Contribute to the success of the logistics operations business through your work
This standard is about contributing to the success of the logistics operations business through your work. It involves understanding the organisation's aims and procedures in order to make a contribution to the business through your work activities. It **covers the identification of individual and group targets, requirements and responsibilities. It is about assisting colleagues and knowing how to communicate with all those involved in logistics operations. It requires individuals to consider how they can improve their own performance.
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This standard is relevant to all operatives at every level in logistics operations. Operatives could, for example, be working in warehousing and storage, transport, or freight forwarding.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- confirm tasks, priorities and responsibilities with colleagues and/or the person setting them
- contribute to the success of the logistics operations business through performing your work in ways that are consistent with your organisation's procedures
- maintain your personal appearance, special clothing, equipment and the work area in accordance with your organisation's procedures
- report to the relevant person when circumstances prevent the achievement of work priorities, activities and responsibilities
- identify your own areas for improvement from feedback and observation of your performance from management
- seek opportunities to meet these areas for improvement in order to contribute to the success of the logistics operations business
- offer support to colleagues that is relevant to their priorities and consistent with meeting your own responsibilities
- identify and resolve misunderstandings and conflicts that are detrimental to working relationships and business success
- handle requests from others that fall within your responsibility
communicate with other people in a manner that contributes to the success of the logistics operations business
ask colleagues for information and assistance to help you follow organisational procedures
- comply with the organisation's procedures and all relevant environmental, legal, regulatory, health and safety and operating requirements
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- the importance of your own work role and responsibilities and how these contribute to the overall success of the logistic operations business
- the quality and output requirements of both your own and your colleagues' role and responsibilities
- the requirements for special clothing, standards of appearance and methods for maintaining your equipment and work area
- the circumstances that may prevent you meeting your required work activities and priorities and what action to take when they occur
- the importance of feedback in improving personal work performance
- how to identify your own learning needs and areas for improvement to contribute to the success of the logistics operations business
- the types of opportunities for learning that are available and how to select the ones relevant to you
- how to recognise when colleagues need support and assistance
- the importance of supporting colleagues and the difference it makes to productivity and business success
- the importance of recognising difficulties and misunderstandings and ways of rectifying issues that are detrimental to the working relationships and business success
- the communication methods used by your organisation
- how to make and respond to requests for support, including how to respond when you cannot action requests
- the organisation's procedures and all relevant environmental, legal, health and safety, regulatory and operating requirements
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
- Colleagues: permanent, temporary, agency staff, external
- Communicate: oral, electronic, written
- Special clothing: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), protective clothing, branded workwear