Specifying non-destructive testing instructions for inspection activities

Business Sectors (Suites): Non Destructive Testing,Engineering Technical Support Suite 3
Developed by: Enginuity
Approved on: 2021


This standard identifies the competences you need to determine and specify the non-destructive testing (NDT) instructions for inspection activities, in accordance with approved procedures. The non-destructive testing instructions are the chief working document, which controls the practical application of the prescribed method of testing. Using the established NDT requirements for the product to be tested, you will be expected to prepare the NDT Instructions covering preparation for testing, testing practice, resources required, safe working practices and restorative work required. Your work will be validated by others, before release to the testing personnel.

Your responsibilities will require you to comply with organisational policy and procedures for the specification of NDT instructions. You will report any problems that you cannot personally resolve, or that are outside your permitted authority, to the relevant people. You will be expected take personal responsibility for your own actions and for the quality and accuracy of the work that you undertake.

Your underpinning knowledge will provide a good understanding of your work, and will provide an informed approach to determining and specifying the NDT requirements. You will understand the principles and practices of the prescribed method of NDT, and have knowledge of the principles of the other common methods of NDT. An appreciation of the advantages and limitations of each method, in particular flaw detection capability, will be important as will a knowledge of the influence of materials of construction on the feasibility of testing. A working knowledge of relevant product technology is required, in particular that related to the incidence of manufacturing defects. An understanding of the role of quality management, and the monitoring of quality through the application of acceptance criteria will be required.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. work safely at all times, complying with health and safety legislation and other relevant regulations, directives and guidelines
  2. produce specifications that are clear and accurate and contain all relevant data
  3. produce specifications in formats that meet organisational and customer requirements
  4. ensure that codes and other references used in the specifications follow agreed conventions
  5. pass specifications on to the appropriate people according to the agreed schedule
  6. store specifications securely in the approved location
  7. make changes to specifications only within agreed control procedures

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. the relevant health and safety information and issues relating to non-destructive testing methods
  2. how to access the appropriate information on health and safety regulations and guidelines
  3. the implications of not taking account of legislation, regulations, standards and guidelines when specifying the NDT instructions
  4. an understanding of the various methods of non-destructive testing (to include liquid penetrant testing, magnetic particle inspection, ultrasonic testing and radiographic testing)
  5. the advantages and limitations of each method with respect to applications, sensitivity, flaw type location capabilities, flaw recognition, sizing and accuracy of measurements, and use for surface and volumetric testing
  6. how to obtain information on the NDT requirements, and the type of information that is available (such as customer order requirements and instructions, quality control requirements and the product specification)
  7. the factors which will affect the NDT method to be used (such as material type, manufacturing process/technology used, type of flaws expected, degree of accuracy required)
  8. the types of defect that are detectable using the various detection methods
  9. the level of defects that will be acceptable in the components, materials or structures
  10. the influence of the defects on the service/performance of the components, materials or structures
  11. how to identify the test objectives, and the type of data that should be included in the NDT instructions
  12. how to identify the acceptance criteria, and the product quality required to meet design criteria
  13. the development of the NDT procedures and instructions (to include both master documents and working instructions, along with their purpose, content and status)
  14. how to prepare the NDT instructions (to include the structure, style, clarity and compliance with relevant standards)
  15. the process used in the organisation to validate the NDT instructions
  16. the control procedure for ensuring that the instructions are maintained up to date
  17. a knowledge of the terminology used in NDT testing activities
  18. principles and practice of quality management systems, and the role of NDT within the quality system
  19. how to record the NDT instructions, and the format required by the organisation
  20. the type of information to be recorded, and where the records are kept
  21. the problems that can occur when specifying NDT instructions, and how they can be minimised
  22. the sources of technical expertise on NDT methods if you have problems that you cannot resolve
  23. the extent of your own authority, and whom you should report to in the event of problems that you cannot resolve


  1. Carry out all of the following when specifying the NDT instructions:
    1. use the correct issue of company information
    2. check that all essential information and data needed to specify the NDT instructions are available
    3. ensure that health and safety regulations and safe working practices are taken into account
    4. ensure that the influence of working conditions on technical performance, costs and timescales are taken into account when specifying the NDT instructions
    5. record and store the instructions in the correct formats and in the appropriate company system
  2. Produce specific NDT testing instructions for one of the following:
    1. penetrant flaw detection
    2. ultrasonic testing
    3. magnetic particle testing
    4. radiography
  3. Produce specific NDT testing instructions for one of the following product ranges:
    1. welded joints
    2. castings
    3. wrought products or materials (such as forged, rolled, extruded)
    4. cold formed products (such as by bending, pressing, rolling)
    5. heat treated components
    6. structures (such as airframes, lifting beams, pressure vessels)
    7. other specific products
  4. Develop the NDT instructions for the prescribed method, covering all of the following:
    1. objectives of the test(s)
    2. defect measurement techniques (where applicable)
    3. areas of product to be tested and their identification
    4. the testing plan to meet specified timescales
    5. environmental conditions
    6. equipment and consumables
    7. acceptance criteria
    8. equipment settings and calibration
    9. personnel certification requirements
    10. testing parameters
    11. references to applicable standards
    12. testing procedure(s) and technique(s)
    13. health and safety requirements and safe practice
    14. surface preparation of test areas
    15. restoration of product and work area
    16. datum and reference marking of test areas
    17. reporting/recording methods and procedures
  5. Produce specific instructions relating to the prescribed NDT method, covering one of the following:

Penetrant Flaw Detection – to include all of the following:

1. cleaning procedure for the test area
2. type and application of dye or fluorescent penetrant
3. washing and drying
4. use of specified developer
5. viewing conditions
6. temperature limitations
7. timescales for application of penetrant and developer

Magnetic Particle Testing – to include all of the following:
8. cleaning procedure for the test area
9. method of magnetisation
10. magnetisation parameters
11. type of magnetic ink
12. viewing conditions

Ultrasonic Testing –  to include all of the following:
13. scan type and procedure
14. probe types, size, angle and frequency
15. calibration of equipment and probes, using reference blocks
16. flaw size measurement technique

Radiography –  to include all of the following:
17. radiation source requirements
18. use of image quality indicators (IQI's)
19. source-to-film/detector distance
20. beam/product orientation
21. exposure times
22. image type (film or digital)
23. use of intensifying screens
24. safety/environmental requirements

  1. Produce the NDT instructions in one of the following forms, and store in the approved location:
    1. paper
    2. electronic

Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





Discontinuity – Any imperfection in the material / component / structure

Flaw – A significant discontinuity to be recorded but within specified limits and tolerances

Defect – A flaw outside specified limits and tolerances causing the material / component / structure to be non-compliant and rejected

Links To Other NOS

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Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Engineering, Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies, Engineering Technicians

SOC Code



engineering; technical; support; specifying; non-destructive; testing; magnetic particle; ultrasonic; radiography; procedures