protective installations. It also encompasses the integration of existing and new systems.
information: copies of presentation material; technical specifications; proposals; customer testimonies
resources: audio-visual aids; handouts, product samples; colleagues presentation variables: related to the presentation, length, objectives, audience size and composition