Minimise the environmental impact of logistics operations

Business Sectors (Suites): Logistics Operations
Developed by: Lantra
Approved on: 2022


This standard is about minimising the environmental impact of

logistics operations. It includes monitoring the environmental impact and identifying ways to minimise that impact. It also includes monitoring energy efficiency and reducing, re-using and recycling materials.

This standard is relevant to all operatives at every level in logistics operations. Operatives could, for example, be working in warehousing and storage, transport, or freight forwarding. The standard could apply to those who look after a number of staff and have line manager responsibility.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. identify the organisational environmental, sustainability and recycling policies and practices relevant to logistics operations

  2. implement the organisation's environmental, sustainability and recycling policy and practices, and confirm that they are promoted to all colleagues in your organisation

  3. monitor the energy and materials used to deliver logistics operations in your organisation
  4. assess the potential environmental impact of your organisation's logistics operations before they are undertaken
  5. monitor the impact that your organisation's current logistics operations have on the environment
  6. identify and suggest ways to minimise any potential adverse effects of your organisation's logistics operations on the environment
  7. identify ways to reduce, reuse or recycle materials used in logistics operations to minimise the impact your organisation has on the environment
  8. identify ways to use energy and materials more efficiently for logistics operations in your organisation to minimise their environmental impact
  9. dispose of surplus materials from your organisation's logistics operations, according to the relevant legislation and organisational procedures
  10. brief partners and subcontractors on their environmental responsibilities when working with your organisation
  11. record work carried out in the relevant information and recording system, in accordance with organisational procedures
  12. comply with organisational procedures and all the relevant legal, environmental, health and safety, bio-security and operating requirements when monitoring the environmental impact of logistics operations

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. the environmental protection measures used within your organisation and how these relate to logistics operations

  2. how to select and use systems to assess the environmental impact of your organisation's logistics operations

  3. the environmental issues affecting the logistics industry
  4. your organisation's environmental and recycling policy and how this impacts on the cost of logistics operations
  5. the relevant legislation, regulations and organisational procedures applying to the disposal of surplus materials
  6. how to recycle and dispose of surplus materials to minimise the organisation's impact on the environment
  7. the ways in which your organisation's material usage can be improved to minimise the environmental impact in logistics operations
  8. the ways in which your organisation's energy efficiency can be improved to minimise the environmental impact in logistics operations
  9. the relevant regulatory bodies for logistics operations and their compliance requirements
  10. the roles, responsibilities, and management systems relevant to logistics operations in your organisation
  11. the information and recording systems, monitoring systems and communication methods used by your organisation
  12. the organisational procedures and all the relevant legal, environmental, health and safety, bio-security and operating requirements when monitoring the environmental impact of logistics operations


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





  • Environment: the natural environment, i.e. land, air and water
  • Environmental impact: any change to the environment resulting from an individual's or organisation's activities, products or services
  • Environmental, legal, safety and operating requirements: safety regulations, codes of practice, load restrictions, working-time regulations, transport regulations, working practices, **operating procedures, industry guidelines

Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Managers in Distribution, Storage and Retailing, Transport Associate Professionals, Transport Drivers and Operatives, Transportation Operations and Maintenance, Warehouse and Distribution

SOC Code



environment; impact; fuel; waste; disposal; contamination; pollution; risk