Preparing thermal spraying equipment for operation
Business Sectors (Suites): Materials Processing and Finishing Suite 3
Developed by: Enginuity
Approved on:
This standard identifies the competencies needed to prepare thermal spraying equipment for operation, in accordance with approved procedures. The equipment to be prepared will include handheld spraying equipment, manual controlled machines, numerically controlled or computer-controlled machines, as applicable. You will be required to set up and check both the thermal spraying equipment and all associated mechanical and electrical apparatus forming part of the mechanised or automated installation. This will include setting up of handling and loading equipment, workholding arrangements, transfer mechanisms and safety equipment, as applicable to the equipment type. In setting up the spraying conditions, you will be expected to set the mechanical, electrical and gas conditions, feed rates, process and cycle times. You must produce trial runs and prove the machine is working satisfactorily before declaring the installation ready for production. Making adjustments to settings to achieve specification and solving machine-related problems during production, will also form part of your role. Your responsibilities will require you to comply with organisational policy and procedures for setting up the thermal spraying equipment and to report any problems with the thermal spraying equipment or spraying activities that you cannot resolve, or are outside your permitted authority, to the relevant people. You will be expected to work with a minimum of supervision, taking personal responsibility for your own actions and for the quality and accuracy of the work that you carry out. Your underpinning knowledge will provide a good understanding of your work and will provide an informed approach to applying thermal spraying procedures. You will understand the thermal spraying process carried out and its application and will know about the equipment, relevant materials and consumables, in adequate depth to provide a sound basis for setting up the equipment, correcting faults and ensuring that the work output is produced to the required specification. You will understand the safety precautions required when working with the thermal spraying equipment. You will be required to demonstrate safe working practices throughout and will understand the responsibility you owe to yourself and others in the workplace and towards the environment. |
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
1. Work safely at all times, complying with health and safety legislation, regulations, directives and other relevant guidelines 2. follow the relevant surface treatment procedure specification and job instructions for the components to be treated 3. prepare equipment for thermal spraying 4. check materials are available, useable and meet quality and quantity specifications 5. set the equipment operating parameters to achieve the required surface treatments and component specifications 6. check the equipment is ready for operations, and safety mechanisms are in place 7. deal promptly and effectively with problems within your control and report those that cannot be solved 8. ensure that work records are completed, stored securely and available to others, as per organisational requirements 9. leave the work area in a safe condition on completion of the activities, as per organisational and legal requirements |
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
1. the specific safety precautions to be taken whilst carrying out the activities (including any specific legislation, regulations or codes of practice relating to the activities, equipment or materials) 2. the health and safety requirements of the work area and the activities, and the responsibility these requirements place on you 3. the hazards associated with the activities, and how to minimise them and reduce risks 4. the personal protective equipment and clothing (PPE) to be worn during the activities 5. the types of specifications that are used for the metal spraying operations 6. the assessment of the component to select its suitability for metal spraying (to include suitable methods of handling, correct methods of pre-treatment, the correct coating material to use, the most efficient and appropriate method of application) 7. the various metal spraying techniques that are used and their typical applications 8. the basic principles of operation of the metal spraying equipment being used 9. the surface preparations to be carried out on the materials, prior to spraying them 10. properties of metal sprayed deposits 11. why different materials and components require different metal spraying methods and spraying mediums to be used 12. the various metal spraying mediums and consumables that are used and their safe handling and storage requirements 13. how to set up and check that the metal spraying plant, equipment and mediums are fit for purpose 14. how to set and check that the equipment safety systems are adjusted and operating correctly 15. how to set and adjust the metal spraying parameters to ensure that the workpiece achieves the correct coverage and depth of coating 16. the operational procedures relevant to the particular metal spraying process being used and how these procedures can be varied to improve efficiency 17. methods of setting up the component to give optimal coating and freedom from distortion; the use of jigs/fixtures, manipulators and positioners 18. how to check that the machine functions to the required specification (running pre-production trials to prove that the installation is working satisfactorily) 19. the types of problems that can occur with metal spraying and how they can be rectified 20. the type of defects that can occur on the sprayed components, their causes and method of rectification and prevention 21. the effects of contaminants in metal spraying mediums 22. how to test the sprayed/coated components for specification compliance (to include mechanical measurement and non destructive testing (NDT) techniques) 23. the organisational quality systems used and the coating standards to be achieved 24. the extent of your own responsibility and whom you should report to if you have problems that you cannot resolve 25. how to access, use and maintain information to comply with organisational requirements and legislation |
Scope Performance
1. Set up thermal spraying equipment by carrying out all of the following activities: 1. use the correct issue of thermal spray process documentation and other related specifications 2. adhere to health and safety regulations, systems and procedures to realise a safe system of work 3. check that the equipment is in a safe and usable condition 4. clean all tools and equipment on completion of the spraying activities 5. leave the work area in a safe and clean condition 2. Prepare one of the following thermal spraying installations for production: 1. hand held equipment 2. manually operated machines 3. computer controlled machines 3. Prepare two of the following types of thermal spraying equipment for operation: 1. combustion wire (metal spray) process 2. combustion powder (powder flame spray and low velocity oxygen fuel) process 3. arc wire thermal spray process 4. plasma thermal spray process 5. high velocity oxygen fuel (HVOF) spray process 6. detonation gun thermal spray process 7. kinetic metallization (KM) thermal spray process 4. Set up the thermal spraying equipment and parameters, to thermal spraying procedure specification, to include setting all of the following, (as applicable to the type of installation): 1. nozzles (size, alignment, orientation, position) 2. igniters 3. electrodes (anode, cathode) 4. combustion gasses 5. wire mechanisms (contact tubes, feed mechanisms) 6. carrier gasses 7. powder delivery mechanisms 8. compressed air jets 9. feed rate 10. electrical conditions 11. cooling water 12. operating parameters 13. operational sequence (single or multiple stage) 14. loading and proving computer programs 5. Set the components to the correct position and alignment, by checking all of the following (as applicable to the type of equipment being used: 1. surface preparation and condition of surfaces, in accordance with the spraying specification 2. handling and loading equipment 3. workholding devices 4. transfer mechanisms 5. safety devices 6. Set up the equipment to carry out thermal spraying operations covering both of the following: 1. single stage treatment 2. multiple stage treatments 7. Set up the equipment and consumables to carry out thermal spraying operations on two of the following substrates: 1. ferrous steel 2. alloy steel 3. non-ferrous 4. plastics and composites 8. Set up the equipment to spray components using two of the following groups of materials: 1. pure metal powder or wires (such as aluminium, zinc, copper, nickel, brass, titanium, stainless and carbon steel) 2. metal alloy powders or wires (such as aluminium based, cobalt based, molybdenum and nickel based, iron based) 3. inconals 4. ceramics 5. tungsten and chrome carbides 9. Ensure the thermal spraying equipment is operating correctly and is ready for production, by producing trial runs and checking all of the following: 1. visual appearance of the coating 2. positional and dimensional accuracy of coated surface 3. correct depth of coating 4. machine settings are as specified 10. Solve production problems relating to all of the following: 1. machine performance 2. condition of components to be sprayed 3. consumables used |
Scope Knowledge
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Relevant Occupations
Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies, Manufacturing Technologies, Process Operatives, Process, Plant and Machine Operatives
SOC Code
Engineering; manufacturing; processing; preparing; thermal spray; equipment; combustion; arc; plasma; high velocity; oxygen fuel