Receive goods into logistics facilities
This standard is about receiving goods into logistics facilities. It involves confirming the goods are received and handled safely, identifying any risks and keeping records up to date.
This standard is relevant to all operatives at every level in logistics operations. Operatives could, for example, be working in warehousing and storage, removals, transport or freight forwarding.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- confirm that the goods being received are in line with the delivery information
- confirm that the area used to receive the goods is clean and free of obstructions and hazards
- identify and use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) relevant to receiving goods into logistics facilities
- confirm that vehicles are safe and secure before unloading
- handle goods using handling methods and equipment in accordance with the relevant organisational and legal requirements
- confirm that the goods are unloaded safely in accordance with storage requirements
- identify health, safety and security issues relating to receiving goods, and respond in accordance with organisational procedures
- identify and respond to issues when receiving goods into logistics facilities
- record your work in accordance with organisational requirements
- comply with organisational procedures and the relevant environmental, legal, safety and operating requirements relating to receiving goods into logistics facilities
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
the sources and types of information for the goods being received, including information relevant to health, safety and the environment
the characteristics and special requirements of the goods being received into logistics facilities
- the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that should be used when receiving goods into logistics facilities
- the organisational and legal requirements relevant to the goods being received
- the equipment and facilities required to receive goods into logistics facilities
- the vehicle safety and security arrangements during unloading
- the handling methods for the types of goods received by the organisation
- the methods of unloading goods from vehicles safely
- the health, safety and environmental issues relevant to the storage of goods received by the organisation
- the types of issues associated with receiving goods into logistics facilities
- how to use and update any stock control systems used within the organisation
- the roles and responsibilities of colleagues when receiving goods into the organisation
- the recording systems used by the organisation and the organisation's requirements for maintaining records
- the organisational procedures and the relevant environmental, legal, safety and operating requirements related to receiving goods into logistics facilities
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
Handling methods: manual, mechanical
Stock control systems: manual, computerised, warehouse management systems, radio frequency
Colleagues: permanent, temporary, agency staff, external, line manager, supervisor, customer/clients
Environmental, legal, safety and operating requirements: safety regulations, codes of practice, load restrictions, working-time regulations, transport regulations
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): high-visibility vests, hard hats, eye protection, gloves, boots
Equipment: e.g. tools, implements, machinery, lifts, conveyors, cranes, shelving and racking systems