Monitor and evaluate the impact of internal audits on the organisation
This standard is about monitoring and evaluating the impact of internal audits on the organisation. It includes confirming compliance with internal or external requirements. It also includes agreeing any actions from internal audits and how these will be monitored within agreed timescales.
You will also be responsible for evaluating the use of internal audits and audit information/reporting, providing recommendations to those who require them.
This standard is for those with responsibility for managing processes, including auditing, in a logistics environment.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
agree Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound (SMART) objectives for internal audits with colleagues in line with organisational requirements
review the systems that are to be internally audited, and their required outputs, by examining the relevant documentation and information
- consult with operational colleagues, **using the systems to be internally audited, to confirm your understanding of how they work in practice
- work with colleagues to agree and implement the actions required to monitor performance against the agreed objectives
- use agreed methods to monitor and evaluate internal audit reports
- identify, within the required timescales, any variances or issues with the internal audits
- evaluate the impact of variances or issues and recommend corrective action to the relevant colleagues and stakeholders
- recognise changes in circumstances, within the required timescales and adjust plans and activities
- provide a rationale to the relevant colleagues and stakeholders for any variances or changes to the overall programme of internal audits
- evaluate the overall impact of internal audits against the plan and organisational requirements
- identify areas of good practice and areas for improvement, and communicate these to the relevant colleagues and stakeholders, using the agreed organisational formats and methods
- identify the added value from the internal audit activities to the organisation
- identify, monitor and evaluate individuals' responsibilities in relation to internal audit activities
- present information in an agreed format and make it available to relevant colleagues **and stakeholders within the required timescales
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- how to define and agree Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound (SMART) objectives
- how to review audited systems and their outputs by examining documentation and the relevant audit-related information
- how to confirm your understanding of organisational systems by consulting with operational colleagues
- the methods of monitoring and evaluating the impact of internal audits
- how to identify and evaluate issues or variances with internal audits
- how to monitor and evaluate the impact of issues or variances and develop solutions or corrective action
- how to identify which colleagues and stakeholders should agree corrective action and recommendations
- how to identify good practice and areas for improvement
- how to identify the contribution of internal audit activities and the overall added value to the organisation
- how to evaluate an individual's performance of internal audit activities
- how to present and communicate internal audit information to the relevant colleagues and stakeholders
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
Colleagues: **permanent, temporary, agency staff, external