Interpret and report on imaging examinations
This standard is concerned with interpreting the findings from diagnostic images and the provision of a report that suggests a diagnosis or differential diagnosis based on the findings from the imaging examination. Users of this standard will need to ensure that practice
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
check the identification of the images against associated documents,
recognise any discrepancies and take appropriate action
- examine the images for technical and diagnostic quality, recognise
where unsatisfactory images have been obtained and take appropriate
- examine the images to ensure they are consistent with, and
appropriate for, the examination requested, and the clinical information
- request further views, sequences, techniques or reconstructions
where the images are insufficient or unsatisfactory
- compare the images with any available previous relevant images and
reports for the individual
- assess appearances in comparison with normal appearances and
- produce a report which:
7.1 provides an interpretation of the findings
7.2 suggests a diagnosis or assists in forming a diagnosis
7.3 advises on follow-up action or management, where appropriate
- seek advice from appropriate others where you observe unexpected
images or findings that are outside your scope of competence
- take appropriate action based on imaging findings, including where
immediate action is required in line with local and national protocols
- record, collate and prepare appropriate information, documentation
and images for transfer or storage according to local protocols
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
legal, organisational and policy requirements relevant to your role,
the role of others in your organisation and the activities being
carried out
- the relevant national and local standards, guidelines, policies and
procedures that are available and how and when they should be
- the limitations of your own knowledge and experience and the
importance of operating within your scope of practice
- the anatomy, physiology, pathology and related structures of the
area under examination
- the presenting complaint, other relevant tests and previous clinical
history of the individual and how these may contribute to decision
making about image appearances
- how to evaluate the possible effect of trauma or disease on other
body structures and systems
- disease processes and trauma, and the impact of these on image
- normal and abnormal appearances and the relevant pathologies
of the area being examined, their manifestations and significance
for management of the individual
- medical terminology relevant to the examination including
the principles of image production
the ways in which images can be captured, processed,
permanently stored, retrieved and forwarded
- the relationship between the position of the individual and image
the technical and diagnostic quality requirements of the image
the recognition of artefacts and their impact
factors which influence the decision to repeat images or take
additional views
- the indications and contra-indications for the use of other imaging
modalities and investigations
- equipment capabilities, limitations and routine maintenance
including the quality control processes required by the operator
- the role of audit, reflecting on errors, continuous learning and
development and discrepancy reviews in image reporting
- the role of the multi-disciplinary team in image review and
finalising reports
local procedures and protocols relating to the examination report
critical appraisal techniques
report writing techniques relevant to the examination
how to vary communication styles depending on the intended
recipient of the report
- procedures relating to recording, collating and preparing
appropriate information, documentation and images for transfer or
storage according to local protocols
- how to keep full, accurate and clear records in line with
organisational procedures
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
Links To Other NOS
External Links
This standard links with the following dimension within the NHS
Knowledge and Skills Framework (October 2004):
Dimension: HWB6 Assessment and treatment planning