Monitor the distribution of goods

Business Sectors (Suites): Supply Chain Management
Developed by: Lantra
Approved on: 2022


This standard is about monitoring the distribution of goods. It involves obtaining information with regards to distribution requirements. It also involves analysing information, identifying problems and providing the results of the analysis with recommendations relating to distribution requirements.

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This standard is for supply chain practitioners. They could be, for example, in purchasing, freight logistics operations or transport management roles.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. monitor the distribution of goods in the supply chain

  2. communicate with colleagues in the supply chain throughout the monitoring process

  3. obtain the relevant information on the distribution of goods in order to monitor their progress
  4. collate and prepare information on the distribution of goods for analysis
  5. analyse and evaluate information on the distribution of goods
  6. identify and handle issues with the distribution of goods
  7. provide the results of the monitoring to colleagues and key stakeholders and make recommendations for improvements
  8. comply with the relevant legal, regulatory, environmental, health and safety and organisational procedures required for the distribution of goods
  9. promote responsibility for the environment and sustainability within the organisation and communicate and implement this when scheduling the distribution of goods

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. your organisation's strategic aims, objectives and activities in relation to the distribution of goods

  2. the types of supply chain management theories, models and practices

  3. your organisation's information sources on supply chain processes and the monitoring of goods distribution
  4. the types of logistics theories, models, and practices
  5. how to monitor the distribution of goods
  6. how to obtain and analyse information on the distribution of goods
  7. the relevant methods and procedures for evaluating information on the distribution of goods
  8. the types of performance measurement and benchmarking theories, models and practices
  9. how to identify and handle any issues that can occur with the distribution of goods
  10. the types of supply chain theories, models and practices
  11. the types of the communication methods used by your organisation to communicate with colleagues and key stakeholders
  12. the relevant legal, regulatory, environmental, health and safety and organisational procedures required for monitoring the distribution of goods
  13. the responsibilities of you and your organisation for protecting the environment and working sustainably when scheduling the distribution of goods


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





  1. Colleagues and key stakeholders: permanent, temporary, agenc staff, external, customers
  2. Goods: any combination of goods or services that are procured, delivered or stored in the supply chain
  3. Supply chain: procurement, purchasing and supply, logistics, transport and operations management, within and between international boundaries

Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Managers in Distribution, Storage and Retailing, Retailing and Wholesaling, Transport Associate Professionals, Warehouse and Distribution

SOC Code



distribution; monitor; goods; transport; supply chain