Install electronic security systems
This NOS sets out the skills, knowledge and understanding for you to install equipment for electronic security systems and restore sites.
This NOS covers the following activities:
- Prepare to install electronic security systems
- Install cabling, containment and system components
- Inspect installation and fully test system operation
- Restore sites after installing transmission and system components
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
Prepare to install electronic security systems
P1 make sure you have the information you need to install containment, cabling and system components
P2 confirm that you have all relevant resources to complete the installation
P3 confirm that all necessary tools are available
P4 safely identify the presence of electrical supply, into and inside, electronic security systems equipment
P5 identify the means for safe isolation of electrical supply systems
Install containment, cabling and system components
P6 fit all containment, cabling and system components in accordance with the specification to optimise operation and maintenance
P7 use suitable fixing devices and methods that are appropriate to site and building materials
P8 make sure that installed containment, cabling and system components are free from damage or internal obstruction
P9 avoid unnecessary damage to building structures and surfaces
P10 comply with relevant health and safety requirements while installing
P11 use the correct tools and equipment to position and mount equipment safely
Inspect installation and fu;lly test system operation
P12 make sure that installed containment, cabling and system components are free from damage or obstruction
P13 confirm containment, cabling and system components meet their required operating performance, using appropriate testing methods
P14 label installed system components in line with the specification
P15 comply with relevant health and safety requirements while installing containment, cabling and system components
P16 test the full system performance against the operational requirement
P17 record results using appropriate documentation
Restore sites after installing transmission and system components
P18 close and seal any openings made, securely in line with relevant codes of practice and suppliers' guidelines
P19 make good any damage to building structures or surfaces in accordance with the specification
P20 report the details to the relevant person of any damage that you cannot repair
P21 remove installation tools and equipment from sites after use, reporting the details to the relevant person of any that are unserviceable
P22 return spare or reusable equipment and materials to their designated locations
P23 dispose of waste, debris and surplus materials in line with approved procedures and relevant regulations, standards and codes of practice
P24 make permanent any temporary site arrangements on completion of installation work
P25 comply with relevant health and safety requirements while restoring installation sites
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
Legal and Organisational requirements
K1 current relevant legislation, regulation, standards, codes of practice and guidelines relating to installing electronic security systems
K2 current relevant legislation, regulation, standards, codes of practice and guidelines relating to handling waste or debris material
K3 why it is important to dispose of waste, debris and surplus material safely and in line with the relevant regulations, standards and codes of practice
Prepare to install electronic security systems
K4 how to relate physical locations for containment, cabling and system components to technical documents
K5 how you are going to install containment, cabling and system components, particularly anticipating potential problems
K6 the limits of your authority and responsibility, and how to get help when you need it
K7 why it is important to check the safe and correct operation of tools and equipment, how to do this and how to deal with any that do not meet requirements
K8 the capabilities and limitation of the tools and equipment that you use, and why it is important to use the correct tools and equipment
K9 what documents you need to install systems and how to use them
K10 why you need to identify the presence of electrical supply and how it can be isolated safely
Install containment, cabling and system components
K11 how to relate equipment and their physical locations to technical documents
K12 the different types of fixing for containment, cabling **and system components
K13 the different types and properties for containment, cabling **and system components
K14 the properties of building materials and how to fit equipment
K15 how to safely handle equipment during installation
Inspect installation and test system operation
K16 why it is important to comply with segregation requirements (for power and signalling)
K17 how to test the system and all components against their required operating performance and what to do when these requirements are not met
K18 Why it is important that installed system and system components are free from damage or obstruction
K19 How to identify and where to label system components in line with the specification
K20 Why it is important to comply with relevant health and safety requirements while installing containment, cabling and system components
K21 How and why it is important to test and record against appropriate documentation, drawings, specification and operational requirement
Restore sites after installing transmission and system components
K22 why you must remove all unwanted items from sites after installation of equipment is complete
K23 the house-keeping requirements at the sites where you install equipment
K24 why it is important to dispose of waste, debris and surplus material safely and in line with the relevant regulations and codes of practice
K25 methods of repairing typical building surfaces
K26 how and why it is important to close and seal any openings made, securely in line with relevant codes of practice and suppliers' guidelines
K27 why it is important to report the details to the relevant person of any damage that you cannot repair
K28 why it is important to comply with relevant health and safety requirements while restoring installation sites
Competency must be demonstrated in two of the seven areas including at least one of the core areas:
Core areas
- Intruder
- Fire Alarm
- Access Control
Other areas
* Nurse Call
* EAS Systems
* Cloud Based System
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
In these National Occupational Standards;
containment: For example (but not exhaustive) basket; conduit; ducting; ceiling voids; trays; surface mounted; catenaries
Electronic security systems: a generic term that includes: intruder, fire, cctv, access, remote monitoring systems and other types of protective installations. It also encompasses the integration of existing and new systems.
electrical supply systems: supply to the system components, such as primary and secondary supplies
sites: premises of installations. For example (but not exhaustive) commercial; industrial; retail; domestic; governmental
specification: the specific detail containing design, installation, commissioning or maintenance requirements
systems: a set of components working together as an interconnecting network. For example (but not exhaustive) new installations; extensions; modifications
transmission: the means by which system components communicate. This includes, for example: wired, wireless, Bluetooth, networking