Inspect boat lifting and storage equipment

Business Sectors (Suites): Marine Engineering Suite 3
Developed by: Enginuity
Approved on: 2019


This standard identifies the competences you need to carry out a thorough examination and inspection of lifting and storage equipment used with boats and yachts in a marina environment.  Inspections will seek to check compliance with approved codes of practice, related to the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER). You will be required to identify the lifting equipment or accessories to be examined from the company register, and to establish the last date on which the equipment was examined, if not an initial examination, and to locate any relevant test certificates. You will be expected to examine the necessary lifting equipment and accessories, and to be able to identify any defects due to wear and tear or accidental damage to lifting equipment or accessories. You will be required to take the correct action in respect of reporting such defects, and for withdrawing the item from service.

Your responsibilities will require you to comply with organisational policy and procedures, in addition to those contained in the regulations, and you will be expected to work with a minimum of supervision taking, full responsibility for your own actions and for the quality and accuracy of your work.

Your underpinning knowledge will provide a good understanding of your work, and will provide an informed approach to applying inspection and examination procedures to lifting equipment and accessories. You will have a working knowledge of the relevant parts of the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER) and relevant safety procedures relating to the use of boat storage equipment, such as boat cradles and dry stack systems.  You will also have an understanding of defects, damage and wear and tear that can occur to equipment and accessories, together with knowledge of company procedures and legislation with regard to recording and reporting the necessary information.

You will understand the safety precautions required when carrying out the inspection operations. You will be required to demonstrate safe working practices throughout, and will understand the responsibility you owe to yourself and others in the workplace.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. work safely at all times, complying with health and safety and other relevant regulations and guidelines

  2. follow the correct specification for the product or boat storage equipment being inspected

  3. use the correct equipment to carry out the inspection
  4. identify and confirm the inspection checks to be made and acceptance criteria to be used
  5. carry out all required inspections as specified
  6. identify any defects or variations from the specification
  7. record the results of the inspection in the appropriate format
  8. deal promptly and effectively with problems within your control and report those that cannot be solved

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. health and safety legislation, regulations relating to safe working practices and procedures for lifting equipment (LOLER) and boat storage equipment
  2. the specific safety precautions to be taken when carrying out thorough examinations or inspections on lifting  and boat storage equipment and accessories

  3. how to obtain data and specifications of the equipment and accessories

  4. measuring equipment that would be used for examination of the equipment and accessories
  5. the timescale for examinations, and other circumstances when inspections must be carried out
  6. responsibilities of the person carrying out the examination with regard to reporting defects to employer
  7. the definition of a 'competent' person, in relation to LOLER
  8. how to draw up a scheme or schedule for examination of the equipment
  9. type of damage/defects likely in items such as textile slings, wire ropes, chains, pads used in boat lifting and storage operations
  10. type of damage/defects likely to occur in lifting and boat storage accessories (such as blocks, shackles, pads)
  11. the importance of a colour coding system with relation to examinations of lifting equipment and accessories
  12. the importance of the traceability of items of lifting equipment
  13. evidence of examination when lifting gear is transferred
  14. the effect of the environment on lifting and boat storage equipment
  15. the provision made for quarantining equipment to prevent further use
  16. completion of the equipment register, maintenance records and record of colour coding
  17. the extent of your own responsibility and whom you should report to if you have a problem that you cannot resolve


Scope Performance

1. Ensure all of the following prior to carrying out the inspection/examination:
1.1. items to be examined/inspected have been identified from the company register
1.2. any test certificates relating to the items have been located 
1.3. examinations have been planned to cause minimal disruption
1.4. any measuring/testing equipment has been checked, and is within current calibration dates
1.5. correct documentation has been obtained for recording the findings
1.6. a colour coding and/or tagging system for rigging equipment and accessories is implemented
1.7. all necessary people have been informed

2. Carry out a thorough examination of running gear on one of the following, to include condition and sufficiency of wire or fibre rope and the method of securing:
2.1. jib crane
2.2. mobile boat hoist
2.3. overhead crane/hoist
2.4. other specific equipment

3. Carry out a thorough examination of textile slings, wire ropes and chains, and identify four of the following common faults related to boat lifting equipment:
3.1. cuts in textile
3.2. textile abraded
3.3. textile stretched
3.4. excessive corrosion to chain
3.5. cracks in chain
3.6. deformation of chain or stretched links
3.7. broken wire in wire ropes
3.8. kinks in wire
3.9. flattening of wire on drum

4. Carry out a thorough examination of three of the following types of lifting equipment/accessories:
4.1. blocks and pulleys
4.2. bottle screws

4.3. eyebolts 
4.4. lifting hooks
4.5. chain blocks
4.6. swivels
4.7. rings

5. Complete two of the following checks relating to boat storage equipment:
5.1 damage to supporting pads
5.2 damage to bottle screws
5.3 damage to securing pins
5.4          damage to cradles 
5.5        condition of cradles (corrosion metal / rot wooden)
5.6        rot to cradles (wooden)
5.7          condition or damage to boat chairs

6. Complete all of the following documentation in line with organisational procedures,  in relation to lifting equipment and accessories:
6.1. company register of equipment (including ID number, description, cert number, date obtained, safe working load (SWL), working load limit (WLL))
6.2. report to the employer after thorough examination, including any defects found
6.3. details of colour coding and/or tagging
6.4. details of maintenance and repairs

Scope Knowledge




You will be able to apply the appropriate behaviours required in the workplace to meet the job profile and overall company objectives, such as:

  • strong work ethic
  • positive attitude
  • team player
  • dependability
  • responsibility
  • honesty
  • integrity
  • motivation
  • commitment



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Relevant Occupations

Marine Engineering Trades

SOC Code



Engineering; marine; inspect; lifting; equipment; LOLER; derricks; cranes; cradles; tripods