Check, mark and record cargo
1. identify the type, condition and quantity of cargo
2. confirm that relevant documentation is complete and accurate, and is in line with the labelling of the cargo
3. identify and mark cargo legibly, using marking materials and methods suited to the cargo type, condition and quantity
4. report and record any observed or reported missing items or damage to cargo and deal with any damage or problems with the cargo and any discrepancies with the documentation, reporting any difficulties which are outside your level of responsibility to the responsible person
5. identify any cargo in a hazardous condition, and implement relevant health and safety procedures, recording the incident in accordance with standard operating procedures
6. obtain all relevant information regarding the movement of cargo,
7. maintain confidentiality and keep information secure
8. maintain accurate, up to date and legible records of all information relevant to the operation being undertaken
9. fulfil customers’ requirements covering the maintenance or records regarding the movement and storage of their cargo
10. address any difficulties in recording and retrieving information
11. ensure that cargo is stable prior to it being secured
12. identify, assess and use lashing/securing points of adequate strength for the forces to be applied when securing the cargo
13. secure cargo using the appropriate securing devices and equipment, with all securing devices positioned and tensioned taking into account its type, weight and dimensions, customer requirements and the prevailing weather conditions
14. check and brace cargo
15. see where customer requirements differ from own assessment of the lashing/securing points required, and secure cargo according to instructions from own supervisor
16. secure cargo using methods within own level of responsibility
17. report any difficulties in securing cargo to the responsible person
18. monitor the activities and whereabouts of individuals within the vicinity of the securing operations, and take immediate and appropriate actions to address dangerous situations
19. identify the load to be slung, including its type, weight centre of gravity and dimensions
20. confirm that the lifting gear, method and materials selected for the lifts are suitable, fit for purpose and free from defect
21. report any defective gear to the responsible person
22. confirm that the load is stable prior to it being slung
23. follow an agreed lifting plan that has been produced by a competent person according to organisation procedures
24. attach lifting gear, and confirm that the support, balance and securing of the load complies with the requirements of the lifting plan, and that the gear will not damage the load during lifting
25. report any difficulties in slinging loads to the responsible person
26. confirm that lifting equipment and attachments are safe for use before beginning the lifting operation
27. position yourself so that you have a safe and unobstructed view of the lifting equipment operator at all times, when using hand signals
28. determine the conditions under which a second signaller would be required to ensure unobstructed hand signal communication during a lift
29. ensure that all of your communications, by hand and radio, comply with protocol and agreed procedures
30. interpret the signals and messages from the lifting equipment operator and act upon these immediately
31. confirm the safe conclusion of a lifting operation to the lifting equipment operator
32. monitor the activities and whereabouts of individuals and vehicles within the vicinity of the lifting operation
33. respond, to requests for the removal or inspection of cargo in line with organisation procedures
34. identify cargo units to be unloaded, confirming that door locks and seals are intact, and ensuring that the units are positioned in areas designated for de-vanning prior to commencing de-vanning operations
35. ensure that refrigerated cargo unit power supplies are disconnected according to procedure prior to the unit being moved
36. implement your organisation’s procedures for safe opening of and access into cargo units
37. inspect the position of the cargo, recording any damage
38. unload cargo according to agreed procedures, in line with organisation’s requirements, with full cooperation given to the authority requesting the work
39. check with the relevant authority whether emergency equipment/ services are required, before segregating cargo
40. ensure that emergency equipment/services required for a segregation operation are in place before transferring the required cargo to an appropriate inspection site
41. reload and secure cargo according to organisational procedures, taking into account the cargo type, limitations of the cargo unit, and safe weight distribution principles
42. use loading and access equipment which is compatible with the cargo
43. seal loaded cargo units in accordance with legislative requirements
44. report any difficulties, and faults in equipment and materials
45. collate all required documentation for cargo being received / stored / despatched
46. confirm that the documentation is complete and matches the quantity and condition, referring any discrepancies to the responsible person
47. ensure that there is adequate and appropriate storage area and capacity available for cargo being delivered / despatched, and that loading arrangements are appropriate and available
48. ensure cargo is located and positioned safely in line with organisation procedures before loading or unloading begins
49. store cargo in areas suited to the type, characteristics and quantity of cargo to be stored
50. meet agreed customer requirements unless directed otherwise by a responsible person
51. ensure cargo is stored such that it can be accessed readily and is not obstructing other normal operations
52. ensure handling equipment used in loading / unloading is operated safely in accordance with standard operating procedures
53. check consignments received against order and delivery documentation to confirm that the quality, quantity and condition of the cargo is acceptable, identifying and referring any discrepancies
54. maintain records relating to the receipt / storage / despatch of cargo, ensuring that these are up to date and complete
55. monitor the condition of stored cargo regularly, recording and reporting any damage or deterioration in its condition
56. ensure that racking or shelving is in good condition and is suited for the cargo being stored
57. report any problems with racking or shelving to the responsible person
58. ensure working areas are kept clean, tidy and free from obstructions and hazards
59. confirm that loads are suitable and safe for lifting manually, including assessing their weight, before beginning any lift
60. identify the content of loads from the labelling and international symbols provided
61. ensure that where loads contain hazardous goods, that the relevant safety precautions are identified and followed
62. clear any obstructions on the route prior to undertaking a lift
63. use lifting and handling techniques in line with organisational procedures at all times when handling loads manually
64. use handling equipment in line with manufacturer’s instructions and organisational procedures, taking due care to avoid damaging the load at all times
65. report any damage and difficulties in handling loads
66. guide drivers of vehicles manoeuvring in operational areas using pre-agreed signalling methods
67. monitor areas when guiding vehicle drivers, using clear signalling to communicate with all relevant personnel
68. keep working areas clear of obstructions
69. implement controls to prevent the movement of the vehicle and trailer before unhitching trailers
70. operate trailer legs in accordance with standard procedures
71. operate air suspension trailers
72. use associated equipment according to manufacturer’s instructions, procedures, and the operation and vehicle requirements
73. connect, and disconnect, units with plug-in requirements
74. maintain own health and safety at all times
75. monitor all activities and the whereabouts of individuals and vehicles within the vicinity of your operations, and take immediate and appropriate actions to address dangerous situations
76. establish the nature of the cargo to be handled
77. identify and assess the potential hazards
78. prepare the quay area according to own organisation’s procedures ensuring that all obstructions and hazards are removed, relevant safety systems are available and operating properly and that cordons and warning signs are in place as specified in the safe system of work
79. ensure that all appropriate precautions are in place, including identifying the safety and emergency shutdown procedures
80. identify the equipment required and confirm that it is available and operating according to organisation standards before handling the cargo
81. confirm the destination of the cargo and that there is adequate storage capacity available for the cargo expected, before beginning handling operations
82. establish and maintain clear contact with all others involved in the operation, agreeing the protocol for transferring the cargo prior to beginning handling operations
83. connect pipelines, assembling flanges and gaskets, and lining up valves
84. confirm that all connections are leak-free by conducting pressure tests before moving the cargo
85. monitor the pipelines for leaks throughout the operation
86. identify and address any difficulties in accordance with operational procedures
87. confirm that upon completion of the transfer, it is safe to disconnect pipelines by checking back pressures
88. ensure that pipelines are cleaned and disconnected
89. store disconnected pipelines, hoses and gantries in good condition and in accordance with operational procedures
90. clean any residues and spillages within own level of responsibility
91. notify a competent person of any residue or spillage outside of your own level of responsibility to clean
92. ensure quay areas are left clean, tidy and free of obstructions
93. maintain up to date records of cargo transferred