Contribute to the safe operation of equipment used in mail services

Business Sectors (Suites): Mail Services
Developed by: Lantra
Approved on: 2022


This standard is about contributing to the safe operation of equipment used in mail services.

The standard does not cover carrying out maintenance of the equipment, it covers checking that the equipment is suitable for use, and that it has been maintained. You should be able to identify when faults are developing and know how to report them to the relevant person or department.

This standard applies to staff working in all mail service environments, including Royal Mail, and is aimed at operatives involved in mail services at all levels.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. comply with the with relevant health and safety requirements, and follow organisational procedures at all times when using equipment in mail services
  2. select the equipment that is required for use in your work area
  3. confirm that the equipment has been maintained and approved as safe to operate, prior to use
  4. confirm that the equipment complies with any relevant operational or manufacturer's instructions, and is ready for use
  5. confirm the safe operating conditions for the equipment
  6. report any equipment faults to the relevant person or department
  7. record any issues in the relevant information and recording system, in accordance with organisational procedures

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. the relevant industry and organisational health and safety requirements, when operating equipment in mail services, and your responsibilities for yourself and others
  2. the relevant regulations and organisational procedures relating to the operation of equipment in your work area
  3. the types and functions of the different routine and specialist equipment used to carry out tasks in mail services
  4. who is authorised to approve the use of equipment in mail services
  5. the checks that are required for the different types of equipment used in mail services
  6. the limits of your own responsibility and competence for the checking of equipment
  7. the maintenance schedules and procedures for different equipment used in mail services
  8. the types of faults that can be encountered with equipment used in mail services, and the action that should be taken when faults are identified
  9. the information and recording systems used by the organisation and the requirements for maintaining records


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Transport Drivers and Operatives, Transportation Operations and Maintenance, Warehouse and Distribution, Postal Services

SOC Code



mail services; post; mail; collection; delivery; processing; letters