Trying out and proving injection moulds

Business Sectors (Suites): Engineering Toolmaking Level 3
Developed by: Enginuity
Approved on: 2015


This standard identifies the competencies you need to carry out try-out and proving activities on injection moulding equipment, in accordance with approved procedures.  This will include moulds such as two plate, three plate, combination, split and unscrewing tools, which will produce components with undercut or without undercut (internal and external), cores, and threaded parts.  You will be required to check that the designated mould has been positioned and set up correctly in the injection moulding machine, and that any permit-to-work procedures have been completed.  You will also be required to ensure that the machine has safe access and is free from hazards, and that any necessary lifting and handling equipment, try-out/proving tools, consumables and site services are available, so that the try-out/proving can be carried out safely and efficiently.

You will be required to try out and prove all the machine operating conditions, to check and test that all the delivery/collection and safety systems are in place on the machine, and to confirm that they are operational.  You will be expected to apply a range of try-out and proving methods and techniques, to eliminate defects such as flashing, short shot, and distortion.

Your responsibilities will require you to comply with organisational policy and procedures for the try-out/proving activities undertaken, and to report any problems with these activities, or with the tools and equipment used, that you cannot personally resolve or are outside your permitted authority, to the relevant people.  You must ensure that all tools, equipment and materials used in the try-out/proving activities are removed from the work area on completion of the activities, and that all necessary job/task documentation is completed accurately and legibly.  You will be expected to work with a minimum of supervision, taking personal responsibility for your own actions and for the quality and accuracy of the work that you carry out.

Your underpinning knowledge will provide a good understanding of your work, and will provide an informed approach to applying try-out and proving procedures for injection moulding equipment.  You will understand the mould try-out and proving methods and procedures, and their application.  You will know how the machine and mould functions, the purpose of the individual components, and associated defects, in adequate depth to provide a sound basis for carrying out the try-out/proving activities, correcting faults and ensuring that the mould functions and produces components to the required specification.

You will understand the safety precautions required when carrying out the try-out and proving activities, especially those associated with delivery and collection systems, and for isolating the equipment.  You will also understand your responsibilities for safety, and the importance of taking the necessary safeguards to protect yourself and others in the workplace.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. work safely at all times, complying with health and safety and other relevant regulations, directives and guidelines
  2. confirm that the equipment is set up correctly and ready for the moulding activities to be carried out
  3. maintain an adequate supply of base material
  4. manipulate the machine controls safely and correctly, in line with operational procedures
  5. produce moulded components and check that they meet the required specification
  6. report any instances where the moulding activities cannot be fully met or where there are identified defects
  7. complete relevant trial records accurately and pass them on to the appropriate person
  8. shut down the equipment to a safe condition on conclusion of the moulding activities
  9. deal safely with excess materials in line with organisational procedures

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. the health and safety requirements of the area in which the mould try-out and proving activity is to take place
  2. the hazards and specific safety precautions to be taken when carrying out try-out and proving activities on injection moulding machines, and associated delivery and collection systems, and how they can be minimised 
  3. the emergency procedures that are in place to deal with a machine malfunction when working with injection moulding machines 
  4. the COSHH regulations relating to the materials used in the injection moulding activities (such as mould sprays, mould lubricants and moulding materials) 
  5. the importance of wearing protective clothing and other appropriate safety equipment (PPE) during the mould try-out and proving process
  6. how to obtain and interpret drawings, specifications, manufacturers' manuals and other documents needed in the process
  7. the basic parts and functions of injection moulding machines and moulds (such as mould location points; mould heating/cooling arrangements; machine controls; hydraulic, pneumatic and electricity supplies; material delivery and collection systems; guards and other safety devices) 
  8. the various types of mould tools that are used, and their typical applications
  9. why it is important to check the moulds for damage or other non-conformance, prior to try-out
  10. the different types of component delivery/collection systems that are used on plastic injection moulding machines
  11. the working purpose of individual components, and how they interact
  12. how to check that tools and equipment are free from damage or defect, are in a safe and usable condition, and are configured correctly for the intended purpose
  13. how to apply methods and techniques to enable and correct material flow
  14. the generation of try-out documentation and/or reports following try-out activity
  15. how to use lifting and handling equipment in the try-out activity
  16. the various machine operating parameters that require setting up (such as temperature, pressure, speed/timings and distance), and how these are achieved
  17. the effects that changes to these settings will have on the quality of the components produced
  18. the different types of materials used in the injection moulding process
  19. preparations to be carried out on the materials, in order to ensure that the completed components meet the required specification
  20. the temperature range of the material being moulded and the mould being used
  21. methods of checking the finished mouldings to ensure that they are to the required specification
  22. the methods and techniques involved in mould try-out and proving
  23. identification of moulding defects, their causes, and methods of prevention
  24. how to make adjustments to machine settings, to deal with defects such as flashing, short shot, distortion and colour problems
  25. why it is important to keep the injection moulding equipment clean and free from damage, to practice good housekeeping of tools and equipment, and to maintain a clean and unobstructed working area
  26. the problems associated with try-out/proving activity, and how they can be overcome
  27. the procedure to be adopted for the safe disposal of waste of all types of materials
  28. the extent of your own authority and whom you should report to if you have problems that you cannot resolve when setting up injection moulding machines


Scope Performance

1. Carry out all of the following during the mould try-out and proving activities:

    1. use the correct issue of company and/or manufacturer's drawings and documentation
    2. adhere to risk assessment, COSHH and other relevant safety standards
    3. use appropriate personal protective equipment
    4. provide safe access and working arrangements for the mould try-out/proving area
    5. ensure that all guards, screens and safety mechanisms are in place and operate correctly
    6. carry out the try-out/proving activities using appropriate techniques and procedures
    7. adhere to component inspection procedures throughout the mould try-out/proving
    8. leave the work area in a safe and tidy condition on completion of the activities


2. Carry out try-out and proving activities on two of the following types of injection moulds:

    1. two-plate tools
    2. three-plate tools
    3. combination/composite tools
    4. split tools
    5. unscrewing tools


3. Carry out try-out and proving on moulds which will produce two of the following:

    1. components without undercuts or side openings
    2. components with external undercuts or side openings
    3. components with internal undercuts
    4. components with internal and external undercuts


4. Prepare the machine for use, to include carrying out all of the following checks prior to undertaking mould proving:

    1. appropriate work permit/handover documentation has been issued
    2. check that mould tools are free from damage or defects, and are correctly and securely mounted
    3. inspect the mould for completeness
    4. check the freedom of all moving parts
    5. check the movement of ejector mechanisms
    6. all die/mould securing devices are activated and effective
    7. die/mould faces have been correctly prepared
    8. check all working clearances
    9. ensure that all machine services are connected and operational (such as water, electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic)
    10. set and check the mould tool heating and cooling arrangements
    11. check that appropriate die release agents are applied (where appropriate)
    12. set and check that the material feed systems are operating correctly
    13. check that the material is at the correct temperature (where appropriate)
    14. set and check that all machine safety mechanisms and features are operating correctly (such as guards, emergency stop)
    15. set the mould protection pressure safety conditions
    16. check and adjust the machine operating conditions to suit the moulds being produced


5. Try out and prove the mould using appropriate methods and techniques, to include three of the following:

    1. surface blueing
    2. hand grinding
    3. hand finishing
    4. polishing/stoning up
    5. material movement control
    6. specific part control


6. Make adjustments to the machine settings, to deal with three of the following component defects:

    1. flashing
    2. sagging
    3. short shot
    4. sticking
    5. distortion
    6. mismatch
    7. burning
    8. colour deviation


7. Ensure that the completed mould complies with all of the following:

    1. the mould meets the manufacturing specification
    2. components produced meet their specification requirements
    3. the mould meets organisational guidelines and codes of practice
    4. the moulds comply with appropriate regulations


8. Complete the sample/trial moulding operations, and carry out all of the following:

    1. completing all relevant documentation
    2. disposing of surplus material in line with company procedures
    3. closing down the machine and checking that all systems are safe

Scope Knowledge





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Relevant Occupations

Metal Machining, Fitting and Instrument Making Trades

SOC Code



Engineering; toolmaking; tryout; proving; injection; moulds; multi-plate; combinations; split plate; unscrewing