Finishing materials by chromic acid anodising

Business Sectors (Suites): Materials Processing and Finishing Suite 3
Developed by: Enginuity
Approved on: 2020


This standard identifies the competencies you need to carry out chromic acid anodising of aluminium, in accordance with approved procedures. You will be required to access the appropriate specifications, to check that these are  the current issue and to extract all necessary information in order to carry out the anodising operations. You will be expected to prepare and adjust the processing solutions to give satisfactory anodised coatings at optimal productivity levels. You will be expected to identify any anodising defects and to carry out the necessary actions and adjustments to equipment and anodising solutions in order to correct them. You will need to carry out tests on the components to ensure that the anodised coating meets the specification requirements.

Your responsibilities will require you to comply with organisational policy and procedures for the chromic acid anodising activities undertaken and to report any problems with these activities or with the materials and equipment used, that you cannot personally resolve, or are outside your permitted authority, to the relevant people. You will be expected to work with a minimum of supervision, taking personal responsibility for your own actions and for the quality and accuracy of the work that you carry out.

Your underpinning knowledge will provide a good understanding of your work and will provide an informed approach to applying chromic acid anodising procedures. You will understand the anodising process and its application, in adequate depth to provide a sound basis for carrying out the activities, correcting faults and ensuring that the finished components are to the required specification. Your knowledge will also include effluent treatment for the waste streams from the anodising processes and associated pre-treatments.

You will understand the safety precautions required when carrying out the chromic acid anodising operations. You will be required to demonstrate safe working practices throughout and will understand the responsibility you owe to yourself and others in the workplace and towards the environment.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

1. work safely at all times, complying with health and safety legislation,  regulations, directives and other relevant guidelines 2. follow relevant job instructions and specifications 3. ensure the material surfaces to be treated are prepared for the finishing operations 4. check that the finishing equipment and treatment solutions are set up and maintained at required operating conditions and levels 5. carry out finishing according to operating procedures and to meet specifications 6. check that the treated workpiece achieves the required characteristics and meets the finishing specifications 7. deal promptly and effectively with problems within your control and report those that cannot be solved 8. ensure that work records are completed, stored securely and available to others, as per organisational requirements 9. leave the work area in a safe condition on completion of the activities, as per organisational and legal requirements

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

1. the specific safety precautions to be taken whilst carrying out the  activities (including any specific legislation, regulations or codes of practice relating to the activities, equipment or materials) 2. the health and safety requirements of the work area  and the activities, and the responsibility these requirements place on you 3. the hazards associated with  the activities, and how to minimise them and reduce risks 4. the personal protective equipment and clothing (PPE) to be worn during the activities 5.  the  types of specifications that are used for the anodising process 6. how to assess component to suitability for anodising (to include methods of handling method of pre-treatment, the most efficient and appropriate method of application) 7. the basic principles of operation of the anodising process plant and equipment 8. the limitations of component shape/geometry on the anodising process 9. the procedures to be followed for bonding preparation of unsealed films (the length of time between anodising and bonding) 10. advantages and disadvantages of work placement methods: jigs, wires, barrels/baskets 11. the importance of selecting the correct jigging fixtures with regard to the power consumption of titanium metal in chromic acid 12. how to set up and check that the anodising plant, equipment and solutions are fit for purpose 13. the preparation methods and techniques to be undertaken prior to the anodising process 14. the preparation methods and techniques for mixing process solutions and pre-treatment solutions, safely and correctly 15. how to carry out the anodising process and the sequence of operations that are required 16. the importance of the sealing process when anodising components 17. the importance of agitation to prevent uneven deposits and temperature layering and the various means of achieving this 18. the procedures for the transportation and storage of anodising materials 19. the importance of the cleanliness of the workholding and processing equipment 20. cleaning and maintenance procedures for process tanks and the working area 21. the surface treatments available and their characteristics and use (thickness, colour, suitability) 22. how to recognise anodising defects (jigging damage, gas entrapment, contact burns, electrolytic pitting, low film misser, absorption of dyes and pre-treatment damage) 23. the use of chromic acid anodising for crack detection and checking grain flow 24. how to correct anodising processing faults 25. the tools and equipment used in the activities and their calibration, care, preparation and control procedures 26. the procedures for dealing with waste materials and waste solutions safely and how to carry out effluent treatment 27. how to test coated components for specification compliance 28. how to remove poorly applied anodised films without damaging the substrate 29. how to control time, temperature and solution concentration accurately to maintain coating quality 30. the problems that can occur with the anodising operations and how these can be overcome 31. the extent of your own responsibility and whom you should report to if you have problems that you cannot resolve 32. how to access, use and maintain information to comply with organisational requirements and legislation


Scope Performance

1. Finish materials by chronic acid anodising, carrying out all of the following activities: 1. use the correct issue of drawings, process and other related specifications 2. adhere to health and safety regulations, systems and  procedures to realise a safe system of work 3. assess the work loading, power requirements, equipment and process capabilities 4. ensure that the equipment is correctly prepared for the anodising operations 5. ensure that any meters and gauges to be used are within their calibration periods 6. clean all tools and equipment on completion of the anodising  activities 7. complete the production documentation (condition/pre-treatment of substrates, coating material preparation, equipment settings, confirmation of standard of finish) 8. leave the work area in a safe and clean condition 2. Use one of the following techniques for locating work pieces during the anodising process: 1. hooks or wiring   2. jigs         3. baskets/barrel 4. strap and clamp 3. Adjust solutions or process settings to change two of the following anodising conditions: 1. temperature of anodising solutions  2. anodic processing time 3. concentration of constituents           4. presence of contaminants, including aluminium 5. voltage and anodising current plus three more from 6. temperature of chemical etches    7. effectiveness of rinsing 8. concentration of chemical etches   9. pre- and post-treatment timings 10. temperature of cleaners         11. raw water purity and a further two from: (not applicable to unsealed films) 12. temperature of dyes    13. pH (acidity/alkalinity) of seals 14. concentration of dyes     15. process timings (seals and dyes) 16. temperature of seals 4. Carry out two of the following activities: 1. dispose of spent solutions safely and correctly 2. clean out process tanks 3. prepare new anodising and pre-treatment solutions from basic constituents 5. Measure one of the following: 1. presence of anodised layer  2. thickness of anodised layer 3. sealing quality of anodised film 6. Check the anodised components for three of the following: 1. jigging damage 2. gas entrapment 3. contact burns 4. low film misser 5. electrolytic pitting 6. evidence of damage to the substrate (caused by pre-treatment) 7. absorption of dyes 8. leaching of chromic acid residue (crack detection) 7. Check coatings applied to components comply with one of the following quality and accuracy standards: 1. military or aviation standards 2. current industry standards and codes of practice 3.  international standards 4. company standards and requirements 5. customer standards and requirements

Scope Knowledge





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Relevant Occupations

Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies, Manufacturing Technologies, Process Operatives, Process, Plant and Machine Operatives

SOC Code



Engineering; manufacturing; processing; finishing; anodising; chromic acid; aluminium; parameters; methods