Configure engineering products, processes or facilities

Business Sectors (Suites): Engineering and Manufacture Suite 4
Developed by: Enginuity
Approved on: 2017


This standard identifies the competences you need to configure engineering products, processes or facilities, in accordance with approved procedures. This will involve liaising with customers to ensure that the configuration meets with their requirements. You will be responsible for planning and obtaining resources, monitoring that specifications are achieved, and evaluating, recording and communicating the results of the configuring process.

Your responsibilities will require you to comply with organisational policy and procedures for ensuring the successful configuration of engineering products, processes or facilities, and to report any problems that you cannot personally resolve, to the relevant authority. You will be expected to work unsupervised, either on your own or as part of a team, which you may lead or direct, taking full responsibility for your actions, and possibly for the work of colleagues or subordinates.

Your underpinning knowledge will provide a good understanding of general and discipline-specific engineering principles and processes. You will also be fully conversant with organisational procedures and systems, and will have a good understanding of the principles and processes of configuration. You will also understand problem solving methods and resource management techniques, in adequate depth to provide a sound basis for carrying out the activities to the required standard.

You will be fully aware of any health, safety and environmental requirements, and the appropriate legislative and regulatory frameworks applicable to your area of responsibility. You will be required to ensure that safe working practices are maintained throughout, and will understand the responsibility you owe to yourself and others in the workplace.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. work safely at all times, complying with health and safety, environmental and other relevant regulations, directives and guidelines
  2. follow all relevant setting-up and operating specifications for the product or asset being configured
  3. follow the defined procedures and configure the equipment correctly ensuring that all operating parameters are achieved
  4. deal promptly and effectively with problems within your control and report those that cannot be solved
  5. check that the configuration is complete and that the equipment operates to specification
  6. complete all relevant documentation accurately and legibly

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. the health, safety and environmental requirements applicable to the configuring activities, location and product/process/facility being configured
  2. the specific safety precautions to be taken when configuring engineering products, processes or facilities
  3. how to obtain details of which engineering products, processes or facilities require configuration
  4. the types of configuration methods applicable to different types of engineering products, processes or facilities
  5. how to obtain information on customer requirements
  6. engineering principles appropriate to the configuring of engineering products, processes or facilities
  7. the types of problem that could occur with the configuration, and how to solve them
  8. how to obtain information on resources
  9. how to determine the resources necessary for the configuration process
  10. how to determine the availability and suitability of resources
  11. the regulations, directives and guidelines that are applicable to the configuration activity
  12. how to obtain and interpret information on regulations, directives and guidelines
  13. the specifications and expected outcomes from the engineering products, processes or facilities being configured, and how to evaluate whether they are being achieved
  14. evaluation techniques for confirming that the configuring process is being carried out correctly
  15. the company systems for recording and communicating information
  16. the importance of using the company information systems
  17. the most appropriate ways of communicating the results of the configuration (to the customer and others)
  18. the extent of your own responsibility and to whom you should report if you have issues that you cannot resolve


Scope Performance

  1. Carry out all of the following during the configuring process:

    1. identify the customer's requirements for the configuration
    2. plan the most appropriate way to carry out the configuring
    3. determine and obtain suitable resources
    4. ensure and verify that the configuring process achieves the client requirements
    5. confirm that the configuring complies with relevant regulations, directives and guidelines
    6. record and communicate information on the configuring to appropriate people
  2. Consult with the customer to determine the configuring requirements for two of the following:

    1. production line
    2. process or flow line                                                             
    3. specification change
    4. process change                                                          
    5. equipment
    6. tooling
    7. product/system change
    8. storage
    9. software/hardware                                                         
    10. add or remove operations
    11. manufacturer agreed modifications                             
    12. other specific configuration
  3. Establish a plan to achieve three of the following customer requirements:

    1. timing plan                                                                 
    2. preparation of product, system or equipment
    3. identification of authorisation channels                        
    4. preparation of process
    5. environmental requirements                                       
    6. testing and/or trials
    7. configuring process                                                    
    8. handover process
  4. Determine and obtain three of the following resources:

    1. equipment                                
    2. plant                                         
    3. personnel
    4. facilities                                    
    5. components                              
    6. services
    7. finance                                     
    8. materials                                  
    9. other specific resource
  5. Ensure that the configuration complies with three of the following:

    1. organisational guidelines and procedures           
    2. recognised compliance agency/body's standards, directives or codes of practice
    3. equipment manufacturer's operating specification/range
    4. customer standards and requirements
    5. health, safety and environmental requirements            
    6. British, European or International standards or directives
  6. Monitor the configuration process to ensure that all of the following are achieved:

    1. correct implementation, to the agreed plan
    2. effective use of resources
    3. identification and solving of any problems that occur
  7. Record and communicate details of the configuration process to the appropriate people, using:

    1. a verbal report

plus one
2. electronic mail
3. computer-based presentation
4. computer generated report
5. specific company document
6. other appropriate media

Scope Knowledge



​Additional Information

You will be able to apply the appropriate behaviours required in the workplace to meet the job profile and overall company objectives, such as:

  • strong work ethic
  • positive attitude
  • team player
  • dependability
  • responsibility
  • honesty
  • integrity
  • motivation
  • commitment



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Version Number


Indicative Review Date






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Relevant Occupations

Corporate Managers and Senior Officials, Engineering, Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies, Functional Managers

SOC Code



Engineering; leading; design; process; maintenance; quality; customer; function; features; objectives; manufacturing; installation; commissioning; testing; carrying out; problems; specifications; quality; research; evaluate; configure; products