Rectifying faults in escalators

Business Sectors (Suites): Engineering Maintenance Suite 3
Developed by: Enginuity
Approved on: 2021


This standard identifies the competences you need to rectify faults on escalators, in accordance with approved procedures. This will involve rectifying faults in cases of breakdowns, and will include faults in steps, chain assemblies, control equipment, safety equipment, combs, gearbox, motors, hand rails, guide system, skirting, and ancillary equipment. Components to be replaced will include motors, pumps, switches, sensors, control boards, and `lifed' items, such as grease and oil. You will also be expected to check the repaired escalator and to confirm its correct function. You will be required to select the appropriate tools and equipment to use, based upon the operations to be performed and the equipment to be repaired (which could be either escalator or passenger conveyor equipment).

Your responsibilities will require you to comply with organisational policy and procedures for the fault rectification activities undertaken, and to report any problems with the fault rectification activities, tools or equipment used that you cannot personally resolve, or that are outside your permitted authority, to the relevant people. You must ensure that all tools, equipment, and materials used in the maintenance activities are removed from the work area on completion of the activities, and that all necessary job/task documentation is completed accurately and legibly. You will be expected to work with minimal supervision, taking personal responsibility for your own actions, and for the quality and accuracy of the work that you carry out.

Your underpinning knowledge will provide a good understanding of your work, will and provide an informed approach to applying repair and rectification procedures on escalator equipment. You will understand the operation of the escalator equipment, and its application, and will know about the repair and rectification procedures, in adequate depth to provide a sound basis for carrying out the activities, correcting faults and ensuring that the repaired escalator operates safely and correctly, to the required specification, and remains compliant with all standards and regulations.

You will understand the safety precautions required when carrying out the repair activities, especially those for isolating the equipment. You will be required to demonstrate safe working practices throughout, and will understand your responsibility for taking the necessary safeguards to protect yourself and others in the workplace.

Performance criteria

You must be able to:

  1. work safely at all times, complying with health and safety legislation and other relevant regulations, directives and guidelines
  2. follow the relevant maintenance schedules to carry out the required work
  3. carry out the maintenance activities within the limits of your personal authority
  4. rectify faults in the specified sequence and in an agreed timescale
  5. report any instances where the maintenance activities cannot be fully met or where there are identified defects outside the planned schedule
  6. complete and store all relevant maintenance documentation in accordance with organisational requirements
  7. dispose of waste materials in accordance with safe working practices and approved procedures and leave the work area in a safe condition

Knowledge and Understanding

You need to know and understand:

  1. the health and safety requirements of the area in which you are carrying out the rectification activities, and the responsibility they place on you
  2. the specific safety precautions to be taken when carrying out the rectification of faults on escalator equipment
  3. the isolation and lock-off procedures or permit-to-work procedure that applies
  4. the importance of wearing protective clothing and other appropriate safety equipment (PPE) during the rectification process; the type of equipment to be used, and where to obtain it
  5. hazards associated with carrying out rectification work on escalators (such as handling oils/greases, stored pressure/force, electrical contact, using faulty or damaged tools and equipment, using practices/procedures that do not follow laid-down procedures), and how to minimise them and reduce any risks
  6. what constitutes a hazardous voltage and how to recognise victims of electric shock
  7. how to reduce the risks of a phase to earth shock (such as insulated tools, rubber matting, isolating transformers)
  8. where to obtain, and how to interpret, drawings, circuit diagrams, specifications, manufacturers' manuals and other documents needed in the rectification process
  9. the principles of operation of the equipment being rectified
  10. the various procedures for replacing or adjusting faulty equipment
  11. how to evaluate the various types of information available for fault diagnosis (such as user reports, monitoring equipment, sensory inputs, machinery history records, operation of the escalator)
  12. the tools and equipment that can be used in fault rectification (such as mechanical measuring instruments, electrical measuring instruments)
  13. how to that check tools and equipment (such as mechanical measuring instruments, electrical measuring instruments) are calibrated or configured correctly for the intended use, and are free from damage and defects
  14. the correct and safe procedure to be adopted for the disposal of waste of all types of material
  15. how to relate previous reports/records of similar fault conditions
  16. how to prepare a report which complies with the organisational policy on fault rectification
  17. the extent of your own responsibility and to whom you should report if you have problems that you cannot resolve


  1. Carry out all of the following during the rectifying faults activity:

    1. verify that the fault exists
    2. plan and communicate the activities to cause minimal disruption to normal operation
    3. use permit-to-work procedures and/or sign-on/off procedures
    4. obtain and use the correct issue of organisational and/or manufacturers' drawings and documentation
    5. adhere to procedures or systems in place for risk assessment, COSHH, personal protective equipment and other relevant safety regulations and procedures to realise a safe system of work
    6. ensure the safe isolation of equipment (such as mechanical, electricity)
    7. provide and maintain safe access and working arrangements for the area
    8. follow the approved maintenance schedule for rectifying faults in escalators
    9. carry out the activities using appropriate techniques and procedures
    10. return the escalator to service on completion of activities
    11. ensure that any potential defects are identified and reported for future action
    12. dispose of waste materials in accordance with safe working practices and approved procedures leave the work area in a safe condition
  2. Rectify faults in all of the following escalator equipment:

    1. control equipment      
    2. guide system                
    3. brake equipment
    4. gearbox                   
    5. balustrade/skirt equipment      
    6. comb plate and step mechanism
    7. motor
  3. Repair and/or replace all of the following escalator equipment components:

    1. steps                      
    2. control panel    
    3. step band                
    4. motor
    5. chains                         
    6. combs                       
    7. skirting                    
    8. brakes
    9. handrail                    
    10. step rollers
  4. Make adjustments to all of the following:

    1. handrail tensions      
    2. skirting clearances 
    3. guiding systems       
    4. gearbox backlash
    5. chain assemblies        
    6. safety devices
  5. Ensure that the maintained equipment meets all of the following:

    1. contractual drawing                                          
    2. customer standards
    3. British and/or European standards                     
    4. organisational procedures and schedules
    5. equipment manufacturer's operating range           
    6. legal requirements
  6. Complete and store all relevant maintenance documentation in accordance with organisational requirements, using one of the following:

    1. job cards
    2. servicing log or report
    3. permit to work/formal risk assessment and/or sign-on/off procedures
    4. organisational-specific documentation
    5. electronic records

Scope Performance

Scope Knowledge





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Version Number


Indicative Review Date






Originating Organisation


Original URN


Relevant Occupations

Maintenance Engineer

SOC Code



Engineering; manufacturing; maintenance; escalators; fault rectification; steps; chain assembly; control equipment; safety equipment; motors