Select methods of importing goods
This standard is about selecting methods of importing goods. It involves obtaining and evaluating information with regard to the goods being imported and import methods. It also involves identifying import methods to meet specifications, assessing benefits and risks, handling problems and providing results of evaluations that comply with requirements.
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This standard is for supply chain practitioners. They could be, for example, in purchasing, freight logistics operations or transport management roles.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- confirm order and importation information on the goods being imported
- obtain information on the import methods that are available
- evaluate the suitability of the import methods
- identify and select the import methods that meet the specification of the goods, key stakeholders and any other requirements
- identify and assess the benefits and risks of using the selected import methods
- identify any security and bio-security measures for the required goods being imported
- identify and handle issues with the import methods
- provide the results of the selection to colleagues
- comply with the relevant legal, regulatory, environmental, health and safety and organisational procedures for the importation methods
- promote responsibility for the environment and sustainability within the organisation and communicate and implement this when importing of goods
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- your organisation's strategic aims, objectives and activities in relation to the importing of goods
- the types of supply chain management theories, models and practices
- your organisation's information sources on supply chain processes and how to use sources of information to select importation methods
- how to select methods of importing goods
- the performance measurement and benchmarking theories, models and practices used by your organisation to assist with importing goods
- the types of risk analysis methods and procedures available to assist with importing goods
- how to identify and handle issues with the import method
- the various Incoterms and their implications
- how to identify any security and bio-security measures required by the goods being imported
- the responsibility of you and your organisation for protecting the environment and working sustainably when importing goods
- the relevant legal, regulatory, environmental, health and safety and organisational procedures for the import of goods
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
- Colleagues: permanent, temporary, agency staff, external
Goods: any combination of goods or services that are procured, delivered or stored in the supply chain
Supply chain: procurement, purchasing and supply, logistics, transport and operations management, within and between international boundaries
Specifications: a set of requirements to be satisfied by a material product or service. Specifications could be for the type of market, the location, the type of goods or customer requirements.
Incoterms: define the party that will pay the costs of the transportation of goods. In most cases, there can be more than a single means of transportation involved. Incoterms are used to define which party pays for which mode of transportation. Includes: Carriage and insurance Paid To, Free Carrier, Delivered at Place Unloaded, Cost and Freight, Cost, Insurance and Freight, etc.