Provide advice on non-prescribed medicines and products

Business Sectors (Suites): Pharmacy
Developed by: Skills for Health
Approved on: 2016


​This standard is about providing advice about non-prescribed medicines and products to individuals. This standard relates to ascertaining the requirements of a range of individuals using appropriate questioning techniques and, where appropriate within the scope of your practice, to recommend a suitable General Sales List medicine or Pharmacy product to meet their needs.
Your practice will be consistent with your occupational role and carried out under the regulatory and ethical frameworks established in the context of current legislation. You will need to take a reflective approach to your work.
You will work at all times within Standard Operating Procedures that relate to the way in which a pharmacy service is provided in your work place. Users of this standard will need to ensure that practice reflects up to date information and policies.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

​1.    communicate with the individual and key people at a pace, in a manner and at a level appropriate to the individual’s understanding, preferences and needs
2.    work within the relevant Standard Operating Procedures including the relevant health and safety procedures and within your own limits of competence
3.    use appropriate questioning techniques to ascertain the individual’s requirements and needs
4.    offer the individual medicines/products to meet their requirements, where appropriate
5.    provide the individual with relevant information and advice regarding the medicine or product
6.    confirm with the individual that:
6.1    they have understood the information you have provided
6.2    the information you have provided to them meets their requirements
7.    if necessary, refer to the appropriate person, passing on all relevant information
8.    place the medicine/product in the appropriate packaging before giving it to the individual
9.    process payment in line with your organisational policies
10.    where the Standard Operating Procedure, legislation and/or your experience requires you to refer on to an appropriate person, explain to the individual the action being taken and why
11.    inform the appropriate person when excessive or regular quantities of medicines liable to abuse or misuse, are requested before completing the request
12.    inform the individual politely when the request for a medicine/product cannot be completed and take appropriate action
13.    treat all information in confidence
14.    provide lifestyle and other relevant advice in relation to symptoms
15.    complete all relevant documentation and store appropriately in accordance with legal and organisational requirements where appropriate

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. the Standard Operating Procedures and the importance of adhering to them at all times
  2. the importance of working within the limits of your competence and authority, when to seek agreement or permission from others and when to refer on to an appropriate person
  3. current health and safety legislation and how it applies to the working environment
  4. legal, organisational and policy requirements relevant to your role, the role of others in your organisation and the activities being carried out
  5. the relevant national and local guidelines, policies and procedures that are available and how and when they should be accessed
  6. the importance of adhering to information governance policies and maintaining confidentiality when sharing information about individuals with others
  7. the duty to report any acts or omissions that could be detrimental to individuals, yourself, colleagues or your employer
  8. methods of enabling effective communication and supporting individuals to communicate their needs, views and preferences
  9. when and how to use the relevant protocols for the safe sale of medicines
  10. the main actions and side effects of the active ingredients within the most commonly used non-prescription medicines
  11. the different **classes of medicines
  12. the interactions, cautions and contraindications of commonly used non-prescribed medicines 
  13. which medicines or products are liable to misuse or abuse by individuals
  14. how to give advice on the appropriate use of non-prescribed medicines and products
  15. how to maintain the privacy of the individual when asking questions related to their needs
  16. the use of appropriate questioning techniques to obtain relevant information
  17. the divergent needs of individuals
  18. the sources of information that can be accessed and the information that can be given to individuals by you and other colleagues
  19. when you should refer for information/advice and to whom
  20. the importance of recording, storing and retrieving information in accordance with organisational procedures


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

This standard links with the following dimension within the NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework (October 2004):

Dimension: Core 1 Communication

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation

Skills for Health

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Health Associate Professionals, Health Professionals

SOC Code



symptoms; actions; medicines; use; advice; managing; sale; medicines; selling; products; over-the counter-medicines