Applying heat treatment to engineering materials

Business Sectors (Suites): Performing Engineering Operations Suite 1
Developed by: Enginuity
Approved on: 2017


This standard covers a range of basic competences that you need, to apply specified heat treatment processes to engineering materials/components. It will prepare you for entry into the engineering or manufacturing sectors, creating a progression between education and employment, or it will provide a basis for the development of additional skills and occupational competences in the working environment.

You will be expected to prepare for the heat treatment activities by obtaining all the necessary job instructions, materials, tools, equipment and any documentation that may be required.

You will be required to use the specified techniques to prepare the materials and equipment in readiness for the application of the heat treatments. The heat treatment activities will include the application of treatments such as flame hardening, case hardening, carburising, tempering, annealing and normalising, as applicable to the task.

Your responsibilities will require you to comply with health and safety requirements and organisational policy and procedures for the heat treatment activities undertaken. You will need to report any difficulties or problems that may arise with the heat treatment activities, and to carry out any agreed actions. You will work under a high level of supervision, whilst taking responsibility for your own actions and for the quality and accuracy of the work that you carry out.

Your underpinning knowledge will provide an understanding of your work, and will enable you to apply appropriate heat treatment techniques and procedures safely. You will understand the preparation and heat treatment techniques used, and their application, and will know about the equipment, materials and consumables, to the required depth to provide a sound basis for carrying out the activities to the required specification.

You will understand the safety precautions required when carrying out the heat treatment activities, and when using the associated tools and equipment. You will be required to demonstrate safe working practices throughout. You will also understand your responsibilities for safety, and the importance of taking the necessary safeguards to protect yourself and others in the workplace.

Specific Standard Requirements

At least one of the heat treated components must require a combination of different treatment techniques to be used: such as hardening, quenching and tempering.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. work safely at all times, complying with health and safety legislation, regulations, directives and other relevant guidelines
  2. prepare the materials in readiness to receive the appropriate heat treatment
  3. check that the heat treatment equipment is at satisfactory operating conditions
  4. carry out the heat treatment process, using appropriate techniques and procedures
  5. produce heat treated components
  6. report any difficulties or problems that may arise with the heat treatment activities, and carry out any agreed actions
  7. shut down the heat treatment equipment to a safe condition on completion of the activities
  8. leave the work area in a safe condition on completion of the heat treatment activities

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. the specific health and safety precautions which must be taken when carrying out heat treatment processes (such as wearing protective clothing and protective equipment, using fume extraction equipment)
  2. the hazards associated with carrying out heat treatment processes (such as handling hot materials, using heat treatment solutions, fume inhalation, splashes from hot oil or liquids, fire and explosive mixtures), and how they can be minimised
  3. the personal protective equipment (PPE) that should be used (such as leather aprons, eye protection, overalls, face masks, breathing equipment); how to obtain it and check that it is in a safe and usable condition
  4. the importance of ensuring that fume extraction equipment is operating effectively, and that good housekeeping and fire prevention procedures are observed
  5. the importance of following job instructions and defined heat treatment procedures
  6. the material preparation methods and techniques to be undertaken, prior to applying the heat treatments (such as removing scale, oil and dirt; masking surfaces to contain the case hardening or carburising deposits; polishing surfaces to be tempered using visual methods; packing or coating the components with a carbon enriched material; pre-heating before immersion into a salt bath)
  7. the specific heat treatment process to be carried out, and the types of application for which they are best suited (such as flame hardening, case hardening, carburising, annealing, tempering and normalising)
  8. how to prepare the equipment for the heat treatment activities (such as setting furnace or salt bath controls to give the correct temperature; the procedure for lighting and extinguishing the blacksmith's forge; setting up gas torches; ensuring that suitable tongs/handling devices are available)
  9. the methods used to hold/secure components in a heat treatment solution (such as wires, hooks, jigs)
  10. the importance of monitoring the equipment settings and process solutions during the heat treatment process
  11. the heating of the components to the correct temperature for the process being carried out (such as hardening temperatures for various carbon contents; soak times at set temperatures for carburising, annealing or normalising; temperatures and colours for various tempering applications), and why these must be adhered too
  12. the quenching and cooling methods to be used (such as fresh water, salt water, oil, sand, air and leaving the components in the furnace to cool naturally)
  13. the need to maintain quenching oil at a temperature below its flash point
  14. the problems that can occur with the heat treatment operations, and how these can be overcome
  15. when to act on your own initiative and when to seek help and advice from others
  16. the importance of leaving the work area and equipment in a safe and clean condition on completion of the heat treatment activities (such as returning tools and equipment to the designated location, cleaning the work area, and removing and disposing of waste)


Scope Performance

  1. Carry out all of the following during the heat treatment activities:

    1. adhere to procedures or systems in place for risk assessment, COSHH, personal protective equipment (PPE) and other relevant safety regulations
    2. follow job instructions and heat treatment process specifications and procedures
    3. check that the equipment is ready for the heat treatment operations being performed
    4. store all tools and equipment on completion of the heat treatment activities
    5. dispose of waste and excess materials in line with agreed organisational procedures
  2. Carry out two of the following heat treatment processes:

    1. flame hardening       
    2. carburising 
    3. annealing
    4. case hardening       
    5. tempering  
    6. normalising/stress relieving
  3. Apply heat treatments to one of the following types of material:

    1. low carbon steel
    2. chilled cast iron     
    3. copper
    4. high carbon steel     
    5. welded fabrications 
    6. silver/tool steel
    7. other specific material
  4. Prepare the components for the heat treatment activities, by carrying out one of the following:

    1. removing scale         
    2. masking  
    3. pre-heating
    4. degreasing/cleaning 
    5. polishing area to be tempered
  5. Use two of the following methods of heating the components:

    1. furnace                     
    2. gas torches
    3. blacksmith's forge    
    4. salt/chemical baths
  6. Use one of the following methods of quenching/cooling the material:

    1. fresh water        
    2. oil       
    3. sand
    4. salt water       
    5. air      
    6. left in the furnace to cool
  7. Carry out the heat treatment activities, to include all of the following:

    1. lighting up the furnace/forge or torch, using approved procedures
    2. checking that the components are correctly prepared for the required heat treatment activities (such as dry, at the correct temperature, correctly polished or masked, packed with carbon enriched material)
    3. checking that there is sufficient cooling medium so that it will not overheat or reach flash point
    4. loading the components safely into the heat source/solution
    5. ensuring that components are left for the required induction period
    6. removing the components safely and correctly from the heat source/solution
    7. quenching/cooling the components, using the appropriate medium and technique
  8. Carry out heat treatment processes which comply with all of the following:

    1. the final heat treated material is in line with the specification or job requirements
    2. the heat treated material is free from defects
    3. the heat treatment process meets customer/company requirements

Scope Knowledge



​Additional Information

You will be able to apply the appropriate behaviours required in the workplace to meet the job profile and overall company objectives, such as:

  • strong work ethic
  • positive attitude
  • team player
  • dependability
  • responsibility
  • honesty
  • integrity
  • motivation
  • commitment



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Relevant Occupations

Engineering, Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies

SOC Code



performing engineering operations; applying heat treatment; engineering materials; manufacturing; flame hardening; case hardening; carburising; tempering; annealing; normalising