Provide first line housing legal advice

Business Sectors (Suites): Legal Advice
Developed by: Skills for Justice
Approved on: 2019


This standard is about providing clients with direct housing information and advice at the point of initial contact with the service. You will establish their needs and expectations of services, research information which is relevant to their situations and provide them with appropriate and accurate legal advice. You will also decide when to refer clients on

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. communicate with the client in a manner appropriate to their

    understanding and needs

    1. explain to clients the legal advice services you can offer in line

    with organisational requirements

    1. check that clients understanding of legal advice services is

    consistent with information you have provided

    1. agree with clients their legal advice requirements in line with

    relevant legislation, policies and procedures

    1. agree with clients any situations which require immediate action

    and take steps to implement in line with their requirements

    1. explain the organisation's systems and procedures for working

    with clients

    1. analyse available client information to assign relevance to their

    case in line with your professional judgement

    1. record client details and agreed actions in line with organisational


    1. review sources of information to assess applicability to clients


    1. check that information obtained enables you to advise clients

    2. analyse information received from clients and the research

    process to formulate options in line with clients needs

    1. present clients with information and possible options for action in

    line with organisational requirements

    1. advise clients on the implications of possible options in line with

    organisational requirements

    1. check clients understanding of the advice offered in line with

    organisational requirements

    1. agree actions required by you and clients in line with

    organisational requirements

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

You need to know and 1. how to adapt communication styles in ways which are appropriate to

the needs of the client

  1. the legislative framework affecting provision and entitlement to

    private and social housing, with particular reference to:

    2.1 types of tenure and their implications for tenants and landlords

    2.2 housing standards as they relate to residents

  2. housing options available based on circumstances and eligibility, with

    particular reference to:

    3.1 residency status of clients

    3.2 recognising emergency situations

    3.3 giving options to clients

    3.4 tests for relevant authority duties

  3. considerations in relation to statutory housing allocation, including:

    4.1 eligibility

    4.2 rules for the application process

    4.3 right to a written decision and time limits for challenge

  4. rights and entitlements in relation to harassment and eviction

  5. the role of statutory enforcement bodies responsible for dealing with

    discrimination issues

  6. the legal remedies for discrimination

  7. environmental, health and safety requirements and their impact on


  8. the definition of homelessness

  9. services available to people who are homeless

  10. how the wider benefits system affects the ability to access and

    retain housing

  11. procedures for possession in both private and social housing:

    12.1 by landlord

    12.2 by mortgage provider or secured loan provider

  12. how to recognise notice and possession orders and warrants

  13. complaints procedures in relation to housing


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation

Skills for justice

Original URN

sfj ib9

Relevant Occupations

Legal Advisers, Legal Associate Professionals

SOC Code



First point of contact; Referral to specialist advice; Provide information; Residential; Accommodation