Specify risk reduction methods and procedures

Business Sectors (Suites): Engineering and Manufacture Suite 4
Developed by: Enginuity
Approved on: 2017


This standard identifies the competences needed for specifying methods and procedures for reducing the risks of accidents associated with engineering products and processes within your organisation. You will be required to specify the appropriate methods and procedures to carry out a risk reduction activity, and to determine the resources required. In addition, you will be expected to identify and utilise opportunities to promote the further implementation of risk reduction methods.

Your responsibilities will require you to comply with organisational policy and procedures for risk reduction, and to report any problems that you cannot personally resolve to the relevant authority. You will be expected to work unsupervised, either on your own or as part of a team, which you may lead or direct, taking full responsibility for your actions, and possibly for the work of colleagues or subordinates.

Your underpinning knowledge will provide a good understanding of general and discipline-specific engineering principles and processes. You will be fully conversant with organisational procedures and systems, and will have an understanding of resource management, risk analysis and risk assessment, in sufficient depth to enable you to carry out your activities to the required standard.

You will be fully aware of any health, safety and environmental requirements, and the appropriate legislative and regulatory frameworks applicable to your area of responsibility. You will be required to ensure that safe working practices are maintained throughout, and will understand the responsibility you owe to yourself and others in the workplace.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. work safely at all times, complying with health and safety and other relevant regulations, directives and guidelines
  2. obtain accurate details of the risks
  3. select the most effective methods to reduce risks
  4. identify the resources that are necessary to implement the risk reduction methods
  5. identify the activities required to implement the risk reduction methods
  6. specify clearly the procedures for implementing the risk reduction methods
  7. ensure that the risk reduction methods and procedures comply with all relevant regulations, directives and guidelines
  8. utilise opportunities to promote the implementation of the risk reduction methods
  9. record the risk reduction methods and procedures in the appropriate information systems

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. how to obtain details of the potential risks, and of any risk analyses previously conducted
  2. the risk reduction methods that could be used
  3. how different types of equipment can be used for different risk reduction methods
  4. the activities that are required for the implementation of risk reduction methods
  5. how to obtain information on the resources required for the risk reduction
  6. how to determine the internal and external resources necessary
  7. how to ensure the availability and suitability of resources
  8. the person or people who will be carrying out the risk reduction procedures
  9. the different ways in which to specify procedures for different groups of people
  10. what to include in the procedures, and the level of detail required
  11. the regulations, directives and guidelines that are relevant to the risk reduction activities
  12. how to obtain and interpret information on regulations, directives and guidelines
  13. the company systems for recording information
  14. the importance of using the appropriate company information systems
  15. the extent of your own responsibility and to whom you should report if you have problems that you cannot resolve


Scope Performance

  1. Obtain existing risk analysis information for two of the following engineering activities:

    1. design
    2. manufacturing (such as machining, fabrication, welding, material finishing or manufacture, assembly, joining)
    3. design
    4. research
    5. product or system installation
    6. commissioning
    7. decommissioning or recycling
    8. environmental or sustainability
    9. operational processes (such as movement of materials and logistics)
    10. maintenance practices (such as preventative, corrective, predictive, reactive or prevention)
    11. processing operations
    12. service supplies (such as gas, water, electricity)
    13. engineering support functions (such as procurement, quality assurance, inspection, testing, scheduled safety audits and risk assessments, business improvement)            
  2. Consider the effect and cost of changes or improvements on six of the following:

    1. materials used                                                           
    2. operational instructions/procedures
    3. the operational process                                              
    4. workplace environment/sustainability
    5. health and safety
    6. equipment, systems or related technologies                                                                 
    7. work patterns
    8. personal protective equipment (PPE)                          
    9. system reliability
    10. training and development                                                                       
    11. quality of products or services
    12. logistics
    13. marketing/branding
    14. employee downtime
    15. staff availability                                                     
    16. other specific factor
  3. Specify or use three of the following resources necessary to implement risk reduction methods:

    1. process or operation expertise                                    
    2. auditing and monitoring services
    3. additional personnel                                                   
    4. external expertise
    5. HSE or similar expert help                                          
    6. regulations, directives and guidance documentation
    7. engineering design/research or similar expertise                       
    8. company policy advice
    9. human resources (HR) personnel department information                               
    10. other specific resource
  4. Specify risk reduction methods that take into account all of the following:

    1. health and safety requirements and appropriate codes of practice
    2. the potential for further risks occurring
    3. data gathering
    4. revised management procedures
    5. when to implement risk reduction actions
    6. prioritisation and decision making
    7. consideration of interim effects on the process
    8. recording of risk analysis data
    9. other specific factor
  5. Ensure that risk reduction methods and procedures comply with three of the following:

    1. organisational guidelines and procedures           
    2. recognised compliance agency/body's standards, directives or codes of practice
    3. equipment manufacturer's operating specification/range                                                                                      
    4. customer standards and requirements
    5. health, safety and environmental requirements            
    6. British, European or International standards or directives
  6. Record and communicate the risk reduction methods and procedures to the appropriate people using:

    1. a verbal report

plus one from the following:
2. computer-based presentation
3. electronic mail
4. specific company document
5. computer generated report
6. other appropriate media

Scope Knowledge



​Additional Information

You will be able to apply the appropriate behaviours required in the workplace to meet the job profile and overall company objectives, such as:

  • strong work ethic
  • positive attitude
  • team player
  • dependability
  • responsibility
  • honesty
  • integrity
  • motivation
  • commitment



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Version Number


Indicative Review Date






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Relevant Occupations

Corporate Managers and Senior Officials, Engineering, Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies, Functional Managers

SOC Code



Engineering; leading; design; process; maintenance; quality; customer; function; features; objectives; manufacturing; installation; commissioning; testing; carrying out; problems; specifications; quality; research; evaluate; risk; reduction; methods