Forming pipework for motorsport vehicles
This standard identifies the competences you need to bend and form pipes using hand and machine bending equipment, in accordance with approved procedures. You will be required to select the most appropriate type and size of machine/equipment to use, based on the pipe size, type and bending operations to be performed. in producing the components, you will be required to operate the equipment safely and correctly, and this will include cutting the pipes to the required lengths using saws or pipe/tube cutting machines, bending pipes using hand or hydraulic bending machines or power operated equipment such as presses, the use of heating techniques to aid the bending process, and the use of templates or set wires to check bend profiles.
You will be expected to bend and form the pipe to the required profile without flats or deformations, and this will include bending at right angles, bending to other angles, producing offsets, producing multiple and compound bends and curved sections. The type of pipe to be bent and formed will include ferrous, non-ferrous and special/exotic materials.
Your responsibilities will require you to comply with organisational policy and procedures for the pipe bending and forming activities undertaken, and to report any problems with the equipment, materials or pipe bending activities that you cannot personally resolve, or that are outside your permitted authority, to the relevant people. You will be expected to work with a minimum of supervision, taking personal responsibility for your own actions and for the quality and accuracy of the work that you carry out.
Your underpinning knowledge will provide a good understanding of your work, and will provide an informed approach to applying pipe bending and forming procedures using hand bending equipment and machines. You will understand the pipe bending and forming activities used, and their application, and will know about the bending and forming equipment and techniques, in adequate depth to provide a sound basis for carrying out the activities, correcting faults, and ensuring that the work output is completed to the required specification.
You will understand the safety precautions required when carrying out the pipe bending activities, and when using the associated tools and equipment. You will be required to demonstrate safe working practices throughout, and will understand the responsibility you owe to yourself and others in the workplace.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- work safely at all times, complying with health and safety and other relevant regulations, directives and guidelines
- confirm that the equipment is set up correctly and is ready for use
- manipulate the machine controls safely and correctly in line with operational procedures
- carry out quality sampling checks at suitable intervals
- check the completed components meet the required specification
- deal promptly and effectively with problems within your control and report those that cannot be solved
ensure that work records are completed, stored securely and available to others, as per organisational requirements
leave the work area in a safe condition on completion of the activities, as per organisational and legal requirements
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- the specific safety precautions to be taken whilst carrying out the activities (including any specific legislation, regulations or codes of practice relating to the activities, equipment or materials)
- the health and safety requirements of the work area and the activities, and the responsibility these requirements place on you
- the hazards associated with the activities, and how to minimise them and reduce risks
- the personal protective equipment and clothing (PPE) to be worn during the activities
- how to extract and use information from engineering drawings and related specifications (to include symbols and conventions to current industry standards and codes of practice)
- how to carry out currency/issue checks of the specifications you are working with
- how to interpret first and third angle drawings, imperial and metric systems of measurement, workpiece reference points and system of tolerancing
- the principles and methods of marking out pipework, and the type of equipment used (direct marking, use of templates, use of set wires) marking out conventions applicable to the bending process (centre lines, bending lines)
- how to prepare the pipes in readiness for the marking out activities (visually checking for defects, cleaning the materials, removing burrs and sharp edges, and the correct packing of sand)
- methods of holding and supporting pipework during the marking out activities, and the equipment that can be used
- allowances to be made in the marking out, for bending or the assembly of the various fittings that will be used
- the characteristics of the various materials that are to be used in the bending operations, and why some materials may require the addition of heat to aid the bending process
- the methods used to bend and form the pipe (the use of hand bending machines, hydraulic bending equipment, sand bending, power operated equipment and heating methods)
- how to prepare and set up the equipment for a range of different bends (angled bends, curved sections, compound sections and straightening of sections)
- ways of limiting distortion, wrinkles, marking and creases in the finished workpiece
- the problems that can occur with the bending and forming activities, and how they can be avoided
- the tools and equipment used in the cutting, bending and forming process
- the organisational quality control procedures that are used, and how to recognise defects in the bends that you produce
- how to make dimensional and forming inspection checks, and the tools and equipment that can be used
- the recording documentation to be completed for the pipe bending and forming activities undertaken and, where appropriate, the importance of marking and identifying specific pieces of work in relation to the documentation
- the extent of your own responsibility and to whom you should report if you have problems that you cannot resolve
- how to access, use and maintain information to comply with organisational requirements and legislation
Scope Performance
Carry out all of the following during the pipe forming and bending activities:
- obtain and use the appropriate documentation (such as job instructions, pipe work drawings, quality control documentation)
- adhere to procedures or systems in place for risk assessment, hazardous substances, personal protective equipment and other relevant safety regulations and procedures to realise a safe system of work
- select suitable bending equipment and check that it is in a safe and usable condition
- obtain suitable formers for the type and size of pipe to be bent/formed
- ensure that pipes are free from damage, foreign objects, dirt or other contamination before forming them
- use safe and approved pipe bending and forming techniques and procedures at all times
- dispose of waste materials in accordance with approved procedures
- return all tools and equipment to the correct location on completion of the activities
- leave the work area in a safe and appropriate condition on completion of the activities
Form pipework to be used in one of the following types of motorsport vehicle.
- single seater
- kart
- motorcycles (such as circuit and off road)
- rallying
- historic
- sports car
- other specific approved competition vehicle
Mark out the pipework using two of the following methods:
- direct marking using tapes and markers
- producing and using set wires
- set-outs of pipework using templates
- set-outs of pipework onto floor
Bend and form two of the following types of pipe:
- ferrous pipe
- non-ferrous pipe
- special/exotic steel pipe
Cut and prepare the pipework using two of the following:
- pipe cutting machine
- power saw
- abrasive discs
- gas cutting equipment
Bend and form the pipe using two of the following methods:
- hand operated manual bending machines
- sand bending
- hydraulic operated bending machines
- heating methods
- powered pipe bending machines
- power operated equipment (such as presses)
- CNC bending machines
- pipe/tube swaging/flaring equipment
Produce pipework forms that include three of the following:
- right angled bends
- offsets
- multiple bends
- angular bends
- compound bends
- curved sections
Bend and form pipework for four of the following motorsport components:
- roll cages/hoops
- exhaust pipes
- brake pipes
- frames
- hydraulic pipes
- chassis tubes
- coolant pipes
- breather pipes
- oil pipes
- other specialised motorsport pipes/tubes
Check pipe bends and forms comply with all of the following:
- meet drawing, specification, template or job requirements
- meet customer requirements
- have the required dimensional accuracy within specified tolerances
the form or sharpness of the bend conforms to best practice and/or specification, without deformation or cracking
the bend conforms to the required shape/geometry