Reduce noise at woodworking machines
Business Sectors (Suites): Health and Safety in Wood Occupations
Developed by: Proskills
Approved on:
This standard covers the skills and knowledge required to reduce noise at woodworking machines.
It includes:
- controlling noise
- implementing noise control measures
- implementing engineering controls
Loud noise at work can cause hearing damage as well as causing other safety risks such as difficulties with communication and not being able to hear warning signals, or approaching plant or machinery.
The woodworking industry is one of the noisiest working environments. Noise levels can vary widely between machines depending on their use.
Performance criteria
You must be able to:
- carry out suitable and sufficient risk assessments in line with health and safety regulations and legislation
- take action to prevent or reduce risks to health and safety from noise at work following health and safety regulations and legislation
- apply the principles of good practice for the control of exposure to noise
- consult relevant colleagues when assessing risks and making decisions about control measures
- provide employees with hearing protection following health and safety regulations and legislation
- mark hearing protection zones following health and safety regulations and legislation
- carry out health surveillance following health and safety regulations and legislation
- implement noise control measures following health and safety regulations and legislation
- implement engineering controls following health and safety regulations and legislation
- check workplace exposure limits have not been exceeded following health and safety regulations and legislation
- consider factors affecting noise levels when designing working practices following health and safety regulations and legislation
- check personal hearing protection is used following health and safety regulations and legislation
Knowledge and Understanding
You need to know and understand:
- relevant health and safety legislation and regulations
- harm that noise can cause
- why it is necessary to control noise
- principles of good practice for the control of noise
- exposure action values
- hearing protection available
- health surveillance
- noise control measures
- engineering controls to reduce noise exposures
- factors affecting noise levels when using woodworking machines
Scope Performance
Scope Knowledge
Links To Other NOS
External Links
Version Number
Indicative Review Date
Originating Organisation
Original URN
Relevant Occupations
Carpenter and Joiner, Construction Operatives, Furniture Makers and Other Craft Woodworkers, Health and Safety Managers, Paper and Wood Machine Operatives
SOC Code
8121; 5442; 5315; 5319; 3567
noise; hearing; testing; protection