Place goods in storage in a logistics facility

Business Sectors (Suites): Cultural Venue Operations,Warehousing and Storage
Developed by: Lantra
Approved on: 2022


This standard is about placing goods in storage in a logistics facility in order to maximise space, improve distribution and reduce risks. It involves identifying locations for the size, weight or type of goods, including their usage or turnover.

This standard is relevant to all operatives at every level in logistics operations. Operatives could, for example, be working in warehousing and storage, removals, transport or freight forwarding.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. locate and confirm the goods to be stored in accordance with organisational requirements

  2. identify and use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) relevant to the goods and the storage conditions

  3. confirm the area to be used for storage is prepared to receive the goods
  4. identify any health, safety and environmental issues relating to the goods to be stored
  5. identify any storage conditions relating to the goods
  6. handle goods using the required handling methods and equipment
  7. place goods into storage in a logistics facility in accordance with any operational and organisational procedures for safety, space utilisation and distribution requirements
  8. identify monitoring and storage arrangements for the goods, and record and communicate these arrangements to the relevant colleagues
  9. identify and respond to issues with storing goods
  10. identify any hygiene or contamination issues with the goods and report these to the relevant colleague
  11. record work carried out according to organisational procedures
  12. comply with organisational procedures and the relevant environmental, legal, health and safety, bio-security and operating requirements relating to placing goods into storage in a logistics facility

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. the types of goods being stored in the logistics facility

  2. the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that should be used when placing goods in storage

  3. how to place goods in storage in a logistics facility
  4. how to obtain information relating to the goods to be stored
  5. the areas used for storing goods
  6. the importance of the preparation of storage areas, including cleaning and clearing obstructions
  7. the storage conditions relating to the different types of goods stored by the logistics operation
  8. the types of equipment, facilities and any handling methods that are required for the storage of goods in a logistics facility
  9. the health, safety and security issues relevant to the storage of goods
  10. the hygiene and bio-security procedures associated with storing different types of goods
  11. the types of issues associated with the storage of different goods
  12. how to use and update any stock control systems used by the organisation
  13. the roles and responsibilities of colleagues placing goods in storage in a logistics facility
  14. the recording systems used by the organisation and the organisation's requirements for maintaining records
  15. the organisational procedures and the relevant environmental, legal, health and safety and operating requirements relating to placing goods into storage in a logistics facility


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Storage conditions: ambient, chilled, dry, outdoors, indoors, ventilated, segregated, restricted access, quarantined

Handling methods: manual, mechanical, gravity

Stock control systems: manual, computerised, warehouse management systems, radio frequency

Colleagues: permanent, temporary, agency staff, external, line manager, supervisor, customer/clients

Environmental, legal, safety and operating requirements safety regulations, codes of practice, load restrictions, working-time regulations, transport regulations

Equipment: e.g. tools, implements, machinery, lifts, conveyors, cranes

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): high-visibility vests, hard hats, protective clothing, eye protection, gloves, masks

Issues with storing goods: size, weight, quantity, location, access, stock turnover

Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Elementary Goods Storage Occupations, Goods Handling and Storage occupations, Managers in Distribution, Storage and Retailing, Retail and Commercial Enterprise, Warehouse and Distribution

SOC Code



place; locate; position; goods; materials; storage; venue; warehouse; logistics; removals