Monitor vehicle movements
Business Sectors (Suites): Traffic Office
Developed by: Lantra
Approved on:
This standard is about monitoring vehicle movements. It involves reacting to any changes impacting on routing or scheduling of the vehicle or load. It involves informing the relevant personnel of changes and maintaining records.
This standard is relevant to all operatives at every level in logistics operations. Operatives could, for example, be working in warehousing and storage, transport or freight forwarding.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- confirm the routing and scheduling information for the movement of vehicles and their loads
- monitor the routing and scheduling of vehicles and their loads and modify vehicle movements in response to changes to customer requirements
- make use of telematics systems and information, in accordance with the organisation's policies and procedures, to monitor vehicle movements
- monitor the progress of vehicles and loads and report this to the relevant personnel
- inform the relevant personnel of changes to the routing and scheduling of vehicles and their loads
- inform customers about changes to the routing and scheduling of vehicles and their loads
- respond to issues reported by drivers in relation to their vehicle, such as vehicle breakdowns or traffic conditions
- respond to emergencies or accidents involving the vehicle or its load, and arrange recovery of the vehicle/load when necessary
- comply with the organisation's procedures and all the relevant legal, safety and operating requirements
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- where to find information in relation to the allocation of resources required to monitor vehicle movements, and deal with any issues
- how to monitor vehicle routes, destinations, delivery and collection schedules for vehicles
- the relevant health, safety and environmental issues relating to the movement of vehicles
- the methods and equipment used for monitoring the progress of vehicles and their loads
- the use of telematics in vehicle monitoring and movement
- the limitations of routes, vehicles, equipment and drivers
- how to assist and support drivers and their loads when breakdowns or accidents occur
- the environmental, economic and efficiency issues relating to the load and the vehicle
- the sources of routing information
- the relevant legal, safety and operating requirements relating to monitoring the vehicle movements
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
- Customer(s): internal, external
- Legal, safety and operating requirements: safety regulations, codes of practice, load restrictions, working-time regulations, transport regulations
- Telematics: integrated use of information and communications technology
Links To Other NOS
External Links
Version Number
Indicative Review Date
Originating Organisation
Original URN
Relevant Occupations
Managers in Distribution, Storage and Retailing, Transport Associate Professionals, Transport Drivers and Operatives, Warehouse and Distribution, Transport Operations and Maintenance
SOC Code
transport; road movement; journey; freight; monitor