Move and handle goods in logistics operations

Business Sectors (Suites): Warehousing and Storage
Developed by: Lantra
Approved on: 2022


This standard is about moving and handling goods in logistics operations, including the safe use of equipment, where required. It includes identifying potential hazards and the process of lifting, transferring and setting down goods.

This standard is relevant to all operatives at every level in logistics operations. Operatives could, for example, be working in warehousing and storage, removals, transport or freight forwarding.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. ​identify the goods to be moved and handled as part of the logistics operations, and confirm they are suitable for moving
  2. confirm that the area is safe and secure for the movement and handling of goods
  3. identify hazards in moving and handling the goods, and take action to minimise risks
  4. confirm the location for the positioning and setting down of goods, in accordance with organisational requirements
  5. confirm that the goods are suitable for manual handling or that the correct equipment is selected, prepared and is operational
  6. identify and use the personal protective equipment (PPE) relevant to the moving and handling of goods
  7. use the required methods to move and handle goods, in accordance with organisational procedures
  8. transfer goods to their designated location without loss or damage
  9. position and set down the goods in the designated location
  10. place the goods so that they can be identified and accessed
  11. identify and respond to problems with the goods during moving and handling operations
  12. return any equipment used to move and transfer the goods to its original position after use
  13. record the work carried out, according to organisational procedures
  14. P14  comply with organisational procedures and the relevant legal, safety and operating requirements relating to the movement and handling of goods

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. the characteristics of the different types of goods moved and handled and the right way to move them

  2. the types of equipment used for handling and moving goods

  3. the workplace hazards **that may be encountered and how to respond to these
  4. the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that should be used when moving and handling goods
  5. how to move and handle different types of goods safely in logistics operations
  6. the methods of lifting, moving and setting down goods in relation to the equipment used and the type of goods
  7. when to ask for assistance in movingand handling *goods, and who to ask
  8. the locations of the different types of goods
  9. how to place goods so that they can be identified and accessed
  10. the organisational procedures for responding to the loss or damage of goods
  11. the importance of returning any equipment used to move and transfer the goods to its original position ready for future use
  12. the roles and responsibilities of colleagues
  13. the information and recording systems used by the organisation and the requirements for maintaining records
  14. the organisational requirements and the relevant legal, safety and operating requirements relating to the movement and handling of goods


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





  1. Colleagues: permanent, temporary, agency staff, external, line manager, supervisor, customer/clients
  2. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): high-visibility vests, hard hats, protective clothing, eye protection, gloves
  3. Equipment*:* e.g. tools, implements, machinery, lifts, conveyors, cranes
  4. Environmental, legal, safety and operating requirements: safety regulations, codes of practice, load restrictions, working-time regulations, transport regulations
  5. Goods: any combination of goods that are acquired, delivered or stored within logistics operations.  This could be food, non-food items, household belongings, electronic equipment, furniture, liquids, etc.

Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Elementary Goods Storage Occupations, Goods Handling and Storage occupations, Managers in Distribution, Storage and Retailing, Retailing and Wholesaling, Warehouse and Distribution

SOC Code



moving; handling; goods; logistics; removals