Minimise the risk of spreading infection by cleaning, disinfection and storing care equipment

Business Sectors (Suites): Infection Prevention and Control
Developed by: Skills for Health
Approved on: 2021


This standard concerns the routine cleaning, disinfection and storage of re-usable non-invasive care equipment to minimise the risk of spreading infection. All staff in health and social care environments should receive training in cleaning, with or without disinfection of the care equipment they use but it should be clear who is responsible for this within each area or care setting. Cleaning and disinfecting are the terms that are used in this standard however in some areas the term 'decontamination' is used. 'Decontamination' is an umbrella term which incorporates cleaning, disinfecting and sterilising as appropriate. This standard covers activity in all health and social care environments, including community and domiciliary settings, and ambulance vehicles/stations, but excluding specialised settings, such as laboratories, pharmacies, or operating theatres, where more specialised methods may be required.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. access and accurately interpret all relevant work instructions and information
  2. work safely at all times and in accordance with all relevant legislation, guidelines, policies, procedures and protocols
  3. deal promptly and effectively with any problems within your control and report those which cannot be solved
  4. identify and minimise hazards and risk in the workplace
  5. perform effective hand hygiene before and on completion of the activity in accordance with organisational policy/procedures
  6. inspect the care equipment before use, and ensure it is clean
  7. assess what cleaning, with or without disinfection, is required, and choose the appropriate agent and equipment
  8. gather the cleaning, and if required disinfection, agent and equipment and put on the appropriate personal protective equipment before commencing
  9. clean the care equipment according to the type of equipment, manufacturer's instructions and organisational procedures
  10. use disinfectant safely where this is required as part of the cleaning process
  11. assess the state of repair of care equipment during cleaning, remove any equipment immediately that is not fit for use in accordance with organisational policy
  12. report and replace any item that is damaged
  13. ensure care equipment is stored in a clean, designated place in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and organisational procedures
  14. discard single use equipment and personal protective equipment in accordance with organisational procedures
  15. return cleaning and disinfection agents to safe storage, following regulations and guidance concerning hazardous substances, health and safety guidance and the manufacturer's instructions
  16. ensure your cleaning and disinfection equipment is clean, fit for purpose, appropriately colour coded, in a good state of repair, and is stored in a clean designated place
  17. discard disposable equipment in accordance with organisational policy
  18. complete and store all relevant documentation in accordance with organisational requirements

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. the current legislation, guidelines, policies, procedures and protocols which are relevant to your work practice and to which you must adhere
  2. the scope and limitations of your own competence, responsibilities and accountability as it applies to your job role
  3. how to access and interpret all relevant work instructions and information
  4. specific procedures for reporting issues which are beyond your competence, responsibilities and accountability
  5. the duty to report any acts or omissions that could be unsafe/detrimental to you or others
  6. the hazards and risks which may arise during the execution of your work role and how you can minimise these
  7. how to access facilities for hand hygiene
  8. effective techniques for maintaining hand hygiene
  9. the appropriate personal protective equipment to use when cleaning equipment
  10. how to safely put on, remove and dispose of personal protective equipment
  11. who is responsible for cleaning equipment
  12. when disinfectant is to be used as part of the cleaning process
  13. the cleaning schedules for deep and routine cleaning which involve cloths and other reusable cleaning products being cleaned or disposed of after use as appropriate
  14. the uses, dilutions, methods of application, storage and disposal of cleaning, and disinfectant products
  15. how to distinguish between single-use and reusable equipment and/or personal protective equipment and how to dispose, launder, clean, disinfect and store them safely
  16. how to complete and safely store all relevant documentation in accordance with organisational requirements


Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Links To Other NOS

External Links

Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation

Skills for Health

Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Health and Social Care, Health and Social Services Officers, Health Associate Professionals, Health Professionals, Health, Public Services and Care, Healthcare and Related Personal Services

SOC Code



Clean, disinfect, risk, infection, prevention, care, equipment