Monitor the transportation of supplies

Business Sectors (Suites): International Trade and Logistics Operations,Logistics Operations,Supply Chain Management
Developed by: Lantra
Approved on: 2022


This standard is about monitoring the transportation of supplies. It includes collating and analysing information in regard to the transportation of supplies, providing results of the analysis, and making recommendations. It also involves identifying any problems in regard to the transportation of supplies.

This standard is for supply chain practitioners working in purchasing, freight logistics operations or transport management roles who have responsibility for monitoring supplies. The standard could apply to those who look after a number of staff and have line manager responsibility.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. check the relevant information on the supplies being transported

  2. confirm the information on the transportation methods and mode for the supplies being transported

  3. comply with organisational procedures for monitoring the transportation of supplies
  4. monitor the transportation of supplies using the relevant systems or tracking devices
  5. collate and prepare data on the transportation of supplies
  6. analyse data on the transportation of supplies
  7. provide the results of the monitoring and analysis to the relevant colleagues
  8. make recommendations to improve the transportation of supplies
  9. take the required action to resolve any problems with the transportation of supplies
  10. contact the relevant colleagues or supply chain partner, if the problems identified cannot be resolved
  11. communicate with colleagues and the supply chain throughout the monitoring process
  12. inform the customer of any delays, allowing as much time as possible to respond to delays
  13. comply with organisational procedures and all relevant legal, environmental, health and safety, bio-security and operating requirements relating to monitoring the transportation of supplies

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. the sources of the relevant information and documentation for the supplies being transported and the transportation methods and mode

  2. the transportation methods and procedures used in your organisation

  3. the organisational procedures for monitoring the transportation of supplies
  4. how to monitor the transportation of supplies using tracking and tracing systems
  5. how to collate and prepare data on the monitoring of transportation of supplies
  6. how to analyse monitoring data on the transportation of supplies
  7. how to present the results from the monitoring process to colleagues
  8. the information sources on supply chain processes in your organisation
  9. the types of problems that may occur with the transportation of supplies and how to resolve these
  10. the importance of communication with colleagues and the supply chain throughout the monitoring process, and how this can be achieved
  11. the importance of communicating any delays to the customer in a proactive manner, allowing as much time as possible to respond to the problems
  12. the organisational procedures and all relevant legal, environmental, health and safety, bio-security and operating requirements relating to monitoring the transportation of supplies


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





  • Colleagues: permanent, temporary, agency staff, external

  • Environmental, legal, safety and operating requirements: safety regulations, codes of practice, load restrictions, working-time regulations, transport regulations, working practices, operating procedures, industry guidelines

  • Supplies: any combination of goods or services that are procured, delivered or stored in the supply chain
  • Supply chain: procurement, purchasing and supply, logistics, transport and operations management, within and between international boundaries

  • Transportation: the movement of supplies or resources internally or externally within your own organisation, nationally or between international boundaries

Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Managers in Distribution, Storage and Retailing, Transport Associate Professionals, Transport Drivers and Operatives, Transportation Operations and Maintenance, Warehouse and Distribution

SOC Code



monitor; transportation; supplies; supply chain