Process or dispose of goods and materials in logistics operations
This standard is about processing or disposing of goods and materials in logistics operations. It involves identifying which goods and materials are suitable for recycling, reusing, reselling and which for disposal. It will involve preparing the goods and materials for onward movement and responding to problems that arise when sorting the goods and materials.
This standard is relevant to all operatives at every level in logistics operations. Operatives could, for example, be working in warehousing and storage, transport or freight forwarding.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
identify the goods and materials and conduct initial checks to determine their suitability for processing or disposal
sort the goods and materials according to the relevant organisational procedures for processing or disposal in logistics operations
- obtain information and advice where you are unable to identify or classify goods and materials
- handle goods and materials using handling methods and equipment in accordance with organisational procedures
- remove the parts of the goods and materials that cannot be recycled and dispose of these according to organisational procedures
- place the goods and materials that are suitable for processing or disposal in the required locations
- prepare the goods and materials for further processing according to organisational requirements
- identify and respond to issues with processing or disposal
- complete the relevant documentation in line with organisational procedures
- comply with organisational procedures and the relevant environmental, legal, safety and operating requirements relating to processing or disposal of goods and materials
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- βthe types of goods and materials that are suitable for processing, and those that are not, in logistics operations
- the relevant organisational safety requirements applicable to the processing or disposal of goods and materials
- the relevant organisational procedures for the processing or disposal of goods and materials in logistics operations
- how to obtain information on the types of goods and materials for processing and disposal
- how to process or dispose of different types of goods and materials in line with organisational procedures
- the types of issues arising from the processing or disposal of goods and materials
- the roles and responsibilities of colleagues in logistics operations
- the information and recording systems used by the organisation and the requirements for maintaining records
- the organisational requirements and the relevant environmental, legal, safety and operating requirements relating to the processing or disposal of goods and materials
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
- βGoods and materials: any waste or discarded materials, damaged goods
- Process: goods or materials that can be used again β recycle, reuse, resell
- Disposal: goods or materials that are not required for further reuse
- Colleagues: permanent, temporary, agency staff, external, line manager, supervisor, customer/clients
- Handling methods: manual, mechanical, gravity
- Legal, safety and operating requirements: safety regulations, codes of practice, load restrictions, working-time regulations, transport regulations
- Equipment: tools, implements, machinery, lifts, conveyors, cranes