Collect mail
Business Sectors (Suites): Mail Services
Developed by: Lantra
Approved on:
This standard is about collecting the mail from different collection points.
It involves confirming collection schedules, collecting the mail, and securing mail in containers. The role includes identifying any problems with mail items, and taking the required action to resolve issues that may affect collection.
This standard covers working in all mail service environments, including Royal Mail, and is aimed at mail operatives at all levels involved in mail collection. It may also be relevant to drivers and transport planners who collect and transport mail to a wide range of destinations.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- comply with the relevant health and safety and bio-security requirements, and follow organisational procedures, at all times, when working in mail services
- confirm details of the collection schedule following organisational procedures
- collect mail from the collection points, according to the agreed schedule, and in the correct containers
- operate equipment at the collection points in line with the manufacturer's instructions
- identify and respond to any problems with collections and report issues following organisational procedures
- respond to any suspicious or dangerous mail items following organisational procedures
- secure the mail in the appropriate containers
- provide customers and staff with relevant information on the collection service, following organisational communication procedures
- record the collection of mail in the relevant information and recording system, scanning and logging mail in the correct containers, in accordance with organisational procedures, and following all relevant data and information security regulations relating to staff, customers and delivery partners
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- the relevant industry and organisational health and safety and bio-security requirements when working in mail services, and your responsibilities for yourself and others
- any relevant organisational procedures relating to the collection of mail
- the relevant collection schedules, including routes and timings
- the types of mail that need to be collected
- the types and locations of different collection points for mail used within your organisation
- the types of equipment and mechanisms at collection points
- the types of problems that can be encountered when collecting mail and how to report problems, following organisational procedures
- the types of safety and security risks when collecting mail and how to report these
- the methods to report, isolate or remove suspicious or dangerous mail items
- the types of containers to be used for different types of mail
- the types of collection services that are available to customers
- the relevant organisational policies on confidentiality and data protection legislation
- the information and recording systems used by the organisation and the requirements for maintaining records, including scanning and logging requirements
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
Links To Other NOS
External Links
Version Number
Indicative Review Date
Originating Organisation
Original URN
Relevant Occupations
Transport Drivers and Operatives, Transportation Operations and Maintenance, Warehouse and Distribution, Postal Services
SOC Code
mail services; post; mail; collection; delivery; processing; letters