Handing over and confirming completion of maintenance activities
This standard identifies the competences you need to hand over equipment that has been repaired, or on which some form of maintenance activity has taken place, and to confirm that the equipment is now ready to return to service. Following the maintenance activity, you will be required to, either set up the equipment and hand it over to another person to complete the required start-up procedures, or complete the run-up operation yourself, ensuring that the equipment is ready for operation before handover. This will involve checking that all the required equipment and safety devices are operable and correctly set and/or calibrated, and that the equipment functions safely and correctly to the required specification.
On handing over the equipment, you will be expected to highlight any new, current or changed operating features of the equipment, and to inform the appropriate person of any future maintenance requirements. You must also ensure that you receive confirmation that everyone involved in the handover accepts that the maintained equipment is in a satisfactory condition to return to service.
Your responsibilities will require you to comply with organisational policy and procedures for the handover activities undertaken, and to report any problems with the handing over procedure that you cannot personally resolve, or that are outside your permitted authority, to the relevant people. You will be expected to work with minimal supervision, taking personal responsibility for your own actions, and for the quality and accuracy of the work that you carry out.
Your underpinning knowledge will provide a good understanding of your work and will provide an informed approach to applying maintenance handover procedures. You will understand the equipment being handed over, and its application, and will know about the operating procedures and potential problems, in adequate depth to provide a sound basis for carrying out the activities safely and correctly.
You will understand the safety precautions required when carrying out the maintenance activities, especially those for isolating the equipment. You will be required to demonstrate safe working practices throughout and will understand your responsibility for taking the necessary safeguards to protect yourself and others in the workplace.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- work safely at all times, complying with health and safety legislation and other relevant regulations, directives and guidelines
- confirm that everyone involved accepts the equipment is in a satisfactory condition for handover to take place
- clearly identify any unusual features of the condition of the equipment
- carry out the handover procedures and obtain agreement between everyone involved on the precise moment of transfer of responsibility
- deal promptly and effectively with problems within your control and report those that you cannot solve
- complete and store all relevant handover documentation in accordance with organisational requirements
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- the health and safety requirements of the area in which the handover is to take place, and the responsibility they place on you
- the isolation and lock-off procedure or permit-to-work procedure that applies to the equipment being maintained
- the specific health and safety precautions to be applied during the handover procedure, and their effects on others
- the importance of wearing protective clothing and other appropriate safety equipment (PPE) whilst operating/using the equipment during the handover operations and where it may be obtained
- the checking process to be followed before handing over the equipment (such as are the safety and quality systems operable, does the equipment function to specification, all tools and components accounted for)
- the appropriate handover procedure, depending on the maintenance activity carried out (repair, modification, preventative maintenance, scheduled servicing)
- the procedure for involving the appropriate people when operating/using the equipment
- the need to highlight, where appropriate, any new, current or changed operating features of the maintained or installed equipment
- the importance of informing the appropriate person of any future maintenance requirements
- the need to confirm that the other person understands how to use/operate the equipment before handing the equipment over to them
- the need to ensure that the person you are handing over the equipment to accepts that it is in a satisfactory condition
- the organisational documentation procedures to be used with regard to the handover
- how to create and maintain effective working relationships with appropriate people (such as encouraging, helping, politeness, open discussions both ways
the problems that can occur during handover, and how they can be overcome (such as product/equipment failure, quality issues, safety or communication)
the extent of your own authority and to whom you should report if you have problems that you cannot resolve
Confirm that the equipment is ready for handover by carrying out all the following checks, as applicable to the equipment being handed over:
- the maintenance activity has been completed, all tools/components are accounted for and the equipment functions to specification
- all safety systems or features are functioning correctly
- any waste materials, safety barriers and warning signs have been removed (where appropriate)
- any auxiliary systems or equipment involved are connected and operable
- any environmental controls are operable (where appropriate)
- others involved in using the equipment are aware that the equipment is about to be operated/used
Carry out correct handover procedures for one type of equipment/service from the following:
- manual
- process/control
- conveying equipment
- semi-automatic
- computer controlled
- fully automatic
- engineering services
- other specific equipment
Carry out all of the following during the handover procedures:
- operate/use the maintained equipment through a complete cycle in the presence of the appropriate person
- confirm that the other person accepts that the equipment functions satisfactorily to specification
- highlight to the appropriate person any modifications that would result in unusual features in the operating procedure (where applicable)
- inform the appropriate person of any future maintenance activities that may be required (where applicable)
- obtain agreement from the other person that they now accept responsibility for the equipment to be returned to service
- complete any necessary handover documentation
- confirm the other person knows how and who to contact for future maintenance requirement
Carry out handover procedures to one of the following:
- production/process operator
- maintenance supervisor
- supervisor of production/process
- other specific person
Carry out the handover following two of the following maintenance activities:
- breakdown
- scheduled servicing
- preventative maintenance activity
- modification to equipment
Complete and store all relevant handover documentation in accordance with organisational requirements, using one of the following, and pass it to the appropriate people:
- job card
- company-specific documentation
- maintenance log or report
- other handover documentation
- electronic reports