Improve the performance of logistics operations
This standard is about improving the performance of logistics
operations, including identifying areas for improving performance and consulting with colleagues to assess and evaluate the impact of those improvements.
This standard is relevant to all operatives at every level in logistics operations. Operatives could, for example, be working in warehousing and storage, transport, or freight forwarding. The standard could apply to those who look after a number of staff and have line manager responsibility.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
obtain valid and reliable information on the current performance of logistics operations in your organisation
identify potential areas for improvement in logistics operations and agree with colleagues the required improvement
research, analyse and assess potential performance improvement methods that would be beneficial for the organisation and its logistics operations
- recommend the most suitable methods for improving performance in logistics operations in your organisation
- identify the criteria that can be used to evaluate the effect on your organisation, and the relevant stakeholders, when applying the methods to improve performance
- monitor the effects on the organisation, and the relevant stakeholders, when applying the performance improvement methods over the required period of time
- evaluate the effect of applying the performance improvement methods on quality in your organisation
- identify any problems with applying performance improvement methods, and take the required action to resolve them
- record work carried out in the relevant information and recording system, in accordance with organisational procedures
- comply with organisational procedures and all the relevant legal, environmental, health and safety, bio-security and operating requirements for improving performance in logistics operations
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- how to measure and assess your organisation's current performance in logistics operations
- how to find sources of information on methods to improve performance in logistics operations
- the improvement approaches and analysis methods that are used in the logistics industry
- which performance improvement methods are used in your organisation
- how to monitor and evaluate the effects on your organisation and the relevant stakeholders when applying methods to improve the performance of logistics operations
- the advantages, disadvantages and any potential problems with applying different performance improvement methods
- the relevant regulatory bodies for logistics operations and their compliance requirements
- the roles, responsibilities, and management systems relevant to logistics operations in your organisation
- the information and recording systems, monitoring systems and communication methods used by your organisation
- the organisational procedures and all the relevant legal, environmental, health and safety, bio-security and operating requirements for improving performance in logistics operations
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
- Colleagues: permanent, temporary, agency staff, external
- Areas for improvement: processes, working methods, working practices
- Improvement methods: technology, mechanical equipment, staffing, training, workstation design, procedures and procedural
- Problems with applying: impact on other departments/activities, cost, training needs, staffing, communication methods
- Environmental, legal, safety and operating requirements: safety regulations, codes of practice, load restrictions, working-time regulations, transport regulations, working practices, operating procedures, industry guidelines [Note: the glossary is not usually numbered. You may want to put the entries in alphabetical order: Areas for improvement; Colleagues, Environmental, legal…; Improvement methods; Problems with applying…]