Schedule engineering activities
This standard identifies the competences you need to schedule engineering activities, in accordance with approved procedures. The range of engineering processes could include manufacturing operations, installation, production, maintenance, engineering support functions or other activities, such as performance measurement or business improvement. You will be expected to identify relevant methods, processes, procedures and resources, and to issue engineering schedules. You will also be able to demonstrate how to deal with any scheduling difficulties that arise.
Your responsibilities will require you to comply with organisational policy and procedures for the successful implementation of engineering activities, and to report any problems that you cannot personally resolve to the relevant authority. You will be expected to work unsupervised, either on your own or as part of a team, which you may lead or direct, taking full responsibility for your actions, and possibly for the work of colleagues or subordinates.
Your underpinning knowledge will provide a good understanding of general and discipline-specific engineering principles and processes. You will be fully conversant with organisational procedures and systems. You will understand scheduling, resource management, and project planning and management, in adequate depth to provide a sound basis for carrying out the activities to the required standard.
You will be fully aware of any health, safety and environmental requirements, and the appropriate legislative and regulatory frameworks applicable to your area of responsibility. You will be required to ensure that safe working practices are maintained throughout, and will understand the responsibility you owe to yourself and others in the workplace.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- work safely at all times, complying with health and safety and other relevant regulations, directives and guidelines
- confirm the activities and resources that are required to achieve the engineering methods and procedures
- identify the most suitable sequence of activities
- schedule the time and resources available for undertaking the activities
- ensure that schedules are capable of meeting all relevant requirements
- incorporate new schedules into the engineering process with minimal disruption
- identify potential difficulties and produce appropriate contingency plans
- ensure that schedules comply with all relevant regulations, directives and guidelines
- specify clearly the schedules and record them in the appropriate information systems
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- the health and safety and environmental requirements applicable to the engineering schedule
- how to interpret engineering schedules
- how to obtain information on the processes to be scheduled
- the different types of engineering activities, methods and processes
- how different engineering activities relate to each other
- how to determine the time and resources required for different types of engineering activity
- the factors that should be accounted for when scheduling time and resources
- the potential disruption that can be caused through the implementation of new engineering schedules
- methods and techniques for dealing with engineering difficulties
- the approved techniques for the scheduling of engineering activities
- how to develop contingency plans
- the company systems for recording information
- the importance of using the company information recording systems
- reporting procedures, documentation, and their application
- whom to inform of actions taken, and by what means
- how to obtain and interpret legislative and regulatory documentation
- how to obtain and interpret company policy and procedures
- the extent of your own responsibility and to whom you should report if you have problems that you cannot resolve
Scope Performance
Carry out all of the following when scheduling operational activities:
- refer to any existing schedules that may be appropriate
- determine the engineering activities to be scheduled
- identify applicable engineering methods, processes and procedures (including any specific sequencing requirements)
- identify and schedule time and resources
- review the schedule, and develop contingency plans to eliminate any difficulties
- ensure that the schedule complies with all relevant regulations, standards and guidelines
- communicate the schedule to all relevant people
Schedule engineering activities for one of the following:
- manufacturing (such as machining, fabrication, welding, material finishing or manufacture, assembly, joining)
- design
- research
- product or system installation
- commissioning
- decommissioning or recycling
- environmental or sustainability
- operational processes (such as movement of materials and logistics)
- maintenance practices (such as preventative, corrective, predictive, reactive or prevention)
- processing operations
- service supplies (such as gas, water, electricity)
- engineering support functions (such as procurement, quality assurance, inspection, testing, scheduled safety audits and risk assessments, business improvement)
Establish requirements for one of the following:
- equipment/component/system capacity or capability
- equipment/component/system performance
- equipment/component/system life cycle
- maintenance and repair
- people performance
- people capacity or capability
- product or process quality
- supplier capacity or capability
- business support function capacity or capability
Obtain data for engineering activities from three of the following:
- management
- design office
- industrial engineering
- client
- plant engineering
- process engineering
- quality engineering
- suppliers
- purchasing
- safety engineering
- technical data, charts, reference tables or manuals
- production engineering
- company information system
- human resources (HR) personnel
- external technical consultants/experts
Prepare and review schedules of resources, including four of the following:
- personnel
- equipment
- materials
- skills required
- facilities
- finance
- time
Confirm that schedules meet requirements, or produce a contingency plan, including one of the following:
- agree revised requirements with management/client
- obtain additional/alternative resources
- change timescales in agreement with management/clients
- recommend a change to the process
- reschedule
- other specific change
Ensure that schedules comply with three of the following:
- organisational guidelines and procedures
- recognised compliance agency/body's standards, directives or codes of practice
- equipment manufacturer's operating specification/range
- health, safety and environmental requirements
- customer standards and requirements
- British, European or International standards or directives
Report and communicate schedules to the appropriate people, using:
- verbal report
plus one from the following:
2. electronic mail
3. computer-based presentation
4. computer generated report
5. specific company document
6. other appropriate media
Scope Knowledge
Additional Information
You will be able to apply the appropriate behaviours required in the workplace to meet the job profile and overall company objectives, such as:
- strong work ethic
- positive attitude
- team player
- dependability
- responsibility
- honesty
- integrity
- motivation
- commitment