Apply the use of technology in logistics operations
This standard is about applying the use of technology in logistics operations. It includes checking that colleagues know how to use technology and identifying possible improvements in the use of technology.
This standard is relevant to all operatives at every level in logistics operations. Operatives could, for example, be working in warehousing and storage, transport, or freight forwarding. The standard could apply to those who look after a number of staff and have line manager responsibility.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- confirm that the use of technology in logistics operations is applied according to organisational procedures
- Confirm colleagues' understanding and competence in the operation of technology, and monitor its safe use in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and orgainsational procedures
- identify any training needs associated with the use of technology and organise the relevant training
- identify any issues arising from the use of technology in logistics operations and take action to respond to these
- confirm that contingencies are in place should failures in technology in logistics operations occur
- follow specified maintenance schedules for the technology used in logistics operations, in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and organisational procedures
- identify ways in which the use of technology can improve logistics operations in your organisation
- research and monitor new and emerging technology that could be used to improve the efficiency of logistics operations in your organisation
- comply with organisational procedures and all the relevant legal, environmental, health and safety, bio-security and operating requirements when applying the use of technology and data in logistics operations
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
the technology for logistics operations that is available and in use in your organisation
the manufacturers' instructions and organisational procedures for the use and maintenance of the technology used by your organisation for logistics operations
- the methods to check that the technology is being used safely and in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and organisational procedures
- how to identify and respond to the training needs associated with the use of technology in your organisation
- how to devise and implement ways of responding to any failures in technology in logistics operations
- the roles, responsibilities, and management systems related to logistics operations in your organisation
- the action to take when issues are identified arising from the use of technology in logistics operations
- how to research the latest technological advances in logistics operations
- the implications of changes in technology and the costs to the organisation
- the relevant regulatory bodies for logistics operations and their compliance requirements relating to the use of technology by your organisation
- the information and recording systems, monitoring systems and communication methods used by your organisation
- the organisational procedures and all the relevant legal, environmental, health and safety, bio-security, data protection and analysis and operating requirements relating to the use of technology in logistics operations
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
- Colleagues: permanent, temporary, agency staff, external
- Issues: lack of training, malfunction, repair programmes
- Legal, safety and operating requirements: safety regulations, codes of practice, load restrictions, working-time regulations, transport regulations, working practices, operating procedures, industry guidelines
- Technology: stock-control systems, warehouse management systems, lifting and handling equipment, route-planning tools, computer software, Computerised Vehicle Route Scheduling equipment (CVRS)