Monitor, review and evaluate the implementation of the compliance systems in your freight transport organisation
This standard is about monitoring, reviewing and evaluating the implementation of the compliance systems in your freight transport organisation. The compliance systems include the operator's licence and auditing procedures.
This standard is for the Operator, who is the licence holder, and the internal or external Transport Manager, who is held responsible for the operator's licence compliance.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
monitor the actions being taken to implement the compliance *systems* **in your freight transport organisation
provide guidance to relevant colleagues for the resolution of identified non-compliance in your freight transport organisation
- maintain and update the records of the implementation of the compliance systems **in your freight transport organisation
- monitor the implementation of the compliance *systems,* **taking account of all the relevant evidence and factors
- review the resources required for the continued implementation of the compliance systems **in your freight transport organisation
- liaise with colleagues to obtain up-to-date information on compliance, and evaluate the implementation of the compliance systems **in your freight transport organisation
- communicate your findings from the evaluation to colleagues
- recommend areas for change or improvement in the implementation of the compliance systems, where they have been identified
- identify and review the impact of implementing the compliance *systems* **on each area of your freight transport organisation
- review existing contingencies and practices to ensure they take account of emerging risks and opportunities with regard to compliance systems **in your freight transport organisation
- provide input into the amendment of contingency and action plans with regard to compliance systems in your freight transport organisation
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
the actions to be taken to implement the compliance systems in your freight transport organisation and how to monitor these
the techniques for monitoring, reviewing and evaluating the implementation of the compliance systems in your freight transport organisation
- the internal and external sources of information to support the implementation of the compliance systems in your freight transport organisation
- how to deliver guidance for the implementation of the compliance *systems* in your freight transport organisation that will facilitate compliance
- the resources required for the continued implementation of the compliance systems **in your freight transport organisation and the importance of reviewing these
- how to develop evaluation measures and criteria for the compliance systems **in your freight transport organisation
- the information that is required to inform your evaluation of the implementation of the compliance systems and where to obtain it
- how to identify and review the impact of the compliance systems on each area of your freight transport organisation
- how to identify the actions required for the compliance systems in your freight transport organisation to be effective
- the procedures and methods for checking that improvements to the compliance systems have been implemented in your freight transport organisation
- how to identify emerging risks and opportunities and the effect on compliance systems **in your freight transport organisation
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
- Colleagues: permanent, temporary, agency staff, external
- Compliance systems: compliance systems promote legal and ethical conduct in the organisation through a set of procedures and actions designed to prevent, detect and react to improper conduct, fraud or acts contrary to regulatory requirements or organisational policy