Casting metal using mechanical means
Business Sectors (Suites): Materials Processing and Finishing Suite 2
Developed by: Enginuity
Approved on:
This standard identifies the competences you need to use mechanical equipment to cast metal into prepared moulds, dies or shells, safely and in accordance with approved procedures. You will be required to select the appropriate equipment to use, based upon the type and amount of molten metal to be cast. The mechanical equipment used will provide lifting and transportation facilities for the molten metal, with manual operation of the pouring rate, or it will be of the fully automatic casting type. Both ferrous and non-ferrous alloys are covered in this standard. You will check that the moulds, dies or shells to be cast are positioned correctly and are bushed-up and secure. The condition of the casting ladles and any supporting/carrying frames, hooks chains or scales must be checked for defects that could affect the safe operation of carrying and pouring the metal. You will confirm who is to operate the lifting equipment and to assist in the casting and you will ensure, prior to the metal being collected, that they know which moulds, dies or shells are to be cast first. You will check the temperature of the molten metal in the source vessel or furnace, in accordance with procedures and confirm that the metal is suitable for purpose. You will collect the molten metal from the source vessel or furnace and skim the molten metal to remove impurities from the surface, or apply coagulant material to retain the impurities on the metal. The moulds/dies/shells will be cast in a safe manner, at the correct speed and in the correct order. On completion of casting, any surplus metal will be disposed of safely and correctly. You will shut down any mechanical equipment used to a safe condition, on completion of your shift. Your responsibilities will require you to comply with organisational policy and procedures for the casting activities undertaken. You will report any problems with the molten metal and equipment in use that you cannot personally resolve, or are outside your permitted authority, to the relevant people. You will be expected to work to verbal or written instructions. You will also take responsibility for the temperature of the molten metal and for using the correct techniques to cast the moulds, shells or dies with mechanical assistance. Your underpinning knowledge will be sufficient to provide a sound basis for your work and will provide an informed approach to the casting of moulds, dies or shells using mechanical means, taking the molten metal temperature and the collection and pouring of the metal into the moulds, dies or shells. You will understand the different types of metals in use and the different methods of disposing of surplus or non-conforming molten metal. You will also understand the reasons why any mechanical equipment used must be shut down at the end of a working period. You will understand the safety precautions required when carrying out the casting activities using mechanical means, especially those for transporting and pouring the molten metal. You will be required to demonstrate safe working practices throughout. You will also understand your responsibilities for safety and the importance of taking the necessary safeguards to protect yourself and others in the workplace. |
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
1. work safely at all times, complying with health and safety legislation, regulations, directives and other relevant guidelines 2. follow relevant work instructions and specifications for casting 3. confirm that the equipment is set up correctly and ready for the casting activities 4. maintain an adequate supply of base material 5. control the machine, safely and correctly in line with operational procedures 6. produce cast components to the required specification 7. carry out quality sampling checks at suitable intervals and check final castings meet specifications 8. deal promptly and effectively with problems within your control and report those that cannot be solved 9. ensure that work records are completed, stored securely and available to others, as per organisational requirements 10. leave the work area in a safe condition on completion of the activities, as per organisational and legal requirements |
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
1. the specific safety precautions to be taken whilst carrying out the activities (including any specific legislation, regulations or codes of practice relating to the activities, equipment or materials) 2. the health and safety requirements of the work area and the activities, and the responsibility these requirements place on you 3. the hazards associated with the activities, and how to minimise them and reduce risks 4. the personal protective equipment and clothing (PPE) to be worn during the activities 5. the used of different types of coagulants, inhibitors and controlled environments when casting molten metal and types of metal they may be used on 6. how to obtain the job instructions, and how to interpret their information 7. the automatic equipment used to cast moulds, dies or shells 8. why it is necessary to check the amounts of metal in ladles during the casting of a row of moulds or dies 9. why ladles are preheated, and the different fuels that are used 10. the different types of vessels used to hold ferrous and non-ferrous metal alloys 11. why the temperature of the molten metal should be taken prior to the transfer from holding ladle to pouring vessel 12. the actions you need to take if the molten metal is outside of the required temperature range 13. the organisational quality control checks required on the molten metal 14. the importance of keeping the ladles and metal handling equipment clean and free from damage, good housekeeping of tools and equipment and maintaining a clean and unobstructed working area 15. the checks to be carried out on the moulds/dies prior to casting (such as checking that clamps or weights are correctly positioned, downsprues are marked and pouring bushes/basins are in position, necessary filters are in place, and access to moulds is clear) 16. the defects in castings which can be directly related to using incorrect pouring technique, incorrect metal temperature, or untreated metal 17. the extent of your responsibilities and to whom you should report if you have problems that you cannot resolve when collecting, transporting, casting or disposing of molten metal 18. how to access, use and maintain information to comply with organisational requirements and legislation |
Scope Performance
1. Cast metal by mechanical means, carrying out all of the following activities: 1. confirm that the required mechanical equipment is available and is in a safe and usable condition 2. adhere to health and safety regulations, systems and procedures to realise a safe system of work 3. comply with job instructions and specifications 4. follow the defined casting procedures leave the work area in a safe condition on completion of the casting activities 2. Complete start-up checks, to include all of the following: 1. emergency stop controls are operational 2. visual display panels are operational 3. services/power supplies are connected and operational and start-up procedures are initiated 4. refer to any previous shift notes/reports and carrying out required actions 5. the ladle lining is in a safe condition and is complete and dry 6. any ladle pre-heating has been carried out 7. lifting/metal transfer and pouring equipment is available and operational 8. equipment required to maintain controlled environment is operational 3. Ensure that the moulds, dies or shells are complete and ready for casting, by checking all of the following: 1. clamps and/or weights are in position 2. downsprues are marked and pouring bushes/basins are in position and free from obstructions 3. any necessary filters are in place 4. access to the moulds/dies is clear 5. containers for surplus metal are prepared and positioned conveniently in relation to the mould/dies 4. Collect molten metal and carry out all of the following melt checks/procedures: 1. making temperature checks 2. skimming of melt to remove slag and other impurities 3. applying coagulant material (as appropriate to the melt) 4. using inhibitor materials or gas (as appropriate to the melt) 5. Transfer and pour molten metal into moulds, dies or shells, using one of the following methods: 1. manually controlling the flow rate 2. as a combined operation (pressure dies) 3. within a controlled furnace/casting environment 4. operating pre-set controls for metal flow 5. mechanically controlled flow rate 6. Produce castings from one of the following metals: 1. ferrous alloys 2. non-ferrous alloys 7. Cast metals into one of the following: 1. stationary moulds, dies or shells 2. moving moulds, dies or shells 8. Discharge molten metal, following organisational procedures to deal with all of the following: 1. acceptable metal into moulds or shells 2. non-conforming metal 3. surplus molten metal 9. Complete shutdown procedures, to include all of the following: 1. furnace 2. controlled environment 3. mechanical metal transfer units 4. lifting devices 10. Check castings comply with one of the following quality and accuracy standards: 1. company standards and procedures 2. current industry standards or codes of practice 3. international standards 4. customer standards and requirements ** ** |
Scope Knowledge
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Relevant Occupations
Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies, Manufacturing Technologies, Process Operatives, Process, Plant and Machine Operatives
SOC Code
Engineering; manufacturing; processing; casting; metal; mechanically; techniques; monitor melt; discharge