Support and enable individuals undergoing dialysis and their carers to carry out dialysis procedures
This standard covers supporting and enabling individuals undergoing dialysis and their carers to carry out dialysis procedures at home. This applies to all types of renal dialysis therapy. You are expected to give both routine and emergency help and advice. The routine support may be part of a structured training and education programme for individuals who are moving over to home therapy.
It is recognised within this standard that support and advice will always be given as part of an overall plan of care determined by relevant practitioners, within the care team.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- access and accurately interpret all relevant work instructions and information
- work safely at all times and in accordance with all relevant legislation, guidelines, policies, procedures and protocols
- deal promptly and effectively with any problems within your control and report those which cannot be solved
- identify and minimise hazards and risk in the workplace
- communicate with the individual and key people at a pace, in a manner and at a level appropriate to the individual's understanding, preferences and needs
- respect the individual's rights and wishes relating to their privacy, beliefs, and dignity
- provide support to the individual and carers and ensure health and safety measures are implemented at all times
- apply standard precautions for infection prevention and control and other relevant health and safety measures
- check the individual's identity and confirm the planned activity
- gain valid, informed consent from the individual in accordance with organisational procedures
- establish with the individual and their carer how much assistance they require and encourage them to be as self-managing as possible consistent with the plan of care
give the individual and/or their carer appropriate support and assistance to:
- prepare the necessary resources
- prepare the skin area
- clean their hands effectively
answer any specific queries and questions from the individual and/or their carer accurately or seek advice from an appropriate member of the care team
- encourage the individual and/or their carer to carry out the activity using the correct technique at appropriate times according to the plan of care
- enable the individual and/or their carer to recognise progress and problems with the activity and either cease the activity or seek advice where necessary
- seek advice immediately from the appropriate relevant practitioner if there are any indications which may signify the activity is no longer appropriate or there are adverse reactions
- enable the individual and/or their carer to dispose of waste materials, and understand the reasons for doing so, in an appropriate safe manner and place
- give full and accurate details of how to seek help in case of difficulties with dialysis to the individual and/or their carer in an appropriate manner, level and pace
- complete and store all relevant documentation in accordance with organisational requirements
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- the current legislation, guidelines, policies, procedures and protocols which are relevant to your work practice and to which you must adhere
- the scope and limitations of your own competence, responsibilities and accountability as it applies to your job role
- how to access and interpret all relevant work instructions and information
- specific procedures for reporting issues which are beyond your competence, responsibilities and accountability
- the duty to report any acts or omissions that could be unsafe/detrimental to you or others
- the hazards and risks which may arise during the execution of your work role and how you can minimise these
- how to adapt communication styles in ways which are appropriate to the needs of the individual
- the correct use of any equipment and PPE to protect the health and safety of you and others
- the principles, practice and procedures associated with informed consent
- the needs of individuals and carers including issues relating to dignity, confidentiality, and privacy
- organisational management structures, roles, and responsibilities
- the importance of applying standard precautions to the supporting and enabling of individuals undergoing dialysis and their carers to carry out dialysis procedures at home and the potential consequences of poor practice
- the importance of giving advice and information in a manner, level and pace which is appropriate for the individual and/or their carer
- the roles of local health authorities and councils in the disposal of waste
- what is hazardous and non-hazardous waste and how it can be disposed of safely
- the effects of dependence and independence on the individual, their carers and the provision of the service in relation to carrying out dialysis procedures
- the concerns which individuals may have in relation to their procedures and treatment
- the contra-indications or adverse reactions to the procedures and how to explain these, and the actions they should take, to the individual/carer without causing undue alarm
- the ways in which individuals can be helped to prepare for different activities, including holidays, changing the dialysis regime or route, and social events; the appropriate steps to take and the potential side effects
- how the individual can adapt the treatment to their personal needs and lifestyle without compromising the treatment
- how you can assist in reducing anxiety levels in an individual and/or carer when carrying out dialysis procedures
the equipment and materials needed to carry out dialysis at home and how to explain and demonstrate to the individual/carer:
- how and where to store them
- how to clean and maintain them
- the specific precautions they should take in relation to preventing infection
- how to use them correctly
- the common problems they may encounter when carrying out dialysis at home and how they should deal with these
methods of assessing the ability of the individual/carer in carrying out dialysis procedures
- how to provide constructive feedback to the individual/carer on any aspects of the dialysis procedures they need alter to ensure effective dialysis at home
- the importance of encouraging the individual/carer to keep accurate notes on problems/issues they want to discuss with members of the care team
- how to complete and safely store all relevant documentation in accordance with organisational requirements