Installing data acquisition systems to motorsport vehicles
This standard identifies the competences you need to install data acquisition systems to motorsport vehicles, in accordance with approved procedures. You will be required to use appropriate installation drawings, specifications and documentation to install the various types of data acquisition equipment which will include data logging systems, radio/data transmission/recording; monitoring of chassis/aerodynamics systems (such as stress, vibration, performance signals), lap/position monitoring, audio visual systems, engine data systems, test and development data transfer systems and specialist systems such as Global Positioning System (GPS).
You will be required to select the appropriate tools, materials and equipment to use, based on the operations to be performed and the components to be installed You will be expected to correctly position, align and secure the components in the correct locations, using the specified or appropriate techniques and fastening devices. The components will include strain gauges, accelerometer mounting blocks and amplification video cameras, event position indicators, potentiometers and transducers, instrumentation, inertial reference unit (IRUs) and rotational speed sensors. In addition, you will be expected to make all necessary electrical connections to the equipment, and apply appropriate screening techniques as is appropriate to the equipment being installed. The installation activities will include making all necessary checks and adjustments to confirm the installation has been completed to the specification requirements.
Your responsibilities will require you to comply with organisational policy and procedures for the installation activities undertaken, and to report any problems with the activities, tools or equipment used that you cannot personally resolve, or that are outside your permitted authority, to the relevant people. You must ensure that all tools, equipment and materials used in the installation activities are removed from the vehicle on completion of the work, and that all necessary job/task documentation is completed accurately and legibly.
You will be expected to work with a minimum of supervision, taking personal responsibility for your own actions and for the quality and accuracy of the work that you carry out. The installation activity may be carried out as a team effort, but you must be able to demonstrate a significant personal contribution to the installation activities in order to satisfy the requirements of the standard. Competence in all the areas required by the standard must be demonstrated.
Your underpinning knowledge will provide a good understanding of your work, and will provide an informed approach to applying appropriate installation procedures for motorsport vehicle data acquisition systems. You will know about the equipment being installed, its installation requirements, its correct function and any associated problems. You will also understand the installation methods and procedures used, and their application, in sufficient depth to be able to carry out the installation activities, to identify and correct any faults, and to ensure that the installed equipment is to specification.
You will understand the safety precautions required when carrying out the installation activities, especially those for ensuring safe isolation of equipment. You will also understand your responsibilities for safety, and the importance of taking the necessary safeguards to protect yourself and others in the workplace.
This standard does not involve maintenance/repair type activities, such as removal and replacement of existing equipment, or the installation of simple, self-contained items that have minimal installation requirements.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- work safely at all times, complying with health and safety and other relevant regulations, directives and guidelines
- follow all relevant drawings and specifications for the installation being carried out
- use the correct tools and equipment for the installation operations and check that they are in a safe and usable condition
- install, position and secure the equipment and components in accordance with the specification
- check that all necessary connections to the equipment are complete
- deal promptly and effectively with problems within your control and report those that cannot be solved
- check that the installation is complete and that all components are free from damage
- ensure that work records are completed, stored securely and available to others, as per organisational requirements
- leave the work area in a safe condition on completion of the activities, as per organisational and legal requirements
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- the specific safety precautions to be taken whilst carrying out the activities (including any specific legislation, regulations or codes of practice relating to the activities, equipment or materials)
- the health and safety requirements of the work area and the activities, and the responsibility these requirements place on you
- the hazards associated with the activities, and how to minimise them and reduce risks
- the personal protective equipment and clothing (PPE) to be worn during the activities
- how to access and interpret drawings, wiring diagrams, standards, quality control procedures and specifications used for the installation of motorsport vehicle data acquisition equipment (including current industry standard and code of practice schematics, wiring regulations, symbols and terminology)
- how to carry out currency/issue checks on the specifications you are working with
- how to identify the various motorsport vehicle data acquisition equipment units and components to be installed
- the basic principles of operation of the motorsport vehicle data acquisition system components and circuits being installed, and the purpose of individual modules/components, software and hardware
- how software can potentially affect hardware operations
- the assembly and installation techniques to be used, and the importance of adhering to these procedures
- how to mark out, drill and prepare holes for mounting and securing the components and cables including fitting cable protection devices
- the techniques used to position, align, adjust and secure the components to the motorsport vehicle without damage and according to their use
- the various mechanical fasteners that will be used and their method of installation (open and blind rivets, threaded fasteners, adhesives and special securing devices)
- the use of anti-vibration mountings
- the use of seals/sealant and adhesives to prevent moisture ingress, and the precautions that need to be taken
- the different types of cabling and their application (multicore cables, single core cables, screened cables, co-axial and tri-axial cables, data/communications cables, fibre optics)
- the importance of correct routing and securing of the motorsport vehicle data acquisition equipment components
- the techniques used to terminate electrical equipment and components (free plugs and sockets, crimped cable end fittings, soldered fittings, screwed and clamped connections)
- the importance of applying electrostatic discharge (ESD) procedures when working on sensitive equipment or devices
- methods of attaching markers/labels to components or cables to assist with identification
- the tools and equipment used in the installation activities (such as the use of cable stripping tools, crimping tools, soldering irons)
- how to conduct any necessary checks to ensure the system integrity, functionality, accuracy and quality of the installation
- the quality control procedures to be followed during and after the installation operations
- how to check that tools and equipment are free from damage or defects, and are in a safe, tested and usable condition
- the importance of ensuring that the completed installation is free from dirt, swarf and foreign object damage and of ensuring that any exposed components, looms and wiring are correctly covered/protected.
- why electrical bonding is critical, and why it must be both mechanically and electrically secure
- the tools and equipment used in the installation activities, and their calibration and care procedures
- how to recognise installation defects and the procedures to correct them
- problems with assembly and installation of motorsport vehicle data acquisition systems, and the importance of informing the appropriate people of non-conformances
- the procedure for the safe disposal of waste materials
- the importance of marking and identifying specific pieces of work in recording documentation
- the extent of your own responsibility and to whom you should report if you have problems that you cannot resolve
Scope Performance
Carry out all of the following activities during the installation:
- obtain clearance to work on the vehicle, and observe all relevant isolation and safety procedures
- obtain and use the appropriate documentation (such as job instructions, installation drawings, vehicle manuals, specifications, quality control documentation)
- adhere to procedures or systems in place for risk assessment, hazardous substances, personal protective equipment and other relevant safety regulations and procedures to realise a safe system of work
- provide safe access and working arrangements for the work area, and ensure that any appropriate environmental conditions can be met
- use approved installation techniques and procedures at all times
- where appropriate, apply electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection procedures
- ensure that components and surrounding structures are maintained free from damage and foreign objects
- return all tools and equipment to the correct location on completion of the activities
- dispose of waste items in a safe and environmentally acceptable manner
- leave the vehicle data acquisition system in a condition ready for testing
- leave the vehicle and work area in a safe and appropriate condition and free from foreign object debris
Install data acquisition equipment on one of the following types of motorsport vehicle:
- single seater
- kart
- rallying
- historic
- sports car
- other specific approved competition vehicle
Install three of the following types of motorsport vehicle data acquisition systems:
- data logging system
- transmission data transfer systems
- chassis/aerodynamics data transfer system
- speed/position data transfer system
- audio/visual data transfer systems
- engine data transfer systems
- test/development data transfer systems
- digital data links
Install the following data acquisition system component:
- pressure sensors (such as fuel, oil, brake)
Plus five more from the following:
2. accelerometer and associated pre-amplifiers
3. video cameras
4. control position potentiometers and indicators
5. GPS systems
6. linear voltage displacement transducers (LVDT)
7. temperature sensors (such as surface, air or immersed probes)
8. lambda sensors
9. strain gauge components
10. controllers
11. potentiometers
12. rotational speed sensors
13. event position Indicators
14. instrumentation (IRUs)
Apply appropriate installation methods and techniques to include ten of the following:
marking out of location positions for components or modules
making mechanical/screwed/clamped connections
- drilling and preparing holes for fasteners
- crimping terminations (such as tags and pins)
- preparing holes in bulkheads or panels for wires/cables
- terminating co-axial/tri-axial cables
- positioning and securing equipment and components using mechanical fixings
- soldering connections
- carrying out earth bonding
- routing and securing component wires and cables to avoid chafing and damage
- stripping cable insulation/protection
- adding cable end fittings
- terminating cables to installed components using free plugs and sockets
- attaching suitable cable identification
- carrying out appropriate adjustments to units and components
- sealing and protecting cable connections (such as heat shrinking, fitting protection devices and boots)
Carry out checks on the installed data acquisition equipment, to include all of the following:
- visual checks for completeness and freedom from damage
- security of all installed components
- torque setting fasteners (where appropriate)
- that all installed connectors are secure
- integrity of earth bonding
- correct polarity of all cables and connections
- continuity of cables and components
- cable routeing is correct and secure
Check installations comply with one of the following:
- race associations current legislation, industry standards, codes of practice and procedures
- vehicle manufacturers specification
- customer standards and requirements
- team/company standards and procedures
- specific vehicle requirements