Transport mail

Business Sectors (Suites): Mail Services
Developed by: Lantra
Approved on: 2022


This standard is about transporting mail to different destinations, during collection, delivery, or processing.  This does not cover the actual driving or operation of the vehicle itself, but covers activities related to the handling and protection of the mail while en route to the different destinations.

This standard covers transporting mail in all mail service environments, including Royal Mail, and is aimed at those who transport mail to the correct destinations in the appropriate vehicles. It could relate to a transport hub, and include both loading and unloading mail.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. ​comply with the relevant health and safety and bio-security requirements and follow organisational procedures, at all times, when working in mail services
  2. identify the types of mail being transported
  3. verify that mail is loaded and unloaded correctly in a vehicle suitable for the mail being transported
  4. transport the mail using the correct vehicles, equipment, and containers, according to the relevant organisational and legal requirements
  5. follow organisational procedures and use equipment to scan and log mail on or off the vehicle to enable en route tracking
  6. transport the mail to the correct destinations
  7. confirm that you have used organisationally approved methods to protect the mail during transportation
  8. identify and respond to any transport problems
  9. report any suspicious or dangerous mail items to the appropriate person, and take action following the organisational procedures
  10. record the transport of mail in the relevant information and recording system, in accordance with organisational procedures, and following all relevant data and information security regulations relating to staff, customers and delivery partners

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. the relevant health and safety and bio-security requirements when working in mail services, and your responsibilities for yourself and others
  2. the relevant organisational procedures for transporting mail, including procedural requirements for delivery partners
  3. the relevant destinations and geographical locations covered by your organisation
  4. the relevant legal and regulatory requirements for transporting mail
  5. the different types of containers used with specific types of mail
  6. your organisational procedures for loading and unloading different types of mail
  7. the organisational procedures and types of equipment used to scan and log mail on or off the vehicle, used as part of en route tracking
  8. the types of authorised vehicles and equipment that are suitable for the transportation of different types of mail
  9. the relevant regulations relating to the operation of vehicles used to transport mail
  10. the vehicle restrictions on weight and size of loads, including load restraint systems and methods
  11. your organisational responsibilities for protecting the condition of mail, and the precautions that can be taken to achieve this
  12. the types of potentially harmful conditions or substances that affect mail transportation
  13. the methods used to deal with different problems that may occur during mail transportation
  14. the safety and security risks associated with transporting mail
  15. the relevant methods used to report or remove suspicious or dangerous mail items
  16. the relevant organisational policies on confidentiality and data protection legislation
  17. the information and recording systems used by the organisation and the requirements for maintaining records


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Transport Drivers and Operatives, Transportation Operations and Maintenance, Warehouse and Distribution, Postal Services

SOC Code



mail services; post; mail; collection; delivery; processing; letters